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Resources to run Minecraft servers on a Kubernetes cluster such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) on Google Cloud (GCP). Based on:


Follow, and:

gcloud beta --project=oasis-learn-study container clusters create-auto cluster1 --zone=europe-west4 --monitoring=SYSTEM,WORKLOAD
gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster1 --project=oasis-learn-study --region=europe-west4

pwgen -s 101 1 | kubectl create secret generic mc-vanilla --from-file=rcon=/dev/stdin
kubectl apply -f .
kubectl get service mc-router

You can connect to your Minecraft Server by mapping a hostname such as to the EXTERNAL-IP shown by the last command above in your local /etc/hosts file. You could also add a 2nd Minecraft server (which you also need to register in your local /etc/hosts file again e.g. as this, unless you have DNS) like this:

pwgen -s 101 1 | kubectl create secret generic test2 --from-file=rcon=/dev/stdin
sed 's/mc-vanilla/test2/g' vanilla.yaml | sed 's/' | kubectl apply -f -

If this doesn't work, the most likely explanation is that you've run out of quota, and need to edit to request more.


To troubleshoot & debug startup issues, use:

kubectl rollout status sts/mc-vanilla
kubectl describe pod mc-vanilla-0
kubectl logs -f mc-vanilla-0

kubectl logs -f mc-router-...

Fixed IP address

Navigate to and click Reserve to turn the Ephemeral External IP address of the mc-router service of type LoadBalancer into a fixed static IP, which you can use in a DNS entry. Further background e.g. on


You can use an RCON client such as rcon-cli to connect to the admin console: (But please note that the RCON protocol is not encrypted, meaning that your passwords are transmitted in plain text to the server. A future version of this project may include a more secure web-based admin console, instead.)

go get
rcon-cli --host= --port=25575 --password=(kubectl get secret mc-vanilla -o jsonpath={.data.rcon} | base64 --decode)

Stop & Delete

You can stop the server by scaling it down using (and back up with --replicas=1):

kubectl scale statefulset mc-vanilla --replicas=0

To tear down the entire cluster:

gcloud container clusters delete cluster1

Note that deleting the cluster will obviously delete it's PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims. The underlying Persistent Disks (PDs) are not deleted, but worlds won't just nicely come back when re-creating the cluster, because the PV/PVC-to-PD association will be lost; you would have to manually fix that. (Don't forget to delete old PDs.)



kubectl exec mc-vanilla-0 -- mc-monitor status

kubectl exec mc-vanilla-0 -- bash -c 'echo $RCON_PASSWORD'

kubectl exec -it mc-vanilla-0 -- bash

BEWARE that YAML changes to environment variables of itzg/minecraft-server container will NOT affect existing servers with the image, because many of it's startup parameter environment variables are written into the persistent /data/ only when the StatefulSet PV is automatically created the first time. To remove that (and loose your world data) we have to delete the PVC (which also deletes the PD):

kubectl delete pvc mc-data-mc-vanilla-0


mkdir /tmp/mcs
podman run -p 25565:25565 -m 2000M -e EULA=TRUE -e VERSION=1.17.1 -e MODE=1 -v /tmp/mcs:/data:Z --rm --name mcs itzg/minecraft-server:2021.22.0
podman exec -it mcs bash
podman rm -f mcs

Memory Management

The itzg/minecraft-server container image uses Java 16 from (at least from its :2021.22.0, see itzg/docker-minecraft-server#1054). This Hotspot image with a vanilla server consumes about 1.3 GB after startup-up, without players. Even with -e JVM_XX_OPTS="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1PeriodicGCInterval=1000 -XX:G1 PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold=0" -e INIT_MEMORY=100M -e EULA=TRUE -e VERSION=1.17.1 -e MODE=1 it would not go lower than these 1.3 GB, even after a jcmd 37 (which also fails with Unable to open socket file /proc/37/root/tmp/.java_pid37: target process 37 doesn't respond within 10500ms or HotSpot VM not loaded, yet still seems to cause GC; see JVM output on Minecraft container log.) So somehow doesn't work here.

The :2021.22.0-java16-openj9 variant which uses during the initial Preparing spawn area also goes up to about 1.2 GB, but then (without players) back down to 770 MB! (With the same settings as above.) Note that the INIT_MEMORY=100M (which translate to -Xms100M) are critical, because without that, itzg/minecraft-server sets -Xms1G -Xmx1G, which prevents it to drop to those 770 MB. (Note that J9's IdleTuningGcOnIdle is the default when running in a docker container.)

With -e JVM_OPTS="-Xgcpolicy:balanced" we're even down to ~740 MB for Vanilla 1.17.1 before Players connect.

The first player that connects then pushes us briefly to 1.1 GB, and then back down to around ~840-860 MB or so. (or even just 820 MB with the balanced instead of the default gencon GC policy of OpenJ9).

Unfortunately disconnecting the Player doesn't reclaim those 90 MB anymore, and we remain at 860 MB (or about 850 MB with the balanced GC); even after jcmd 37 (which works on OpenJ9 without that error from above).

Startup Time

USE_AIKAR_FLAGS=true seems to boost initial start up time almost 300% - e.g. on a desktop from ~30s to ~12s. (Note that USE_AIKAR_FLAGS=true includes -XX:+DisableExplicitGC.)

A larger heap, such as e.g. -e INIT_MEMORY=1500M -e MAX_MEMORY=1500M does not appear so signfificantly decrease start-up time.

Using Shared Classes, on a persistent volume, may help further (TBD).




Kubernetes YAML

Kubernetes Operators


Run Minecraft on a Kubernetes cluster!






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