Authors: Geesara Kulathunga, Hany Hamed, Dmitry Devitt, Roman Fedorenko and Alexandr Klimchik
Complete videos: Checking the tracking accuracy without considering obstacles, Checking the behaviour in a challenging environment test1, test2, Working with dynamic obstacles test1,test2, Testing on a simulated environment, Estimating mean computation time or run-time.
- Docker container
- Prerequisites
- Building with ROS
- Running the trajectory tracker
- Running the trajectory tracker in a docker container
- Test dataset
Follow the instructions in trajectory-tracker/docker_compose
These instructions assume you have the necessary tools and dependencies for building the project without Docker
The project is developed and tested on Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic for DJI and PX4. Following external libaries are needed before running trajectory tracker
Installing CasADi and IPOPT
Installing CNPY
Installing PX4
Once you installed all the prerequisites, clone this repository to the catkin workspace and try to build
git clone
cd ../
catkin build
roslaunch drone_sim sim.launch
roslaunch state_machine take_off.launch
roslaunch state_machine fsm_trajectory_tracker.launch
roslaunch state_machine px4_reg.launch
Use docker/
script for installing and running the docker container,
- Commands:
- run start docker environment.
- start start docker environment.
- enter enter docker environment.
- stop stop docker environment.
Here, all the necessary external libraries are installed or it is ready to use. The catkin workspace /root/catkin_ws/src/HagenPlanner
files which located at hagen_planner/state_machine/data/
consists of 100 different paths. Each of those paths is discribed by a set of waypoints, i.e., 4 to 16. Start and end waypoint are guranteen not to be within the obstacles. On the other hand, intermediate waypoints cloud be inside or partically within the obstacles. In order to generate the octomap and point cloud of a simulated world in Gazebo you may use this script in this repo. Each row of waypoints_all.csv
is expressed in the following format:
path_id, world_number, waypoint_1_x, waypoint_1_y, waypoint_1_z, ..., waypoint_n_x, waypoint_n_y, waypoint_n_z
Some of the example trajectories:
Please cite at least one of our papers if you use this project in your research
- Optimization-Based Trajectory Tracking Approach for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles in Unknown Environments, Kulathunga, Geesara, et al., IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2022.
- Trajectory tracking for quadrotors: An optimization‐based planning followed by controlling approach., Kulathunga, Geesara, et al., Journal of Field Robotics 39.7, 2022.