Releases: OCR-D/ocrd_all
- All docker images now contain git checkouts and retain
, i.e. behave like the-git
variants - No more git updates within docker build, but fix git module dependency outside
- Reduce docker image size (by reinstating all-in-one layer, removing cache, avoiding duplicate CUDA libraries...)
- Use
git submodule update --single-branch
on CI to reduce docker image size
make deps-cuda
: non-intrusively support CUDA system dependencies (in docker or native)make ocrd-all-tool.json
: Generate and upload a combination of all processors'ocrd-tool.json
, #362make test-workflow
: Run a workflow with most processors as a general smoke testmake test-cuda
: to test whether CUDA properly set up and has GPU availablemake test-core
: Run OCR-D/core unit tests
- dependencies between modules, esp. with custom
selection - editable mode (
pip install -e
) - OpenCV build
- get
from PyPI if disabled as a module - get
from PyPI if core disabled as a module - consistent interoperable module versions (esp. Numpy/OpenCV/Shapely/Protobuf/Torch/TF Python dependencies)
cor-asv-ann 006a70e..2c4b1ff
Release: v0.1.14
- CI: use ocrd/core-cuda as base image
- CI: dummy venv
- CI: use proper tab character
- CI: clone first
- CI: mkdir first
- CI: chdir to tmp location
- CI: use /tmp for aux clone of ocrd_all
- try getting tensorflow-gpu from Nvidia
- use proper URLs for submodules
- Merge pull request #6 from kba/init-report-dict
- evaluate: skip pages with no results
core de08453..6708624
Release: v2.51.0
- Merge pull request #1055 from bertsky/deps-cuda
- ci: disable upterm for gh actions
- readme: remove dockerhub/travis badge, add GH actions badge
- debug gh actions
- test bashlib: /usr/bin/env bash instead of /bin/bash
- test_workspace_bagger: use instead of for testing
- disable logging tests until properly fixed
- docker-image: reuse local image instead of
- 📦 v2.51.0
- 📝 changelog
- make help: improve description
- Revert "Merge remote-tracking branch 'hnesk/no-more-pkg_resources' into release-2.36.0"
- remove out-dated processor resources
- docker-cuda: improve (reduce size) again…
- docker-cuda: rewrite…
- core-cuda: use same CUDA libs as needed for Torch anyway
- Merge branch 'pr-1008' into reduce-cuda
- Merge branch 'master' of into reduce-cuda
- make install on py36: revert to prefer-binary via install
- make install on py36: fix prefer-binary syntax
- make install on py36: prefer binary OpenCV/Numpy via pip config instead of preinstall
- core-cuda: install more CUDA libs via pip and, simplify Dockerfile for that
- core-cuda: use CUDA 11.8, install cuDNN via pip and make available system-wide via
- reinstate workaround for shapely, but more robust
- docker-cuda: change base image, no multi-CUDA runtimes
- keep gcc, no autoremove
- rehash after pip upgrade
- give up workaround for shapely-CUDA issue
dinglehopper 0fd4ea1..35be58c
- Merge pull request #83 from INL/feat/batch-processing
- Merge pull request #82 from CircleCI-config-suggestions-bot/StoreTestResults
- 🧹 .gitignore .python-version (for pyenv)
- 🧹 Remove qurator. namespace prefix
- 🐛 Fix installing by calling find_namespace_packages in
- 🕸Do not use deprecated ID, pageId options
- 🔧 Remove explicit namespace_packages
- ✔ CircleCI: Explicitly install binary opencv-python-headless (dep of OCR-D?) to avoid compilation
- 🐛 Remove deprecated declare_namespace call
eynollah ea792d1..706433c
Release: v0.2.0
ocrd_cis c90b29f..a0ea0a2
Release: v0.1.5
- Merge branch 'kba:typo' #91 into fix-alpha-shape
- Merge branch 'kba:double-page-max-size' #96 into fix-alpha-shape
- Merge branch 'kba:resolve-resources' #83 into fix-alpha-shape
- segment: adapt to OpenCV changes
- resegment (baseline/ccomps): improve handling of fg conflicts
- resegment: add param baseline_only
- check_page/region/line: skip assumptions on number of components
- adapt to Shapely 2.0 deprecations
- adapt to Numpy 1.24 dtypes
- resegment: list instead of generator
