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Releases: comet-licsar/LiCSBAS


10 Mar 14:21
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A special release that contains new functionality used towards processing of the whole LiCSAR dataset over Alpine-Himalayan Belt (reference coming soon), after improvements tested over Chilean volcanoes.

Significant changes:

  • ability to process burst overlap data (by Muhammet Nergizci)
  • updated tutorial (with GMT-based TS visualiser by Rochelle Pun)
  • codes to identify, solve (cum2vel+vstd+filtering) or skip earthquake offsets (ML)
  • removed reference effect on nullification in step 12 (ML)
  • (experimental) singular_gauss in step 13 (ML)
  • improved removal of reference effect on vstd (Yuan Gao, Dehua Wang)
  • plate motion signal removal w.r.t. Eurasia (ML, imported from Mintpy)
  • average phase bias and other improvements for masking (ML)
  • reflecting those changes

Full ChangeLog: v1.15.1...v1.16


26 Nov 20:27
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This is a correction release as v1.15 contained a bug in phase loop closure calculation.

What's Changed

  • major bugfix on phase loop closure dereferencing by @espiritocz in #57

Full Changelog: v1.15...v1.15.1

LiCSBAS v1.15

19 Nov 22:57
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A release with the COMET InSAR Workshop 2024 with procedures developed by the COMET team, partly described in

Lazecký, M., Ou, Q., Shen, L., McGrath, J., Payne, J., Espín, P., Hooper, A., Wright, T. Strategies for improving and correcting unwrapped interferograms implemented in LiCSBAS, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 239, 2024, pp. 2408-2412, ISSN 1877-0509, doi:10.1016/j.procs.2024.06.435.

It primarily consists of following updates:

  • LB12: nullify overcoming possible issues with erroneously unwrapped reference point
  • better integration of LB120 for improved reference point selection (QO)
  • LB13: nullify_noloops to remove ifgs without loop from inversion, min/max btemp limitation and further optimization
  • added calc with offset dates (or auto-find earthquake dates)
  • LB12-LB15: new signatures for masking: n_gaps_merged, loop_ph_abs_avg, n_loop_err_rat
  • LB16: added option interpolate_nans
  • batch_LiCSBAS - most of new params now available, including use of LB120, new masking options incl. for step 4 etc
  • importing from LiCSBAS2 ( demerr estimation (step 16), and from : download of ALOS interferograms

What's Changed (auto-generated)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.14.2...v1.15

Pre-COMET InSAR Workshop Release

06 Sep 17:11
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This is a minor release committing changes over the last year.

Main changes:

  • option to (download and) unwrap wrapped-phase interferogram geotiffs instead of starting from unwrapped, with the use of licsar_extra repo - Milan Lazecky
  • improved nullification (major improvement) - Lin Shen
  • added separate scripts from LiCSBAS Plus - Qi Ou (to be incorporated in future release)
  • option to load partially processed time series - Jack McGrath
  • improvements on stability - Milan Lazecky, Richard Rigby

v1.14.0-alpha COMET LiCSBAS

05 Dec 15:01
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This is the first release of the COMET team outside of the original LiCSBAS by Dr. Yu Morishita:

COMET LiCSAR team of developers performed various improvements over the original code base.

Main updates are:

  • step 11 - extra check for readability and dimensions of input unwrapped interferograms
  • step 11 - extra check/removal for extreme ramps as ifg errors
  • step 12 - nullification of pixels with loop closure errors, rather than dropping whole interferograms from the inversion
  • step 13 - added options 'only_sb' and 'singular' for faster solution (less computational demands, but 'singular' might be less precise than NSBAS as it calculates v=cum_sum/t_sum that is used to link gaps by adding expected value to the last date before the gap, rather than performing full least squares inversion)
  • - improved export to standard (GIS-compatible) NetCDF (to be further improved)

We intend to (soon) focus on v2.0 - stay in touch!