Mavlink (Micro Air Vehicle Link) is a protocol for unmanned vehicle (drone / rover). It is used to communication with the mobile from the ground control station or companion computer. This repository aims to provide an easy explanation on Mavlink, how to communication with a Pixhawk and link useful resources.
The proposed code is used to control a small rover equiped with Pixhawk2 from a companion computer (Raspberry3) in C++ using mavlink v2.
Finally, if your project can be done in python, I recommend using the dronekit library, which is very complet and easy to use, you can still use the resources to get a better understanding of mavlink protocol.
The first experience with Mavlink - Ardupiplot - Mission planner can be difficult but I hope this documents will help you. If you see any mistake or want to help please feel free to push any change.
- STX: Packet start sequence
- LEN: Payload length ( 0 - 255)
- SEQ: sequence number for each component to detect packet loss
- SYS: System ID. The system ID is of the SENDING system.
- COMP: Component ID. The Component ID is the identifier of the message target inside the autopilot. I only used 1 component, but if you had component to your pixhawk (Gimbal - ToF sensor) you can specify the target. COMP = 0 for broadcast in the autopilot.
- MSG: Message - command ID. Mavlink assigns an unique ID for a command (list)
- PAYLOAD: size depends on the specific commands and number of parameters
- CKA - CKB: check sum
If you want to design your own mavlink message communication program, you will need to ensure the following step:
- Ensure connectivity with the vehicle: UART - UDP - TCP
- Receive data from the vehicle:
- Parse incoming data: mavlink_parse_char byte-to-byte basis
- Handling the message: mavlink_decode decode message based on the message ID
- Example: 1) heartbeat to get all setting information 2) Other requested data
- Send data to vehicle
- Format a new mavlink message structure with target id / command id / parameters...
- Pack and write the message to the communication port: mavlink_finalize_message
The best (only) official example for C++ mavlink message is c_uart_interface_example. It shows a complete solution to control an autopilot, but it may looks a bit complicated (at least for me). So I only used the structure and the serial communication functions.
compile with g++ -I mavlink/include/mavlink/v2.0 class_rover_test.cpp serial_port.cpp rover.cpp -o class
int main()
// Create a rover:
Rover roverA;
// Set to guided mode:
printf("Setting guide mode...\n");
printf("\nDone! Arming the rover...\n");
printf("\nDone! Ready to go...\n");
roverA.setAngleSpeed(30, 0.4);
I recommend to search on both Ardupilot - Mavlink command list to make sure the message is supported by ardupilot, that there is no format change and for a better understanding of the message. For example:
- Multi-thread for receiving-sending
- Generate local way point
- Battery monitoring message