- re/segment: improve polygon simplification
- re/segment: join_baselines: skip lines outside of polygon
- re/segment: join_baselines: for complex subtypes, apply recursively
- re/segment: join_polygons: connect touching neighbours, too
ocrd_fileformat dacfa50..4e7e0de
Release: v0.7.0
- 📦 v0.7.0
- update ocr-fileformat
ocrd_kraken 802c6b0..b13dd8a
Release: v0.3.0
- segment/recognize: default to device=cuda:0 (now backed by safe fall-back)
- segment/recognize: fall back to CPU if no CUDA device
- fix typo
- update changelog
- recognize: project text upwards in order by concatenation
- recognize: ensure baseline/boundary are consistent
- recognize: ignore invalid baselines
- setup metadata: update/improve
- deps-ubuntu: update
- improve/update readme
- Dockerfile: use CUDA base image, improve labels
- update changelog
- recognize: pass lines in baseline format if any baselines are annotated
- update blla.model URL (master→main)
- recognize: workaround for empty/failed line records
- recognize: workaround for better quality box cuts
- recognize: avoid invalid polygons on single-glyph words
- Revert "recognize: avoid invalid polygons on single-glyph words"
- segment: also show tags/type prediction
- recognize: avoid invalid polygons on single-glyph words
- recognize: use proper data structures of rpred
ocrd_pagetopdf 6155605..4f4a330
Release: v1.0.0
- Merge pull request #22 from bertsky/fix-input-files
ocrd_wrap 63c04d5..2cd800d
Release: v0.1.8
- 📦 0.1.8
- Merge pull request #10 from bertsky/update-numpy
opencv-python 6b73d90..474a1cc
Release: 72
- Merge pull request #849 from asmorkalov/as/python3_for_build
- Fix: numpy version for python 3.11 (#839)
- Merge pull request #852 from asmorkalov:as/ci_check
- Merge pull request #837 from bertsky/fix-py38-build
- Merge pull request #838 from henryiii/patch-2
sbb_binarization 39ef3fd..010ec99
Release: v0.1.0
workflow-configuration cb923f7..5aff777
- ocrd-import: add option --regex (positive path selector)
- ocrd-import: fix skipping in subshell
- add METS transforms to TOC
- generalise standalone CLI for both PAGE and METS XSL, update documentation
- mets-copy-agents.xsl: make path for other-mets relative to input m...
core cbe83ab..de08453
Release: v2.49.0
- :package v2.49.0
- 📝 changelog
- drop eynollah model from resource list, provided by eynollah itself
- 📝 changelog
- rename Docker image (to make work with GHCR)
- 📦 v2.48.1
- 📝 changelog
- core-cuda: CUDA 11.3 instead of 11.2
- ocrd_tool_validator: fix link in comment, fix #1019
- 📦 v2.48.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/build36-speedup-without-update'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'master' into fix-972
- Set ws outside the constructor
- chdir to ws in the beginning
- Undo the revert of getcwd()
- Revert getcwd() location - failing tests
- Raise the error instead of returning it
- Change getcwd() call location
- Chdir before processor.process() calls
- Fix the instance caching
- 📦 v2.47.4
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #1011 from OCR-D/drop-fontgroup-resources
- 📦 v2.47.3
- 📝 changelog
- Dockerfile: reintroduce python3-pip so "pip install -U pip" succeeds again
- 📦 v2.47.2
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'pr/986'
- 📦 v2.47.1
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #1004 from stweil/fix-dockerfile
- Merge pull request #1003 from OCR-D/fix-docker-venv
- 📦 v2.47.0
- require importlib_resources for python <= 3.8, #996
- 📝 changelog
- resmgr: drop anybaseocr models from resource list
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'pr/999'
- 📝 changelog
- ocrd_utils: adapt to newer importlib.resources API
- Merge pull request #994 from OCR-D/fix-scrutinizer
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #977 from OCR-D/fix-add-agent
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'pr/993'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #991 from bertsky/fix-resmgr-download-mimetype
