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G0nzal0zz committed Jan 19, 2025
1 parent 8d39310 commit e701a1b
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions test/Codegen/ExprGen/DataValueSpec.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
module Codegen.ExprGen.DataValueSpec (spec) where

-- Add this import at the top of your file
import qualified Ast.Types as AT
import qualified Codegen.Codegen as CC
import qualified Codegen.Errors as CE
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified LLVM.AST as AST
import qualified LLVM.AST.AddrSpace as AS
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C
import qualified LLVM.AST.Global as G
import qualified LLVM.AST.Type as T
import qualified LLVM.AST.Typed as TD
import qualified Test.Hspec as H

spec :: H.Spec
spec = H.describe "DataValueSpec" $ do
H.context "Function wrapper" $ do
let wrapInFunction expr =
{ AT.funcLoc = sampleLoc,
AT.funcName = "test",
AT.funcType = AT.TFunction AT.TVoid [] False,
AT.funcParams = [],
AT.funcBody =
H.describe "generateArrayAccess" $ do "should generate acces to array field" $ do
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "array" (AT.TArray (AT.TInt 32) (Just 10)) (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LArray [AT.LInt 0]))),
AT.ArrayAccess sampleLoc (AT.Var sampleLoc "array" (AT.TArray (AT.TInt 32) (Just 10))) (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LInt 0))
let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

length blocks `H.shouldBe` 1

case L.find isGepInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.GetElementPtr {AST.address = a, AST.indices = i}) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.ArrayType 10 (T.IntegerType 32)
i `H.shouldBe` [AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)]
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a GetElementPtr instruction"

case L.find isLoadInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {AST.address = a, AST.volatile = v}) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.ArrayType 10 (T.IntegerType 32), T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
v `H.shouldBe` False
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a Load instruction"

case drop 1 (filter isLoadInstr instrs) of
(AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {AST.address = a, AST.volatile = v, AST.alignment = al} : _) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.ArrayType 10 (T.IntegerType 32), T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
v `H.shouldBe` False
al `H.shouldBe` 0
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a Load instruction"

case drop 2 (filter isLoadInstr instrs) of
(AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {AST.address = a, AST.volatile = v, AST.alignment = al} : _) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.IntegerType 32, T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
v `H.shouldBe` False
al `H.shouldBe` 0
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a Load instruction"

H.describe "generateStructAccess" $ do "should generate access to structure field" $ do
let structType = AT.TStruct "struct" [("field1", AT.TInt 32), ("field2", AT.TInt 32)]
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "struct" structType (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LStruct [("field1", AT.LInt 0), ("field2", AT.LInt 0)]))),
AT.StructAccess sampleLoc (AT.Var sampleLoc "struct" structType) (AT.Var sampleLoc "field1" (AT.TInt 32))
let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

length blocks `H.shouldBe` 1

case L.find isGepInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.GetElementPtr {AST.address = a, AST.indices = i}) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.StructureType False [T.IntegerType 32, T.IntegerType 32], T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
i `H.shouldBe` [AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0), AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)]
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a GetElementPtr instruction"

case L.find isLoadInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {AST.address = a, AST.volatile = v}) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.StructureType False [T.IntegerType 32, T.IntegerType 32], T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
v `H.shouldBe` False
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a second Load instruction"

case drop 1 (filter isLoadInstr instrs) of
(AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {AST.address = a, AST.volatile = v, AST.alignment = al} : _) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.IntegerType 32, T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
v `H.shouldBe` False
al `H.shouldBe` 0
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a third Load instruction"

H.describe "generateStructAccess" $ do "should generate access to structure field" $ do
let structType = AT.TStruct "struct" [("field1", AT.TInt 32), ("field2", AT.TInt 32)]
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "struct" structType (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LStruct [("field1", AT.LInt 0), ("field2", AT.LInt 0)]))),
AT.StructAccess sampleLoc (AT.Var sampleLoc "struct" structType) (AT.Var sampleLoc "field1" (AT.TInt 32))
let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

length blocks `H.shouldBe` 1

case L.find isGepInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.GetElementPtr {AST.address = a, AST.indices = i}) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.StructureType False [T.IntegerType 32, T.IntegerType 32], T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
i `H.shouldBe` [AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0), AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)]
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a GetElementPtr instruction"

