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Lazyman Manual

Ronald Record edited this page Jul 8, 2023 · 6 revisions



lazyman - install, initialize, manage, and explore multiple Neovim configurations


lazyman [-A] [-a] [-B] [-b branch] [-c] [-d] [-E config] [-e] [-f path] [-F menu] [-g] [-i group] [-j] [-k] [-l] [-m] [-M] [-s] [-S] [-v] [-n] [-o] [-p] [-P] [-q] [-Q] [-h] [-H] [-I] [-J] [-L lang] [-rR] [-C url] [-D subdir] [-N nvimdir] [-G] [-tT] [-U] [-V url] [-w conf] [-W] [-x conf] [-X] [-y] [-z] [-Z] [-u] [health] [init] [install] [open] [remove] [status] [usage]


  • lazyman command to easily install, initialize, manage, and explore multiple Neovim configurations
  • support for Lazy, Packer, and vim-plug plugin managers
  • automated installation of dependencies, tools, language servers, and Neovim 0.9
  • over 70 popular Neovim configurations supported
  • richly configured nvim-Lazyman Neovim configuration
  • interactive menu interface for ease of management
  • vimdoc help for nvim-Lazyman with :h nvim-Lazyman


The lazyman command can be used to install, initialize, and manage multiple Neovim configurations. Neovim configurations are installed and initialized in separate subdirectories of ~/.config/ with associated separate subdirectories in ~/.local/share/, ~/.local/state/, and ~/.cache/.

The lazyman Neovim configuration is installed as ~/.config/nvim-Lazyman and the lazyman command is installed as ~/.local/bin/lazyman.

The Neovim configuration used by the nvim command is determined by the NVIM_APPNAME environment variable (Neovim 0.9 and later only). Set the NVIM_APPNAME environment variable in the shell initialization file (typically ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) by using the export shell builtin:

export NVIM_APPNAME="<nvimdir>"

where <nvimdir> is the subdirectory in ~/.config/ that holds the desired Neovim configuration. For example, to use the LazyVim Neovim configuration in ~/.config/nvim-LazyVim/ the export command would be:

export NVIM_APPNAME="nvim-LazyVim"

In addition to exporting NVIM_APPNAME in your shell initialization file, you may wish to create aliases to execute with the various Neovim configurations you have installed. For example, aliases could be created to use Neovim configurations installed in ~/.config/nvim-LazyVim and ~/.config/nvim-LunarVim as follows:

alias nvim-lazy="NVIM_APPNAME=nvim-LazyVim nvim"
alias nvim-lunar="NVIM_APPNAME=nvim-LunarVim nvim"

After sourcing these aliases in your shell, to invoke Neovim with the LazyVim configuration run nvim-lazy and to invoke Neovim with the LunarVim config run nvim-lunar

The lazyman installation and configuration automatically configures convenience aliases for Lazyman installed Neovim configurations. It also creates an nvims alias which dynamically creates a fuzzy searchable menu of installed Neovim configurations and launches Neovim with the selected Lazyman Neovim configuration. See ~/.config/nvim-Lazyman/.lazymanrc. With this nvims alias it is no longer necessary to logout/login or source a shell initialization file to update the menu of installed Neovim configurations - the nvims alias dynamically generates the menu.

Similarly, a neovides alias can be used to select a Neovim configuration for use with the Neovim GUI neovide.

Both the nvims alias and neovides alias accept a -r flag which indicates removal of the selected Neovim configuration.

The fuzzy searchable/selectable menu of Neovim configurations can also be shown with the command lazyman -S. Note also that both the nvims alias and the lazyman -S command can accept additional filename arguments which are then passed to Neovim. For example, to edit /tmp/foo.lua with a Neovim configuration selected from the nvims menu:

nvims /tmp/foo.lua

Execute nvims directly at the shell prompt or by using the convenience key binding ctrl-n.

Similarly, if neovide is found in the execution PATH then a fuzzy selectable menu is provided with the neovides alias and convenience key binding of ctrl-N to bring up that menu.

The .lazymanrc file also creates aliases for ls, less, and others including a tldrf alias that allows fuzzy searching and selecting from the list of cheatsheets supported by tldr. Try out the tldrf command to quickly and easily display documentation for thousands of commands.

Another alternative to setting NVIM_APPNAME in the environment or with an alias is to use the lazyman command to specify which Neovim configuration to use with this invocation. This is done using the -E config option to lazyman. When invoking lazyman with the -E config argument, the Neovim configuration can be specified by setting config to one of astronvim, ecovim, kickstart, lazyman, lazyvim, lunarvim, nvchad, spacevim, or any Neovim configuration directory in ~/.config. For example, to edit the file foo.lua using the LazyVim Neovim configuration:

lazyman -E lazyvim foo.lua

When invoked with the -E config option, lazyman sets the NVIM_APPNAME environment variable to the specified config and executes nvim with all following arguments. This is a pretty easy way to explore all the lazyman installed and initialized Neovim configurations.

