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Releases: eProsima/Fast-DDS-docs


25 Feb 06:26
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Fast DDS Docs v3.0.2

This release includes the following improvements:

  • Add default subscriber profile in ROS 2 XML configuration (#910)
  • Enhance Fast DDS docs with a FAQs section covering every subsection (#902)
  • Add support @value annotation on fastddsgen (#917)
  • Add notes from v2.10.5 (#921)
  • Update fastdds_profiles.xsd file location (#926)
  • Include link to Python installation Getting started (#935)
  • Add Spell Check error summary to reusable workflow (#952)
  • Add notes from v2.10.6 (#959)
  • Add notes from v2.14.4 (#995)
  • Add data-sharing with security incompatibility warning (#981)
  • Add documentation for preferred_key_agreement property (#968)
  • Add documentation for transmit_algorithms_as_legacy` on builtin security plugins (#976)
  • Update migration guide removing things not related to application developer (#1015)

CI improvements:

  • Allow run CI on external contributions (#1017)

This release includes the following fixes:

  • Fix typo in statistics troubleshooting XML snippet (#911)
  • Fix master build to run on Ubuntu 24.04 (#856)
  • Fix sphinx-toolbox version in requirements.txt (#920)
  • Avoid referring to specific ROS 2 distributions (#922)
  • Adjust XML snippets to meet QoS constraints (#941)
  • Fix issues on typos and unified some formats (#998, #987)
  • Fix typo in getting started C++ section (#1005)
  • Fix default ROS 2 publication mode (#1027)

PRs in merged order:
#911, #856, #910, #902, #917, #920, #921, #922, #924, #926, #935, #941, #952, #959, #998, #1005, #1027, #1017, #995, #987, #981, #968, #976, #1015


11 Feb 11:55
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Fast DDS Docs v3.1.2

This release includes the following improvements:

  • Update migration guide removing things not related to application developer (#1014)
  • Allow run CI on external contributions (#1016)

This release includes the following fixes:

  • Fixed various typos and unified some formats in documentation (#997, #986)
  • Fix typo in getting started C++ section (#1004)
  • Fix default ros2 publication mode (#1026)

PRs in merged order:
#997, #1004, #1014, #986, #1026, #1016, #1031


19 Dec 11:19
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Fast DDS Docs v3.1.1

This release includes the following improvements:

  1. Add documentation for preferred_key_agreement property (#967)
  2. Document new transmit_algorithms_as_legacy on builtin security plugins (#975)
  3. Add notes from releases on supported branches (#958, #994)
  4. Regenerate types with Fast DDS Gen 4.0.3 (#991)
  5. Add Spell Check error summary to reusable workflow (#951)

This release includes the following fixes:

  1. Include link to Python installation Getting started (#933)
  2. Adjust XML snippets to meet QoS constraints (#934)
  3. Add data-sharing with security incompatibility warning (#980)

PRs in merged order:
#933, #934, #940, #951, #958, #967, #975, #980, #991, #994, #993


02 Dec 10:11
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Fast DDS Docs v2.14.4

This release includes the following new features:

  1. Add default subscriber profile in ROS 2 XML configuration (#913)
  2. Add Spell Check error summary to reusable workflow (#953)

This release includes the following improvements:

  1. CI: paths-ignore only ignores modification in markdown files (#877)
  2. Update apt dependencies in ubuntu github ci (#887)
  3. Improve mutation_tries documentation (#904)
  4. Include link to Python installation Getting started (#936)
  5. Add notes from v2.10.5 (#957)
  6. Add notes from v2.10.6 (#960)
  7. Check fastcdr major version in FastDDSGenCodeTester (#964)
  8. Regenerate types with Fast DDS Gen v3.3.1 (#965)

PRs in merged order:
#877, #887, #904, #913, #936, #953, #957, #960, #964, #965, #971


14 Nov 15:01
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Fast DDS Docs v2.10.6

This release includes the following fixes:

  1. Include link to Python installation Getting started (#937)

PRs in merge order:
#937, #949


15 Oct 16:26
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Fast DDS Docs v3.1.0

This release includes the following new features:

