Releases: aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent
Bug Fixes
🐞 Only add to cache if log stream is created 🐞 by @jefchien in #1566
This change fixes a bug in v1.300052.0 where if agents installed in a fleet/cluster are writing to log streams in the same log group, there could be a race condition where one agent creates the log group and the others detect the presence of the log group falsely as a success and caches the same, preventing them from trying to re-create the log stream and successfully publishing logs.
Full Changelog: v1.300052.0...v1.300052.1
Released On
Bug Fixes
- Fix concurrent map read/write error causing agent crashes in entity store by @sky333999 in #1484
- Fix disk usage metrics collection on macOS by @movence in #1500
- Fix service startup failures on Windows by updating network dependencies by @okankoAMZ in aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-test#444 and aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-test#447
- [Logs] Improve performance with multi-threaded log pusher implementation by @jefchien in #1499
- [Related Telemetry] Add case insensitive metadata support for EC2 tags by @chadpatel in #1478
- [Related Telemetry] Reduce number of entities in explore experience by retrieving instance tags simultaneously by @nathalapooja in #1474
- [Related Telemetry] Add fallback to use application signals for entity population when IMDS tags are not enabled by @duhminick in #1486
- [ApplicationSignals] Add support for .NET runtime metrics exporting by @bjrara in #1471
Full Changelog: v1.300051.0...v1.300052.0
Released On
Bug Fixes:
- Fix Excessive IMDS related error logging
- Fixed a concurrency issue in entity attribute handling that was causing agent crashes due to simultaneous map writes.
- [AppSignal] Support RemoteEnvironment dimension for non-Kubernetes platforms.
- [Logs] Support exporting large exponential histograms as EMF logs
- [Logs] Reduce EMF exporter verbose logging
- [Traces] Generate URL section in X-Ray segment when attribute is available
Full Changelog: v1.300050.0...v1.300051.0
Released On
New Features
- [Prometheus] Introduce OTel Prometheus Receiver for publishing to AMP
- [Prometheus] Support Target Allocator with Prometheus Receivers
- [ContainerInsights] Introduce Kueue metrics for Container Insights
Full Changelog: v1.300049.1...v1.300050.0
Released On
- [Logs] Attach Account ID to entity for cross-account checks
- [Metrics/Logs] Annotate Infra, statsD, collectD metrics and application logs with entities
- [ApplicationSignals] Support runtime metrics for Application Signals
- [ApplicationSignals] Create a server to expose service names for instrumented applications on K8s
Bug Fixes
- [Logs] Fix log stream name placeholder resolution for EMF logs
- [Logs] Fix race condition in service provider component of entitystore extension
- [Metrics/Logs] Use IAM credential endpoint from IMDS for accurate entity IAM role name
Full Changelog: v1.300048.1...v1.300049.1
Released On
New Features
- Support OTLP receiver for metrics by @sky333999 in #1361 and #1375
- Support AMP as a metrics destination by @sky333999 in #1192
- Support for supplemental configuration by @jefchien @musa-asad in #1371
- Support JMX metric collection for JVM, Tomcat, and Kafka on EKS by @jefchien @musa-asad @Paramadon in #1379
- Support JMX Container Insights by @Paramadon in #1382
- [Traces] Support OTLP format in transit by @wyTrivail in #1363
- [ApplicationSignals] Update metric processing by @bjrara in #1378
- [ContainerInsights] Use protobuf content type for k8s client by @sky333999 in #1387
Bug Fixes
- [Metrics/Procstat] Fix memory_swap metrics on Linux by @Paramadon in #1356
Full Changelog: v1.300047.0...v1.300048.1
Released On
- Increase retry delay on PLE for certain exceptions
- [ApplicationSignals] Add new log attribute for AWS Resource CloudFormation Primary Identifier in EMF logs @mxiamxia in
- [ApplicationSignals] Add ECS as a supported platform with ECS specific attributes for EMF logs @bjrara in #1336
Full Changelog: v1.300045.1...v1.300047.0
Released On
Bug Fixes
- [ApplicationSignals] EKS resource detector is now no-op on non-EKS environments by @jefchien in #1332
- Stop converting nanosecond metrics to microsecond by @dricross in #1322
- [ContainerInsights] Add HyperPod status metrics for SageMaker by @Reham77 in #1309
- [ContainerInsights] Add pod_cpu_usage_total & pod_memory_working_set by @pkkokane28 in #1294
- Reduce the size of the start-amazon-cloudwatch-agent binary by @jefchien in #1302
- [ContainerInsights] Update the prefix for SageMaker HyperPod status metrics by @spanaik in #1313
- [ContainerInsights] Use IMDS to get instance ID and type for Neuron Monitor by @spanaik in #1323
Full Changelog: v1.300044.0...v1.300045.1
Released On
Bug Fixes
- [ContainerInsights] Update GPU usage metrics emitted by @sky333999 in #1298
- [ContainerInsights] Deprecate runtime tag from neuron metrics to fix false average calculation by @sam6134 in #1275
- [ContainerInsights] Filter some neuron attributes to reduce the size of EMF logs by @aditya-purang in #1262
Full Changelog: v1.300043.0...v1.300044.0
Released On
Bug Fixes
- [Metrics/Plugin] Drop original metrics support added for statsd, collectd and ethtool metrics by @musa-asad in #1206
- [Logs/Windows Event] Add windows event log service restart detection and resubscribe by @jefchien in #1259
- [Metrics/JMX, Metrics/Net, Metrics/DiskIO] Change cumulative to delta conversion to drop initial value by @jefchien in #1278
- [Metrics/JMX] Suppress sessions unit warning by @jefchien in #1279
- [Metrics/JMX] Add cumulative to delta conversion for JMX metrics by @jefchien in #1264
- [ApplicationSignals] Rename and group application signals attributes by @bjrara in #1248
- Upgrade OTEL Contrib to v0.103.0 by @okankoAMZ in #1247
Full Changelog: v1.300042.1...v1.300043.0