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #985 from OCR-D/fix-917
- 📦 v2.46.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'drop-3.6'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'drop-mime-magic'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'pr/980'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'pr/981'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #972 from OCR-D/ref-processor-helper
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #979 from OCR-D/workspace-validator-empty-pageid
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #978 from OCR-D/bashlib-inputfiles
dinglehopper c4ab7c9..0fd4ea1 (rewind)
- ✔ Add @cneud's former 40 GB problem files to the test suite
- 🎨 Reformat using Black
- ✔ CircleCI: Test on Python 3.11
eynollah 13bc237..ea792d1
Release: v0.2.0
ocrd_anybaseocr 94e5037..5978a1f
Release: v1.9.0
ocrd_calamari c7ad6eb..3a029ca
Release: v1.0.5
- ✔ Do not test on Python 3.11 for now (unsupported)
- ✔ CircleCI: Install TF by explicitly invoking pip on Py 3.11
- ✔ Do not delete test workspace when DEBUG env variable is set
- ✔ CircleCI: Test on Python 3.11, too
- ✔ CircleCI: Install binary OpenCV for Python 3.6
- Revert "✔ CircleCI: Do not test on Python 3.6 anymore"
- ✔ CircleCI: Do not test on Python 3.6 anymore
- ✔ Fix tests to use the new filenames
- 🐛 Fix NumPy dependency (hopefully...)
- 🐛 Fix syntax error in
- 🐛 Require NumPy < 1.24 due to np.str deprecation/error
ocrd_detectron2 e005d3c..04bf4c6
Release: v0.1.7
- publish: commit images, too
- CI: publish test results to gh-pages
- add link for test results
- Delete jekyll-gh-pages.yml
- try to fix gh-pages
- add GH pages
- doc: add CI badge
- CI: use cache instead of artifacts for models
- CI: try to get the damn conditional to work
- CI: use stupid GHA negation syntax
- CI: fix action URL
- CI: fix negation
- CI: cache detectron models via artifacts
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
- some workarounds for broken model configs
- 📦 0.1.7
- add CLI test
- add models for magazine layout by Jambo-sudo (PubLayNet+custom GT) and LayoutParser (PRImA Layout GT)
- adapt to numpy v1.24
- 📦 0.1.6
- add fixture for badly written config files (base path)
- add models for table detection with Psarpei/Multi-Type-TD-TSR
- ocrd-tool resources: update/fix
- make deps: add torch deps explicitly
- avoid colon in generated region IDs
ocrd_fileformat 5022408..dacfa50
Release: v0.6.2
- 📦 v0.6.2
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #44 from bertsky/patch-3
ocrd_keraslm 787341d..9c50478
Release: v0.4.1
- deps: hold numpy and h5py
ocrd_tesserocr 515be8d..09d1e13
Release: v0.17.0
- try with lowercase image tag
- rename Docker image
- Update docker-image.yml
- Create docker-image.yml
- 📦 0.17.0
- Merge pull request #191 from bertsky/override-insteadof-wrap
- deps-ubuntu: allow PPA to fail (on newer distributions)
- CI: chmod PPA Tesseract tessdata g+w
- deps-ubuntu: allow PPA to fail (on newer distributions)
- CI: fix conditional step syntax
- CI: seems to require sudo
- CI: speedup Py36 deps
- CI: update+simplify (on cimg/python:* instead of ocrd/core)
ocrd_typegroups_classifier ffa40fc..a78a85f
Release: v0.5.0
opencv-python 736b905..6b73d90
Release: 72
- Merge pull request #820 from asmorkalov/as/config_py_path
- Merge pull request #803 from asmorkalov/as/license
- Merge pull request #790 from asmorkalov/as/docs_update
- Merge pull request #787 from asmorkalov/as/migrate_mac_m1
- Merge pull request #744 from peter-kovacs-aimotive/add-vulkan-license
- Merge pull request #768 from AlexeySalmin/patch-1
- Merge pull request #776 from TheCleric/fix/numpy_version_mac
sbb_binarization aeb6804..39ef3fd
Release: v0.0.11
- Merge pull request #54 from qurator-spk/circleci-python37_38
tesseract a6e0aa7..1569e50
Release: 5.3.0
- textord: Catch empty rows in block iterator (fixes #4039)
- cmake: sync with autotools (OPENMP_SIMD...