  1. New FAQs section covering every subsection (#902)
  2. Documentation on QoS getters from raw XML (#928)
  3. Add Fast DDS v3 Migration Guide (#929)

This release includes the following improvements:

  1. Add default subscriber profile in ROS 2 XML configuration (#910)
  2. Add support @value annotation on fastddsgen (#917)
  3. Updates allowing for all durability configurations (#907)
  4. Update Use Case: How to use eProsima DDS Record and Replay (#927)
  5. Add Fast DDS v3.1.0 release notes (#930)

This release includes the following fixes:

  1. Fix typo in XML (#911)
  2. Fix master build to run on Ubuntu 24.04 (#856)
  3. Fix sphinx-toolbox version in requirements.txt (#920)
  4. Add notes from v2.10.5 (#921)
  5. Update Foxy reference in ROS 2 section (#922)
  6. Update fastdds_profiles.xsd file location (#925)
  7. Update commercial support section (#931)

PRs in merged order:
#911, #856, #910, #902, #917, #920, #921, #922, #923, #907, #925, #927, #928, #929, #930, #931


26 Sep 13:51
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Fast DDS Docs v2.10.5

This release includes the following features:

  1. Documentation for XML configuration of flow controllers (#803, #829)

This release includes the following improvements:

  1. Improve build steps in the installation from sources sections (#815)
  2. Add python optional step in binary installation sections (#863)
  3. Include v2.6.9 release notes and 2.6.x maintenance flag (#851)
  4. Add default subscriber profile in ROS 2 XML configuration (#914)
  5. Improve mutation_tries documentation (#905)

CI improvements:

  1. Migrate Fast DDS Docs CI to Github (#835)
  2. Fix issue with Fast DDS and Fast DDS python deduced branches (#841)
  3. Check suprocess return codes on RDT generation (#798)
  4. paths-ignore only ignores modification in markdown files (#878)
  5. Update apt dependencies in ubuntu github CI (#888)

This release includes the following fixes:

  1. Fix code block not been colored after sphinx upgrade (#860)

PRs in merge order:
#815, #835, #841, #798, #851, #863, #860, #878, #888, #905, #803, #829, #914, #919


13 Sep 11:04
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Fast DDS Docs v3.0.1

This release includes the following improvements:

  • Improve mutation tries documentation (#768)
  • Bump setuptools from 67.6.0 to 70.0.0 in /docs (#872)
  • Add warning about idls extensibility for Vulcanexus Jazzy (#906)

This release includes the following fixes:

  • Fix bug in initial peers documentation (#896)
  • Fix typo in fastdds discovery section (#894)

PRs in merged order:
#896, #894, #768, #872, #906, #908, #909


26 Aug 08:44
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Fast DDS Docs v3.0.0

This release includes the following features:

  1. Branch-out for fastdds v3.0.0 (#660)(#750)
  2. Update xtypes 1.3 (#730)
  3. New max_message_size property to limit output datagrams size (#770)
  4. Create Participant with default profile using environment XML configuration (#725)
  5. Automatic TypeObject representation registration for DynamicTypes (#778)
  6. Add documentation of netmask filter and max_msg_size_no_frag in TransportConfigQos (#788)
  7. Add XML configuration for FlowControllerDescriptor (#782)
  8. New Api DomainParticipantExtendedQos (#805)
  9. Added test_shared_mem_transport_descriptor to api_reference (#820)
  10. GUIDLess Discovery Server (#751)
  11. Type propagation policy (#880)
  12. Serialize DynamicData to JSON (#844)
  13. Serialize DynamicTypes to IDL (#865)

This release includes the following improvements:

