This is a hard-fork of CivModern made specifically for CivMC on 1.21.4.
Compacted items will have a configurably-coloured stack count.
Ice-road macro (bound to
by default). -
Auto-attack macro (bound to
by default). -
Hold-key macro for the left mouse button (bound to
by default). -
Hold-key macro for the right mouse button (bound to
by default).
You may open CivianMod's configuration screen in-game with the R
binding. Or you can modify the config file directly,
which is located at .minecraft/config/civianmod.json
Crates will have a configurably-coloured stack count.
Hold W/forward macro (bound to
by default). -
Better toggle-sneak (bound to
by default). Will automatically deactivate itself if you manuallySHIFT
sneak, or if you enter water, or start swimming, sprinting, elytra gliding, or creative flying. -
Added option that shows an item's base-repair level in its tooltip either always, only in advanced tooltips, or never. Set to always by default.
Added option that shows an item's damage level in its tooltip either always, only in advanced tooltips, or never. Set to always by default.
Added option that shows whether an item is an exp ingredient. Enabled by default.
Added option, similar to SafeOreBreak, that prevents Minecraft from mining if doing so would break your held tool. Enabled by default.
- Switched the config to YACL. This is a breaking change: your previous configs will no longer work.
- Radar has been removed. Why? Because it's duplicated effort. CombatRadar and CivVoxelMap both provide radars that are legal on CivMC.
- Fabric Loader:
(or newer) - Fabric API:
(or newer) - YetAnotherConfigLibrary:
(or newer)
- ModMenu:
(or newer)