core 6331433..ee92cfc
Release: 2.45.1
- 📦 v2.45.1
- 📝 changelog
- resmgr: insert from tool instead of append
ocrd_detectron2 fde2f3c..f3342a4
Release: 0.1.5
- 📦 0.1.5
- fix debug_img indentation (only once per page/table)
- ocrd-tool.json: fix PubLayNet/jpleorx model specs
ocrd_olahd_client 10d70a9..6bcbb4b
Release: v0.0.2
- 📦 v0.0.2
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'manipulate-mets-agent'
opencv-python ede2269..736b905
Release: 68
- OpenCV package does not distribute zlib (#780)
- OpenCV 4.7.0 release preparation
- Merge pull request #756 from asmorkalov:as/pipelines_update_4.7
tesseract 6a21a74..4142b32
Release: 5.3.0
- Fix some whitespace issues in source code and text files
- Merge pull request #3992 from seupedro/patch-1
- fix "cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'std::string'"
- show out filename on successful created of traineddata (combine_lang_model)
- fix "cannot pass non-trivial object of type 'std::string'"
- unicharset_extractor: - run ReadMemBoxes only for box files - do not write unicharset in case of broken box file
- Update issue-bug.yml
- Create an issue template for a feature request
- Create a new issue template
- Create new release 5.3.0
- Update
- cmake - msvc/openmp: clean&document configuration
- cmake - mscvc: silent warning C4068: unknown pragma 'GCC'
- Create new release 5.3.0-rc1
- Replace MacOS -> macOS
core 881fd5f..6331433
Release: v2.45.0
- 📦 v2.45.0
- 📝 changelog
- test ocrd-dummy copy_files=false behavior
- ocrd-dummy: make copying of image files (only) optional
- merge master
- ocrd-dummy: make copying optional and disable by default, #803
- 📝 changelog
- fix regression from 2fb4bbabd
- test resgmgr download --overwrite for directory
- tests: adapt to resmgr --overwrite change, speed up
- resmgr: simplify --overwrite logic
- Merge branch 'master' into resmgr-overwrite
- resmgr: support zip archives and non-folder archive contents
ocrd_detectron2 eb7ae2d..fde2f3c
- img_debug: use region_id, not
opencv-python 8efd7aa..ede2269
Release: 66
- Merge pull request #759 from asenyaev:asen/pypi_fix
tesseract b7319c2..6a21a74
Release: 5.2.0
- Suppress compiler warning caused by very long string
- Replace at accessor by [] operator in function Classify::CreateIntTemplates
- Fix function ReadTrainingSamples (issue #3925)
- Fix function Classify::WriteIntTemplates (issue #3925)
- Fix function tesseract::write_set (issue #3925)
- Fix function UnicityTable::push_back (issue #3925)
- Fix function ComputeChiSquared (issue #3925)
- Remove assertion in function NewSimpleProto (issue #3925)
- Fix function Classify::CreateIntTemplates (issue #3925)
- Add missing serialization to FILE for vector of pointers (issue #3925)
