Releases: Protonull/CivianMod
Latest Build
v1.21.4-4 -- CivianMod rebrand
- Minor compacted-item optimisation
- Minor mixin optimisations
Was asked by Okx to rename this fork to avoid confusion. I did originally refer to this fork as "OrinModern" in release v1.6.5-1, but this was more to contrast it with upstream (hence its "OkxModern" nickname). It felt a little conceited to name the fork after myself; CivianMod seems to strike a nice balance between being memey and informative without also potentially clashing with future civ-server names (eg: NeoCiv).
v1.21.4-3 -- Safe tools
- Added option that will prevent any mining if doing so would break the tool.
- Changed the default Crate colour to something less intense.
v1.21.4-2 -- Ingredient tooltips and Crate colours
- Can now assign a colour to Crates as you can with Compacted Items.
- Added "Exp Ingredient" to items known to be recipient ingredients for the Basic and Advanced Cauldrons on CivMC. Enabled by default.
The latter feature is very basic right now: it's hard coded. If CivMC changes its recipes, a new version of CivModern will need to be made. I'll see what I can do about making this detectable.
v1.21.4-1 -- Update to 1.21.4
Bump to 1.21.4-1
v1.21.3-2 -- Fix hold-forward macro bug
- Fixes an odd bug with the hold-forward macro which would effectively disabled W (forward) for a few seconds after holding S (backward).
v1.21.3-1 -- Update to 1.21.3
Bump to 1.21.3-1
v1.6.5-2 - Item tooltips
Prior to this, if you had repair-level enabled, it would only show in advanced tooltips (same behaviour as item durability). This release lets you configure whether you want to see the item's repair level always, or only on advanced tooltips, or not at all. It also extends this configurability to item durability.
WARNING: This will override the config value you already have for repair levels if you used the prior version.
v1.6.5-1 - OrinModern
Where this repo was a fork of patches that changed and added a few things, this is now a hard fork, permanently diverging from OkxModern. Versions will differentiate from OkxModern with the -N
Changes include:
- Radar removed (please use CombatRadar, CivVoxelMap, or any other CivMC-legal radar.)
- Uses YACL for the config, this means your
config will no longer work. Your config will be at.minecraft/config/civmodern.json
and is deliberately designed to be legible.
v.1.6.3 - Fix visual regressions
Merge upstream