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OpenIPC Improver for setting up FPV and URLLC devices

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Temporarily put on hold since the work being done to put this in Betaflight Menus and to work on Avalonia Configurator (OpenIPC-Config) MultiPlatform Configurator.

@JohhnGoblin has a newer version in the (Radxa image)[] so this will probably be archived.

OpenIPC Improver for setting up FPV and URLLC devices

I wanted an easy way to edit files and watch videos on the Radxa


Home Page alt text

Editor alt text

Video file selector alt text

Player alt text

Journalctl -f alt text


  • Download latest release, 2 files

    • improver_source.tar.gz
  • transfer files to Radxa

    • scp improver_source.tar.gz root@
    • chmod +x
    • ./

Network Setup

This requires either a Wifi or Lan connection

  • Ethernet

  • Wifi (Hotspot setup)

    # run 'ip a' to determine which interface is your wifi address
    nmcli connection add type wifi ifname wlan1 con-name "MyWiFiNetwork" ssid "MyWiFiNetwork"
    nmcli connection modify "MyWiFiNetwork" wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
    nmcli connection modify "MyWiFiNetwork" wifi-sec.psk "MyPassword123"
    nmcli connection up "MyWiFiNetwork"
    # You will also need to setup a static IP on the same subnet as your mobile device
    nmcli connection modify "MyWiFiNetwork" ipv4.addresses
    nmcli connection modify "MyWiFiNetwork" ipv4.gateway
    nmcli connection modify "MyWiFiNetwork" ipv4.dns,
    nmcli connection modify "MyWiFiNetwork" ipv4.method manual

    then navigate to http://mobile-ip:8080/improver/

Dev Setup and Running

  • Use Docker, it will bring up the flask and nginx apps

    docker-compose up --build  

    Navigate to http://localhost/improver

  • Explanation of Makefile Targets

    • build: Builds the Docker images as specified in docker-compose.yml.
    • run: Builds (if needed) and runs the containers in the foreground.
    • run-detached: Builds (if needed) and runs the containers in detached mode (background).
    • stop: Stops all running containers defined in docker-compose.yml.
    • logs: Shows real-time logs from all services for debugging.
    • clean: Stops containers and removes all images, volumes, and orphaned containers associated with this Docker Compose setup.
  • Usage

    1. Build the Images:
    make build
    1. Run the Containers in Foreground:
    make run
    1. Run the Containers in Detached Mode:
    make run-detached
    1. Stop the Containers:
    make stop
    1. View Logs:
    make logs
    1. Clean Up Containers and Images:
    make clean

With this Makefile, you can easily manage the lifecycle of your multi-container setup for testing the Flask app with Nginx in Docker. Let me know if you need more customization!

Service file

To manage the Improver Flask service, use the following commands:

  • Start the service: sudo systemctl start improver.service
  • Stop the service: sudo systemctl stop improver.service
  • Restart the service: sudo systemctl restart improver.service
  • Check status: sudo systemctl status improver.service


Enable and Start the Service

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