- Replace void_proc by kdwald_proc with correct arguments
- clang-format: use default value for line width (80)
- Merge pull request #3978 from stweil/sanfix
- Revert "fix: index variable in OpenMP 'for' statement must have signed integral type"
- reformat code (files with tabs)
- report missing or empty box file
- GA: use png 1.6.39 from cmake-win64
core 8406621..881fd5f
Release: v2.44.0
- 📦 v2.44.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'joschrew/remove-inplace'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'joschrew/recreate-checksums'
ocrd_detectron2 979816f..eb7ae2d
Release: v0.1.4
- region_id mustn't contain colon
- ocrd-tool.json: fix resource specs
- add new params postprocessing and debug_img …
- add an alternative preset file for DocBank
- Update
ocrd_olahd_client 947724f..10d70a9
- log received pid after uploading workspace
- add param pid-previous-version
- workaround/reset default input-file-group
- Merge pull request #3 from OCR-D/logging
opencv-python 3725898..8efd7aa
Release: 66
- Merge pull request #754 from asmorkalov/as/cmake_3.25_regression_win
- Merge pull request #751 from asmorkalov/as/dependencies_update
tesseract c1a1d7e..b7319c2
Release: 5.2.0
- Merge branch 'main' of
- fix: index variable in OpenMP 'for' statement must have signed integral type
- fix typo (missing space)
core c992296..8406621
Release: v2.43.0
- 📦 v2.43.0
- 📝 changelog
- Add refresh_caches method
- 📦 v2.42.1
- update spec to v3.21.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'missing-import'
- 📝 changelog
- OcrdMets: fix (return) types when caching is on, #957
- OcrdMets.remove_file_group with caching: shallow copy DictValues
docstruct 19f6d60..a7ffdda
- Merge pull request #1 from stweil/master
ocrd_detectron2 7596962..979816f
Release: v0.1.3
- deps: drop trying detectron2 wheels
tesseract 5f297dc..c1a1d7e
Release: 5.2.0
- Update cmake-win64.yml
- GA cmake-win64: uninstall strawberryperl to fix libtiff build
- GA cmake-win64: fix getting version info
- Fix training tools for legacy engine (issue #3925) (#3970)
- stop cron cmake-win64 build
- Update cmake-win64.yml
- [sw] Remove VS2019 builds.
- Update cmake-win64.yml
- New processor
core e841ce8..c75e219
Release: v2.42.0
- 📦 v2.42.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'mexthecat-802'
- Merge branch 'profile-mem'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #875 from OCR-D/cache_functionality
ocrd_segment 4c74cda..3c63e21
Release: v0.1.21
- repair/project: always use make_valid on input side
- repair/project: handle parent without Coords
- extract_lines: add param 'textequiv-index'
tesseract 78bcc0d..5f297dc
Release: 5.2.0
- Merge pull request #3967 from stweil/coverity
- [sw] Do a lightweight build during PRs.