case L.find isLoadInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {AST.address = a, AST.volatile = v}) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.StructureType False [T.IntegerType 32, T.IntegerType 32], T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
v `H.shouldBe` False
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a Load instruction"

case drop 1 (filter isLoadInstr instrs) of
(AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {AST.address = a, AST.volatile = v, AST.alignment = al} : _) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.IntegerType 32, T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
v `H.shouldBe` False
al `H.shouldBe` 0
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a second Load instruction" "should generate nested access to structure field" $ do
let structType = AT.TStruct "example" [("field", AT.TStruct "nestedStruct" [("nestedField", AT.TInt 8)])]
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "data" structType Nothing,
AT.StructAccess sampleLoc (AT.StructAccess sampleLoc (AT.Var sampleLoc "data" structType) (AT.Var sampleLoc "field" AT.TUnknown)) (AT.Var sampleLoc "nestedField" AT.TUnknown)
let blocks = generateTestBlocks funcExpr
let instrs = getInstructions blocks

case L.find isGepInstr instrs of
Just (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.GetElementPtr {AST.address = a, AST.indices = i}) -> do
TD.typeOf a `H.shouldBe` T.PointerType {T.pointerReferent = T.StructureType False [T.StructureType False [T.IntegerType 8]], T.pointerAddrSpace = AS.AddrSpace 0}
i `H.shouldBe` [AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0), AST.ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)]
_ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a GetElementPtr instruction" "should throw error if field does not exist" $ do
let structType = AT.TStruct "struct" [("field1", AT.TInt 32), ("field2", AT.TInt 32)]
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "struct" structType (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LStruct [("field1", AT.LInt 0), ("field2", AT.LInt 0)]))),
AT.StructAccess sampleLoc (AT.Var sampleLoc "struct" structType) (AT.Var sampleLoc "badField" (AT.TInt 32))
let expectedError = CE.CodegenError sampleLoc (CE.StructureFieldNotFound "badField")
testError expectedError funcExpr "should throw error if structure does not exist" $ do
let structType = AT.TStruct "struct" [("field1", AT.TInt 32), ("field2", AT.TInt 32)]
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.StructAccess sampleLoc (AT.Var sampleLoc "struct" structType) (AT.Var sampleLoc "badField" (AT.TInt 32))
let expectedError = CE.CodegenError sampleLoc (CE.VariableNotFound "struct")
testError expectedError funcExpr "should throw error if structure type is not valid " $ do
let structType = AT.TStruct "struct" [("field1", AT.TInt 32), ("field2", AT.TInt 32)]
let badStructType = AT.TInt 32
let funcExpr =
wrapInFunction $
[ AT.Declaration sampleLoc "struct" structType (Just (AT.Lit sampleLoc (AT.LStruct [("field1", AT.LInt 0), ("field2", AT.LInt 0)]))),
AT.StructAccess sampleLoc (AT.Var sampleLoc "struct" badStructType) (AT.Var sampleLoc "field1" (AT.TInt 32))
let expectedError = CE.CodegenError sampleLoc (CE.UnsupportedStructureAccess (AT.Var sampleLoc "struct" badStructType))
testError expectedError funcExpr
sampleLoc = AT.SrcLoc "test.c" 1 1

testError :: CE.CodegenError -> AT.Expr -> H.Expectation
testError expectedError expr = do
let testProg = AT.Program [("test", expr)] [] "test.c"
let result = CC.codegen testProg
case result of
Left error' -> do
error' `H.shouldBe` expectedError
Right _ -> H.expectationFailure "Expected a CodegenError, but codegen succeeded"

generateTestBlocks expr = case CC.codegen testProg of
Right mod' -> concatMap G.basicBlocks $ getDefinitions mod'
Left _ -> []
testProg = AT.Program [("test", expr)] [] "test.c"

getDefinitions mod' =
[f | AST.GlobalDefinition f@(AST.Function {}) <- AST.moduleDefinitions mod']

getInstructions blocks =
[i | G.BasicBlock _ instrs _ <- blocks, i <- instrs]

isGepInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.GetElementPtr {}) = True
isGepInstr _ = False

isLoadInstr (AST.UnName _ AST.:= AST.Load {}) = True
isLoadInstr _ = False

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