LiCSBAS v1.15
A release with the COMET InSAR Workshop 2024 with procedures developed by the COMET team, partly described in
Lazecký, M., Ou, Q., Shen, L., McGrath, J., Payne, J., Espín, P., Hooper, A., Wright, T. Strategies for improving and correcting unwrapped interferograms implemented in LiCSBAS, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 239, 2024, pp. 2408-2412, ISSN 1877-0509, doi:10.1016/j.procs.2024.06.435.
It primarily consists of following updates:
- LB12: nullify overcoming possible issues with erroneously unwrapped reference point
- better integration of LB120 for improved reference point selection (QO)
- LB13: nullify_noloops to remove ifgs without loop from inversion, min/max btemp limitation and further optimization
- added calc with offset dates (or auto-find earthquake dates)
- LB12-LB15: new signatures for masking: n_gaps_merged, loop_ph_abs_avg, n_loop_err_rat
- LB16: added option interpolate_nans
- batch_LiCSBAS - most of new params now available, including use of LB120, new masking options incl. for step 4 etc
- importing from LiCSBAS2 ( demerr estimation (step 16), and from : download of ALOS interferograms
What's Changed (auto-generated)
- 1 reload patches by @JackDMcGrath in #6
- 3 aggressive nullification by @JackDMcGrath in #7
- 2 add in polymask option by @JackDMcGrath in #8
- 4 coherence masking by @JackDMcGrath in #9
- 12 clip05 bugs by @JackDMcGrath in #13
- 12 clip05 bugs by @JackDMcGrath in #14
- Unwrapping correction by @qi-ou in #16
- cum2vel_weighted by @qi-ou in #18
- 130_sb_inv to allow for user defined ifg list by @qi-ou in #20
- make a cum from epoch data by @qi-ou in #22
- densify network from a given ifg list by adding a target number of ne… by @qi-ou in #24
- choose reference from 4 proxies by @qi-ou in #26
- remove reference effect by @qi-ou in #28
- graph theory and some io changes by @qi-ou in #30
- fix LiCSBAS03op by @espiritocz in #32
- bug fixes by @espiritocz in #35
- adding and modifying Lin Shen noloop counts by @espiritocz in #37
- Update by @espiritocz in #38
- minor fixes+custom nullify threshold in step 12 by @espiritocz in #40
- bugfix update by @espiritocz in #41
- Dev to main by @espiritocz in #42
- bugfix by @espiritocz in #43
- 02/2024 patch by @espiritocz in #44
- dev2main merge by @espiritocz in #45
- Download fix by @espiritocz in #48
- Update by @espiritocz in #49
- dev by @espiritocz in #55
- Augmenting dev version for the next release by @espiritocz in #56
New Contributors
- @JackDMcGrath made their first contribution in #6
- @qi-ou made their first contribution in #16
Full Changelog: v1.14.2...v1.15