- Fix AMD64 detection with autobuild on FreeBSD (#3964)
- lstm.train: allow .box from .raw.png too
workflow-configuration 2dd00a1..49c743d
- 2 more XSLTs
- ocrd-import: set detected ALTO MIME type correctly
: Document structure detection from PAGE-XML to METS-XML, #338ocrd-neat-export
: Convert between PAGE and neat TSV, #339
core bae7ac2..e841ce8
Release: v2.41.0
- Update
- improve/complete bashlib description, add APIdoc refs
- 📦 v2.41.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'resmgr-id-fallback'
- 📝 changelog
- make deps-ubuntu: drop python3-venv, run apt update in CI
- ci: make deps-ubuntu/install geos via brew
- make deps-ubuntu: For workaround shapely/shapely#1598, we need libgeos-dev
- make install: workaround for broken shapely wheels
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/resmgr-content-length'
- 📝 changelog
- resmgr: avoid adding fake user db entries for module resources
ocrd_detectron2 833319a..7596962
Release: v0.1.3
- 📦 0.1.3
- setup: use detectron2.config.CfgNode.freeze to be on the safe side
- deps: fallback to src build of detectron2
- fix resource URLs
- deps: prevent pulling torch from PyPI
- added resources and presets
- 📦 0.1.2
- Merge pull request #11 from bertsky/fallback-on-detectron2-sdist
ocrd_fileformat c3dddfc..5022408
Release: v0.6.1
- 📦 v0.6.1
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #41 from bertsky/patch-2
- 📦 v0.6.0
- update ocr-fileformat to v0.5.0
tesseract e3c06d1..78bcc0d
Release: 5.2.0
- Update cmake.yml
- Merge pull request #3959 from amitdo/amitdo-pdf-Ignore-non-text-blocks
- Remove remaining references to deprecated LGTM (fix for #3958)
- github action/cmake: fix macos icu linking
- cmake: fix linux&mac build
- fix typo in variable
- Show CodeQL alerts
- Make CodeQL badge clickable
- Add CodeQL badge
- show dropped unrendable words
- cmake: install common_training and unicharset_training libs
- cmake: we can build training tools without PkgConfig
- Merge pull request #3951 from doraeric/patch-1
- Merge pull request #3950 from Saibamen/patch-1
workflow-configuration 904ce8c..2dd00a1
- ocrd-make: add MKL control variable
cor-asv-ann 1058657..006a70e
Release: v0.1.14
- adds ocrd-cor-asv-ann-mark (mark words via external cmd)
- adds ocrd-cor-asv-ann-join (join lines from different fileGrps as multi-textequiv)
- fixes ocrd-cor-asv-ann-align (no more Word output)
core 0713e0e..bae7ac2
Release: v2.40.0
- 📦 v2.40.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #929 from OCR-D/bashlib-add-moduledir
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #932 from OCR-D/add-missing-resloc-module
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #933 from OCR-D/resmgr-msg-debug
- 📝 changelog
- resmgr download: module location must not use exe subdir
- 📦 v2.39.0
- update spec
- ocrd/ocrd/cli/validate: typo Ba{a,s}ename
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'bashlib-validate-mets-basename'
- 📝 changelog
- test_merge_force: adapt to stricter ID clash check in add_file after #861
- fix kwarg conflict inm merge
- Merge branch 'master' into workspace_merge_fix
- ocrd workspace merge: support both --force and --overwrite, test
- Use the cli overwrite
- Keep consistency
- Accept overwrite parameter instead of passing just True
- Pass the force parameter when merging
- update spec
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'bertsky/patch-14' into resmgr-moduledir
- use data structures correctly, test --overwrite
- strip newline from --dump-module-dir
- resmgr: list_available with the same features as removed find_resources
- wip: resource manager respecting processor's moduledir
dinglehopper 1febea8..dcc10c5
- ✔️ Skip test_lines_similar() for now
- 📝 Note that old terminals might not render the Unicode characters correctly
- 🐛 Update editops() and seq_align() due to RapidFuzz API changes
- Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #67 from maxbachmann/rapidfuzz""
- Revert "💩 Stick with rapidfuzz < 2.1.0 for now"
- 💩 Stick with rapidfuzz < 2.1.0 for now