Supported plugin managers

Lazyman currently supports the following Neovim plugin managers:

The SpaceVim bundled plugin manager is also supported.

Neovim configurations using other plugin managers will likely fail to cleanly install and initialize using lazyman. Support for additional plugin managers is not currently planned but if you have a need for this feature open an issue.

To install and initialize a Neovim configuration that uses the Packer plugin manager invoke lazyman with the -P flag.

To install and initialize a Neovim configuration that uses the Plug plugin manager invoke lazyman with the -p flag.


The following command line options are available with the lazyman command:

-A : indicates install all supported Neovim configurations

-a : indicates install and initialize the the 'AstroNvimPlus' Neovim configuration

-B : indicates install and initialize all 'Base' Neovim configurations

-b branch : specifies an nvim-lazyman git branch to checkout

-c : indicates install and initialize the 'NvChad' Neovim configuration

-d : indicates debug mode

-D subdir : specifies the subdirectory of the repository given with -C url to retrieve

-e : indicates install and initialize the 'Ecovim' Neovim configuration

-E 'config' : execute 'nvim' with 'config' Neovim configuration where 'config' can be one of 'lazyman', 'astronvim', 'ecovim', 'kickstart', 'lazyvim', 'lunarvim', 'magicvim', 'spacevim', or any Neovim configuration directory in '~/.config'. For example, 'lazyman -E lazyvim foo.lua' would edit 'foo.lua' with the LazyVim config

-f 'path' : fix treesitter 'help' parser in config file 'path'

-F 'menu' : indicates present the specified Lazyman menu where 'menu' can be one of 'main', 'conf', 'lsp', 'format', 'plugin', 'lazyide', or 'webdev'

-G : indicates no plugin manager, initialize with :TSUpdate

-g : indicates install and initialize the 'Abstract' Neovim configuration

-h : indicates use Homebrew rather than the native package manager (Pacman always used on Arch Linux, Homebrew on macOS)

-H : indicates compile and install the nightly Neovim build

-j : indicates install and initialize the 'BasicIde' Neovim configuration

-k : indicates install and initialize the 'Kickstart' Neovim configuration

-l : indicates install and initialize the 'LazyVim' Neovim configuration

-m : indicates install and initialize 'MagicVim' Neovim configuration

-M : indicates install and initialize 'Mini' Neovim configuration

-s : indicates install and initialize the 'SpaceVim' Neovim configuration

-S : indicates show Neovim configuration fuzzy selector menu

-t : indicates list all installed Lazyman Neovim configurations

-T : indicates list all uninstalled Lazyman Neovim configurations

-v : indicates install and initialize the 'LunarVim' Neovim configuration

-i group : specifies a group to install/remove/update. 'group' can be one of: astronvim kickstart lazyvim lunarvim nvchad packer plug

-I : indicates install all language servers and tools for coding diagnostics

-J : indicates install indicated repo as an AstroNvim custom configuration

-L lang : indicates install the lang Language configuration where 'lang' can be one of: All AlanVim Allaman Fennel Go Knvim LaTeX LazyIde LunarIde LvimIde Magidc Python Rust SaleVim Webdev

-n : indicates dry run, don't actually do anything, just printf's

-P : indicates use Packer rather than Lazy to initialize

-p : indicates use Plug rather than Lazy to initialize

-q : indicates quiet install

-Q : indicates exit after performing specified action(s)

-r : indicates remove the previously installed configuration

-R : indicates remove previously installed configuration and backups

-C url : specifies a URL to a Neovim configuration git repository

-N nvimdir : specifies the folder name to use for the config given by -C

-U : indicates update an existing configuration

-V url : specifies an NvChad user configuration git repository

-w conf : indicates install and initialize Personal 'conf' configuration. 'conf' can be one of: All 2k 3rd Adib Brain Charles Craftzdog Dillon Elianiva Enrique Heiker J4de Josean Daniel Metis Mini Nv ONNO OnMyWay Optixal Rafi Roiz Simple Slydragonn Spider Traap Xiao

-W : indicates install and initialize all 'Personal' Neovim configurations

-x conf : indicates install and initialize nvim-starter 'conf' configuration. 'conf' can be one of: All AstroNvimStart Basic CodeArt Cosmic Ember Kabin Kickstart Lamia Micah Normal NvPak HardHacker Modern pde Scratch BasicLsp BasicMason Extralight LspCmp Minimal StartBase Opinion StartLsp StartMason Modular

-X : indicates install and initialize all 'Starter' Neovim configurations

-y : indicates do not prompt, answer 'yes' to any prompt

-z : indicates do not run nvim after initialization

-Z : indicates do not install Homebrew, Neovim, or any other tools during initialization

-u : displays this usage message and exits

health : generate and display a health check for a configuration

init : initialize specified Neovim configuration and exit

install : fuzzy search and select configuration to install

open : fuzzy search and select configuration to open

remove : fuzzy search and select configuration to remove

status : displays a brief status report and exits

usage : displays a usage message and exits

Commands act on NVIM_APPNAME, override with '-N nvimdir' or '-A'

Without arguments lazyman installs and initializes nvim-Lazyman or, if initialized presents an interactive menu system.


$HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman/ : initializes the Lazyman Neovim configuration in $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman/

lazyman : presents an interactive menu interface

lazyman install : fuzzy search and select a configuration to install and initialize

lazyman open : fuzzy search and select an initialized configuration to open

lazyman -a : installs and initializes the AstroNvimPlus Neovim configuration in $HOME/.config/nvim-AstroNvimPlus/

lazyman -c : installs and initializes the NvChad Neovim configuration in $HOME/.config/nvim-NvChad/

lazyman -l : installs and initializes the LazyVim Neovim configuration in $HOME/.config/nvim-LazyVim/

lazyman -A : installs and initializes all supported Neovim configurations

lazyman -I : installs language servers and tools for coding diagnostics

lazyman -U -N nvim-LazyVim : updates the LazyVim Neovim configuration in $HOME/.config/nvim-LazyVim/

lazyman -A -U : updates all installed supported Neovim configurations

lazyman -P -C -N nvim-Abstract : installs and initializes the Packer based 'Abstract' Neovim configuration in ~/.config/nvim-Abstract

lazyman -R -N nvim-LazyVim : removes the LazyVim Neovim configuration in $HOME/.config/nvim-LazyVim/, its data files, cache, state, and all backups

Sometimes people place their Neovim configuration in a repository subdirectory along with other configurations in a dotfiles repo. To retrieve only the Neovim configuration subdirectory in such a repository, use the -b branch and -D subdir arguments to lazyman along with -C url and -N nvimdir. If no -b branch is provided then the default git branch is assumed to be master. For example, to install and initialize the Neovim configuration hosted at in the subdirectory nvim with default branch main, place it in ~/.config/nvim-AlanVim, and initialize it with Packer:

lazyman -b main -C -D nvim -N nvim-AlanVim -P


In addition to the lazyman command, the Lazyman distribution includes a richly preconfigured Neovim configuration in ~/.config/nvim-Lazyman. The Lazyman Neovim configuration includes a top-level configuration file, ~/.config/nvim-Lazyman/lua/configuration.lua. This file can be use to enable, disable, and configure nvim-Lazyman components. For example, here is where you would configure whether neo-tree or nvim-tree is enabled as a file explorer. Or, disable the tabline, disable the statusline, set the colorscheme, theme, and theme style. The configuration.lua file is intended to serve as a quick and easy way to re-configure the nvim-Lazyman Neovim configuration but you can still dig down into the options.lua, keymaps.lua, autocmds.lua and more.

Configuration sections

The lua/configuration.lua configuration file contains the following sections with settings briefly described here:

Theme configuration

The nvim-Lazyman Neovim configuration includes pre-configured support for several themes including support for statusline and tabline theme coordination. The active theme and colorscheme is selected in configuration.lua by setting conf.theme. For themes that support different styles, the theme style is selected by setting conf.theme_style. Theme transparency can be enabled with conf.enable_transparent. For example, to use the kanagawa theme with dragon style and transparency disabled, set:

conf.theme = "kanagawa"
conf.theme_style = "dragon"
conf.enable_transparent = false
Supported themes

A configuration file for each theme is in lua/themes/ and lualine theme configuration for each theme and its styles in lua/themes/lualine.

Use <F8> to step through themes.

Available styles are:

  • kanagawa
    • wave
    • dragon
    • lotus
  • tokyonight
    • night
    • storm
    • day
    • moon
  • onedarkpro
    • onedark
    • onelight
    • onedark_vivid
    • onedark_dark
  • catppuccin
    • latte
    • frappe
    • macchiato
    • mocha
    • custom
  • dracula
    • blood
    • magic
    • soft
    • default
  • nightfox
    • carbonfox
    • dawnfox
    • dayfox
    • duskfox
    • nightfox
    • nordfox
    • terafox
  • monokai-pro
    • classic
    • octagon
    • pro
    • machine
    • ristretto
    • spectrum

Plugin configuration

Several Neovim plugins in the nvim-Lazyman configuration can be optionally installed or replaced by another plugin with similar functionality. The plugins that are configurable in this way in configuration.lua are briefly described below along with their default settings:

