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Changelog v0.10.0

github-actions edited this page Jan 6, 2025 · 2 revisions


Released January 5th, 2025.

This version introduces significant changes to Dragonfly, making world access happen through synchronised transactions. More information on this system can be found at the wiki page for world transactions

Dragonfly v0.10.0 requires Go 1.23 or above.



  • Added pale oak blocks.
  • Added resin blocks.
  • Added end rods.
  • Added pink petals.
  • Added vines.
  • Decorated pots can now have sherds and be filled with a stack of items.
  • Leaves now have a chance to drop sticks when breaking.
  • Crops now drop their respective seeds/items when "popping off" as a result of low light levels.
  • Fixed door placement consuming 3 door items.
  • Sugar canes now also break without water nearby on (SugarCane).RandomTick.
  • Explosions now correctly calculate exposure for entities behind blocks with non-full bounding boxes. (
  • Explosions from TNT now drop 100% of drops. (
  • Fixed fire created by lava or lightning not updating. (
  • Fixed note blocks retaining their last note when dropped. (
  • Fixed dead bushes not being placeable on grass/mud.


  • Rotation has a new Neg method that returns the negative of both Rotation values, used for projectiles.


  • Command names and aliases now must be lowercase. (
  • Target selectors ([]Target) now only yields players from the same world. This is a consequence of the world transactions and is likely to be reverted in a future Dragonfly version.
  • The *world.Tx in which a command is run is now passed to (Runnable).Run.


  • Fixed splash/lingering potions and bottles o' enchanting throwing velocity not matching vanilla. (
  • Fixed projectile knockback to reflect projectile velocity rather than collision position.


  • Effects now start their tick count the moment they are added to *entity.EffectManager. This means that effects now always tick predictably and consistently. (
  • Changed effect types to variables. Poison{} is now Poison.
  • Potency fields were removed from InstantHealth and InstantDamage, instead having been added to a new NewInstantWithPotency function.
  • Fixed effect colours not matching the latest Minecraft version. (


  • Added NightVisionTorchflowerStew, BlindnessEyeblossomStew and NauseaStew suspicious stew types.
  • Added Resin item.
  • Added Crossbow item.
  • Added new (Stack).WithItem method to return an identical Stack with a different world.Item type.
  • Removed armour trims from Stack. To replace it, a Trim field has been added to Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings and Boots.
  • Changed maximum stack count of written books to 16.
  • Fixed bottles not being filled up with water when using them on a water source. (
  • Removed DisplayName function.


  • Fixed several items, such as banners and skulls, not showing up correctly in the creative inventory. ()


  • Changed enchantment types to variables. Sharpness{} is now Sharpness.


  • Added HandleHeldSlotChange method to Handler, called when a player changes held slot. Additionally, a new (*Player).SetHeldSlot method was added.
  • Added HandleItemRelease method to Handler, called when a player releases and item such as a bow.
  • Added a new Messaget method to send a chat.Translation.
  • Data has been refactored in a more easily usable Config that can be used to create a player entity.
  • Attack immunity was changed to match vanilla. If (*Player).Hurt is called twice in the same tick, damage is still dealt if the second damage was higher than the first. Additionally, attack immunity now extends to all damage sources. (
  • Saturation and food tick are now reset when (Handler).HandleFoodLoss is cancelled.
  • Releasable items such as bows no longer fire when switching held slots. (
  • Fixed an issue where (*Player).HideEntity would leak entities. (
  • Fixed (*Player).ReleaseItem not using items in the left hand as projectiles.
  • Fixed no block break particles/progress/arm swinging happening. ( Block cracking is now fully server-side.
  • Fixed a bug where colliding with a wall while falling could negate or trigger fall damage. (
  • Stopped block resending when placing blocks close to the player, leading to reduced synchronisation issues.


  • Added a new Translate function used for (client-side) translations. Passing a TranslationString to Translate returns a Translation. Translations may require arguments that can be passed in (Translation).F.
  • Added a new Translator interface for Subscribers that can translate messages.
  • Added a new (*Chat).Messaget function to broadcast a translation that is localised for each subscriber that also implements Translator.


dialogue is a new package for sending entity dialogues to players. These are UI windows with text, buttons and an entity. The entity shown may be rotated. Dialogues may be created using New and can be sent to players using (*player.Player).SendDialogue.


  • (*Server).Accept now returns an iter.Seq of joining players that can be iterated over.
  • Disconnecting players returned by (*Server).Accept no longer deadlocks the server. (
  • Added StatusProvider field to Config for custom MOTD/player count values.


  • Added a new (*World).Exec method that is used to open a transaction on the world. Many methods on *World, such as (*World).Block, have now been moved to (*Tx).Block instead. More information may be found at the wiki page for world transactions.
  • Added a new *EntityHandle type that uniquely identifies an entity. Entity implementations are only valid in the context of a transaction now.
  • Added a EntityAnimation type that allows for complex entity animations to be played.
  • Added a new HandleLeavesDecay method to Handler, called when leaves blocks decay.
  • Added a new SaveInterval field to Config that specifies how often worlds should auto-save.
  • Scheduled block updates are now tied to the specific block type that they are called for.
  • Scheduled block updates are now saved and loaded to/from disk.
  • Entities are now stored on disk using the new format. (
  • Worlds with a void generator no longer panic when being loaded. (
  • Fixed panic when closing a world immediately after opening it. (


  • Added PaleGarden biome.


  • Added CrossbowLoad and CrossbowShoot