- Revert "Merge pull request #67 from maxbachmann/rapidfuzz"
- Merge pull request #67 from maxbachmann/rapidfuzz
ocrd_calamari 395e43c..c7ad6eb
Release: v1.0.5
ocrd_fileformat 38f4edf..c3dddfc
Release: v0.5.0
- 📝 changelog
- update ocr-fileformat to include merge
- update ocr-fileformat
ocrd_kraken f8235c4..802c6b0
Release: v0.3.0
- 📦 v0.3.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #33 from OCR-D/resources
ocrd_olahd_client 9809d0c..947724f
- Merge pull request #5 from stweil/master
ocrd_tesserocr 7459a41..c10f94d
Release: v0.16.0
- 📦 v0.16.0
- 📝 changelog
- require core >= 2.40.0
- makefile: resmgr location now module, no need for envvar
- readme: update explanation of resource location
- 📦 v0.15.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/resmgr-moduledir'
- 📝 changelog
- fix user_defined_dpi (reset for each page)
- fix json typo
- binarize: add tiseg parameter (for optional sepmask clipping)
- fix user_defined_dpi (reset for each page)
- fix pageId for AlternativeImage
- Update requirements.txt
- update+improve polygon handling
ocrd_typegroups_classifier 1ed0cb1..ffa40fc
Release: v0.4.0
- 📦 v0.4.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'bertsky/add-oplevel-region'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #11 from OCR-D/fix-simple-cli
opencv-python 60630d1..3725898
Release: 66
- Bump numpy version to 1.21.4 for macOS builds (#720)
- Build x64 macOS wheels for 10.13 build target (#716)
- Build zlib from the source on Linux with the latest version (#715)
- Remove source packages for rolling packages (#711)
- Adapted rolling releases to workflow_dispatch event (#708)
sbb_binarization c99be55..aeb6804
Release: v0.0.11
- 📦 v0.0.11
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #53 from bertsky/patch-3
- Update
- issue #45 the patches option is omitted and it means that documents will be processed in patches while no patches is not desired by the tool
- Merge pull request #52 from bertsky/img-allow-alpha
- Update README
- #42 is resolved
- Merge pull request #43 from apacha/fix_no_models_available
tesseract 0daf18c..e3c06d1
Release: 5.2.0
- Update codeql-analysis.yml
- Update sw.yml
- Update codeql-analysis.yml
- Fix regression (broken unit tests)
- Restore comment
- Fix memory leaks in ImageThresholder::ThresholdToPix
- remove src.destroy();
- Update autotools-macos.yml
- Merge pull request #3948 from rettinghaus/update-action
- Merge pull request #3949 from rettinghaus/update-upload
- Merge pull request #3942 from zdenop/main
- Update autotools-macos.yml
- Update autotools.yml
- Update unittest.yml
- Update autotools-openmp.yml
- Update cmake-win64.yml
- Merge pull request #3938 from Gitoffthelawn/patch-1
- Merge pull request #3935 from nicholasz2510/main
- Merge pull request #3930 from jeroen/patch-1
- Update .mailmap
- Create .mailmap (#3910)
- Update
- Update appveyor.yml
- appveyor.yml: Add files filter
- Add missing .exe for training tools to fix build with msys2
- Update codeql-analysis.yml
- Update codeql-analysis.yml [skip ci]
- Update
- Merge pull request #3908 from tesseract-ocr/amitdo-sw-paths
- Merge pull request #3907 from ffontaine/main
- Update msys2.yml [skip ci]
- CI: Remove Ubuntu 18.04 (#3902)
- unittest-macos.yml: Use macOS 12 instead.of 10.15
- autotools-macos.yml: Remove macOS 10.15
tesserocr e0da9df..3bfa7d9
Release: v2.5.2
- provide pointsize
- Add support for upcoming Leptonica 1.83.0
- Fix typo (found by codespell)
workflow-configuration bb2a4e2..904ce8c
- page-fix-coords: fix Baseline in addition to Coords
- try to fix markdown
- update documentation
- page-sort-textequiv-index: new (sort TextEquiv by its @index)
- page-extract-text: variant with level param (defaults to highest)
- update documentation
- page-remove-alternativeimages: new XSLT with comprehensive params
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
- page-extract-lines: allow respecting (recursive) reading order
core 0c62081..4148a88
Release: v2.38.0
- 📦 v2.30.0
- update spec to v3.20.0
- 📝 changelog
- ocrd zip: remove Ocrd-Manifestation-Depth