  • Neovim session manager to use, either persistence or possession
    • conf.session_manager = "possession"
  • Enable display of ascii art
    • conf.enable_asciiart = false
  • Delete buffers and close files without closing your windows
    • conf.enable_bbye = true
  • Enable display of custom cheatsheets
    • conf.enable_cheatsheet = true
  • Enable coding plugins for diagnostics, debugging, and language sservers
    • conf.enable_coding = true
  • Enable compile plugin to compile and run current file
    • conf.enable_compile = false
  • If coding is enabled, enable Github Copilot
    • conf.enable_copilot = false
  • If coding is enabled, enable Neoai,
    • conf.enable_neoai = false
  • Enable dressing plugin for improved default vim.ui interfaces
    • conf.enable_dressing = true
  • Enable easy motions, can be one of "hop", "leap", or "none"
    • conf.enable_motion = "leap"
  • Enable note making using Markdown preview and Obsidian plugins
    • conf.enable_notes = true
  • Enable renamer plugin for VS Code-like renaming UI
    • conf.enable_renamer = true
  • Enable ranger in a floating window
    • conf.enable_ranger_float = true
  • Enable multiple cursors
    • conf.enable_multi_cursor = true
  • Neo-tree or nvim-tree, false will enable nvim-tree
    • conf.enable_neotree = true
  • Replace the UI for messages, cmdline and the popup menu
    • conf.enable_noice = true
  • Enable ChatGPT (set OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable)
    • conf.enable_chatgpt = false
  • Enable the wilder plugin
    • conf.enable_wilder = false
  • The statusline (lualine) and tabline can each be enabled or disabled
    • conf.enable_statusline = true
    • conf.enable_tabline = true
  • The winbar with navic location can be one of barbecue, standard, or none
    • conf.enable_winbar = "standard"
  • Enable the rebelot/terminal.nvim terminal plugin
    • conf.enable_terminal = true
  • Enable playing games inside Neovim!
    • conf.enable_games = true
  • Enable the Alpha dashboard
    • conf.dashboard = "alpha"
  • Enable the Neovim bookmarks plugin (
    • conf.enable_bookmarks = false
  • Enable the Neovim IDE plugin (
    • conf.enable_ide = false
  • Enable Navigator
    • conf.enable_navigator = true
  • Enable Project manager
    • conf.enable_project = true
  • Enable smooth scrolling with the neoscroll plugin
    • conf.enable_smooth_scrolling = true
  • Enable window picker
    • conf.enable_picker = true
  • Show diagnostics, can be one of "none", "icons", "popup". Default is "popup"
    • conf.show_diagnostics = "icons"
  • Enable semantic highlighting
    • conf.enable_semantic_highlighting = true
  • Convert semantic highlights to treesitter highlights
    • conf.convert_semantic_highlighting = true

Additional plugin configuration and options are available in configuration.lua.

Lazyman Neovim Terminal

If configuration.lua has the Neovim Terminal enabled with conf.enable_terminal = true then the Lazyman Neovim configuration includes Neovim Terminal management via terminal.nvim. This Neovim terminal is preconfigured for execution of the lazyman command. A shortcut key binding to execute lazyman in a Neovim terminal has also been provided: (<leader>lm). While in Neovim with the default nvim-Lazyman configuration, pressing ,lm will execute the lazyman command in a Neovim floating terminal window. Alternately, executing the Neovim command :Lazyman will also bring up the lazyman command in a Neovim terminal.

The Lazyman Neovim configuration includes an autocmd to automatically enter insert mode when opening the Neovim Terminal. This allows immediate input to the lazyman prompt. While in the Neovim Terminal the normal Neovim mode, motion, and command key bindings are in effect. For example, to leave insert mode press <ESC>, to re-enter insert mode press i or a.

If Asciiville is installed, pressing ,A or executing the :Asciiville Neovim command will execute the asciiville command in a Neovim floating terminal window.

If the htop command is available, :Htop will execute the htop system monitor in a floating Neovim terminal window.

This preconfigured Neovim terminal capability is only available in the Lazyman Neovim configuration and not in the other configs.


The Lazyman Neovim configuration provides vimdoc help for the lazyman command, the nvim-Lazyman Neovim configuration, and the configured keymaps.

While in Neovim using the nvim-Lazyman configuration, view the vimdoc help for the lazyman command and configuration with the command :help Lazyman-lazyman and the vimdoc help for the configured keymaps with the command :help Lazyman-Keymaps-lazyman. Shortcut key bindings for these help commands have been configured. Use ,hl and ,hk to quickly access the vimdoc help for lazyman and Lazyman keymaps.


Written by Ronald Record


LAZYMAN is distributed under an Open Source license. See the file LICENSE in the LAZYMAN source distribution for information on terms & conditions for accessing and otherwise using LAZYMAN and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.


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