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Ronald Record edited this page Apr 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Manual installation

If you do not wish to use the automated installation and initialization provided by the script, manual installation and initialization can be performed. Check the version of the installed Neovim with:

nvim --version

Follow the manual installation procedure for your version of Neovim. Manual installation should be accompanied by a manual upgrade of Neovim and installation of desired language servers and tools. You're on your own but you can always just run lazyman -I to perform an automated install and upgrade.

Neovim 0.9 and later

In Neovim 0.9 and later there is a new feature enabling control of the Neovim configuration location through the NVIM_APPNAME environment variable. For example, export NVIM_APPNAME="nvim-Lazyman" in your shell would make nvim look for its configuration in ~/.config/nvim-Lazyman rather than ~/.config/nvim. This new feature can be used to easily switch between Neovim configurations.

If you wish to use this repository in conjunction with a setup utilizing the NVIM_APPNAME feature then the manual installation process can be performed by:

  • Backup any pre-existing nvim-Lazyman config folder
[ -d $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman ] && {
  echo "Backing up existing nvim-Lazyman config as $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman-bak$$"
  mv $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman-bak$$
  • Clone the nvim-Lazyman Neovim configuration repository and initialize Neovim
echo "Cloning nvim-Lazyman configuration into $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman"
git clone $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman
export NVIM_APPNAME="nvim-Lazyman"
nvim --headless "+Lazy! sync" +qa

Neovim 0.8 and earlier

[Note:] Lazyman bootstrap will install the latest version of Neovim even if an older version is already installed. A manual install of Lazyman will not upgrade Neovim. Neovim 0.8 and earlier does not support some of the features Lazyman provides.

Users of Neovim 0.8 and earlier can manually install and initialize nvim-Lazyman following these instructions:

  • Backup any existing Neovim configuration, state, and installed plugins
[ -d $HOME/.config/nvim ] && {
  echo "Backing up Neovim config as $HOME/.config/nvim-bak$$"
  mv $HOME/.config/nvim $HOME/.config/nvim-bak$$
[ -d $HOME/.local/state/nvim ] && {
  echo "Backing up Neovim state as $HOME/.local/state/nvim-bak$$"
  mv $HOME/.local/state/nvim $HOME/.local/state/nvim-bak$$
[ -d $HOME/.local/share/nvim ] && {
  echo "Backing up Neovim installed plugins as $HOME/.local/share/nvim-bak$$"
  mv $HOME/.local/share/nvim $HOME/.local/share/nvim-bak$$
  • Clone the nvim-Lazyman Neovim configuration repository and initialize Neovim
git clone $HOME/.config/nvim
nvim --headless "+Lazy! sync" +qa
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