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'resmgr-dynamic-download'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'add-processor-profiling'
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'merge-fix'
- 📝 changelog
- bagger: fix for working with different mets name
- 📦 v2.37.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into resmgr-dynamic-discovery
- resmgr: drop ocrd-tesserocr from resource_list.yml
- ocrd resmgr migrate to update existing configurations
- resmgr: catch OSError for non-exec ocrd processors in $PATH
- move JSONDecodeError catch back to get_ocrd_tool
- os.list_all_resources: ignore more core-builtin resources
- get_processor_resource_types: handle non-existing "paramters"
- Merge branch 'master' into resmgr-dynamic-discovery
- resource_list.yml: tarball -> archive
- Merge branch 'master' into resmgr-dynamic-discovery
- OcrdResourceManager.list_available: handle JSONDecodeError with a log msg
- ocrd resmgr list-available: -e should be glob with trailing asterisk
- ocrd resmgr list-available: fix kwargs
- resmgr: invert
option and drop positive variant- OcrdResourceManager.list_available: treat executable consistently as a glob
- catch case that processor not installed but listed in resource_list
- test_task_sequence: invalidate ocrd-tool cache on tearDown
- resource_manager: ocrd-tool-derived resources should take precedence
- disable caching of get_ocrd_tool_json, causes non-sequitur errors in testing
- fix import error in
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'bertsky/patch-4' into resmgr-dynamic-discovery
- Merge branch 'resmgr-folder' into resmgr-dynamic-discovery
- Merge branch 'assets-change' into resmgr-dynamic-discovery
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'bertsky/patch-3' into resmgr-dynamic-discovery
- wip
- replace module-level cache with functools.lru_cache
- taks_sequence: use ocrd_utils.get_ocrd_tool
- wip: merge discover and list_available
- replace resmgr schema with ocrd-tool schema fragment
- resource_list: tarball -> archive
- resmgr: take processor's resource_locations into account
- ocrd_utils.get_ocrd_tool_json
- ocrd resmgr discover
- update spec to 3.17.0
eynollah 00be99d..8d5079c
Release: v0.0.11
- issue #77 is resolved on main branch
ocrd_kraken cb719e7..f8235c4
Release: v0.2.0
- 📦 v0.2.0
- ci: download model first
- fix test_binarize
- fix typos
- Revert "Revert "segment: use binarized input only if use_legacy""
- Revert "segment: use binarized input only if use_legacy"
- recognize: use proper relative coordinate system for words and glyphs
- recognize: move model init to setup fn
- recognize: use binarized image only if model expects it
- segment: move model init to setup fn
- segment: decode arbitrary region types, add param blla_classes
- segment: use binarized input only if use_legacy
- recognize: fix decoding in case word is empty
ocrd_tesserocr 4d2593d..0427f6f
Release: v0.14.0
- 📦 v0.14.0
- 📝 changelog
- Merge branch 'resmgr-ocrd-tool'
opencv-python 4638ce5..60630d1
Release: 66
- macOS x86_64 runner change to macos-11 (#701)
- Scheduled rolling workflows (#699)
- Run pipelines on 4.x and 5.x branches (#697)
sbb_binarization e4c1eb2..c99be55
Release: v0.0.10
- 📦 v0.0.10
- 📝 changelog
- Merge pull request #40 from maxnth/fix/cli
tesseract 87dd04f..0daf18c
Release: 5.2.0
- Detect availability of AVX512-VNNI
- GA cmake-win64: use webp v1.2.3 as new code requires libsharpyuv
- cmake.yml: Remove macOS 10
- Merge pull request #3888 from arseniy-sonar/patch-1
- Update sw.cpp
- [sw] Do not link pthread on android.
- [sw] Add svpaint.
- [sw] Add missing file for arm64. Change branch name.
- Merge pull request #3878 from stweil/exit
- Fix double free in function vigorous_noise_removal (fixes issue #3876)
- Create to_win if needed in Textord::make_spline_rows (fixes issue #3875)
- autotools: Add rule for svpaint executable (#3873)
- Merge pull request #3872 from p12tic/fix-scrollview-double-free (fixes issue #3869)
- Catch potential nullptr in SVNetwork::SVNetwork