  1. RTPS reader APIs refactor (#791)
  2. RTPS writer APIs refactor (#847)
  3. IPayloadPool refactor (#800)
  4. Gather-send implementation (#724)
  5. TypeObjectRegistry refactor (#792)
  6. RTPS WriterHistory refactor (#826)
  7. Participant discovery data refactor (#874)
  8. TopicDataType refactor (#875)
  9. Remove WriterProxyData from public APIs (#866)
  10. Remove ReaderProxyData from public APIs (#873)
  11. Remove fastrtps fixed_size_string.hpp references and move to fastcdr (#695)
  12. Remove private XML parser APIs (#701)
  13. Rename DLL API exporter FASTDDS_EXPORTED_API (#718)
  14. Migrate classes from include/fastrtps to include/fastdds (#726)
  15. Remove LivelinessData from API reference (#736)
  16. Upgrade python requirements and remove all warnings (#747)
  17. Remove reference to removed constant (#771)
  18. Adjust for removing all redundant headers from include/fastrtps (#737)
  19. Remove RTPSMessageGroup from aliases-api includes (#744)
  20. Move DR TypeConsistencyEnforcement & DataRepresentation from TypeConsistency to DataReaderQos (#779)
  21. Remove Exception api (#785)
  22. Adjust BuiltinEndpoints migration (#784)
  23. Change default logconsumer value to StdoutErr (#790)
  24. Check suprocess return codes on RDT generation (#795)
  25. Remove public ChangeForReader from api reference (#809)
  26. Migrate fastrtps namespace (#813)
  27. Removal of ParameterTypes.h (#810)
  28. Update Fast DDS QoS examples (#781)
  29. Enumerations are traslated to C++ signed integer enumerations (#821)
  30. Adjust for const qualification of all data related inputs in DataWriter APIs (#817)
  31. Complete flow_controller_descriptor references in xml sections (#824)
  32. Adjust for Fast DDS public headers migration to .hpp (#825)
  33. Adjust type in get_dynamic_type_builder_from_xml_by_name to return DynamicTypeBuilder (#818)
  34. Improve build steps in the installation from sources sections (#811)
  35. Update to doxygen 1.9.8 used in Ubuntu 24.04 (#837)
  36. Move Time_t to dds namespace and some Attributes to xmlparser docs (#870)
  37. Remove all code related to FAST CDR v1 (#882)
  38. Github improvements:
    • Update mirror job (#772)
    • Migrate Fast DDS Docs CI to Github (#831)
    • Fix nightly job and move 2.6.x to weekly CI (#845)
    • Fix weekly CI cron expression (#852)
    • Change back Ubuntu versions for CI and RTD (#857)
    • Add python optional step in binary installation sections (#853)
    • CI: paths-ignore only ignores modification in markdown files (#876)
    • Set update apt dependencies to true in ubuntu github ci (#886)

This release includes the following fixes:

  1. Fix issue with Fast DDS and Fast DDS python deduced branches (#838)
  2. Fix spelling due to new class introduced in Fast DDS (#854)
  3. Fix code block not been colored after sphinx upgrade (#846)
  4. Fix Large data usecase flowcontrollers XML snippet (#794)
  5. Misspell DataReaderHistory Update architecture.rst (#864)
  6. Fix README and standardQosPolicies (#881)
  7. Fix example links (#895)

PRs in merged order:
#660, #695, #701, #718, #726, #736, #725, #730, #747, #750, #772, #771, #770, #778, #737, #744, #779, #783, #788, #785, #782, #784, #790, #795, #809, #791, #800, #724, #792, #813, #810, #781, #821, #817, #805, #820, #823, #824, #825, #826, #831, #838, #751, #818, #811, #807, #845, #837, #848, #852, #854, #857, #846, #847, #853, #844, #865, #869, #871, #866, #876, #875, #873, #870, #874, #794, #864, #882, #880, #881, #886, #890, #893, #895, #884


12 Jul 08:40
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Fast DDS Docs v2.13.6

This release includes the following improvements:

  • Add XML configuration for FlowControllerDescriptor (#802)
  • Complete FlowControllerDescriptor references in xml sections (#828)
  • Improve build steps in the installation from sources sections (#814)
  • Add python optional step in binary installation sections (#862)
  • Check subprocess return codes on RDT generation (#797)
  • Include v2.6.9 release notes and 2.6.x maintenance flag (#850)
  • Github CI management:
    • Migrate Fast DDS Docs CI to Github (#834)
    • Fix issue with Fast DDS and Fast DDS python deduced branches (#840)

This release includes the following fixes:

  • Fix code block not been colored after sphinx upgrade (#859)

PRs in merged order:
#814, #834, #840, #797, #850, #862, #859, #802, #828, #868