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Elide: Alpha 14

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@sgammon sgammon released this 02 Mar 22:35
· 8 commits to main since this release

Release Notes

Version: 1.0.0-alpha14

This release brings many major improvements to Elide, along with smaller bugfixes:

✅ Initial support for fetch via polyfill
✅ Faster imports (ESM + CJS) with synthetic modules
✅ Support for precompilers, which process source code before execution; first up is TypeScript
✅ Faster TypeScript execution with a native parser based on oxc
✅ Fix CustomEvent constructor which was not previously exposed
✅ Native (non-polyfilled) implementation of abort types, i.e. AbortController and AbortSignal
⏫ Upgrade sqlite to latest (3.49.1)
💀 Deprecated: Elide's internal asset serving system, for a rewrite
💀 Deprecated: Elide's current Gradle plugin

Dimension Improvement
Binary size ⏫ Reduced by up to 1G on certain platforms
Startup time ⏫ Improved by up to 20x in some cases (TypeScript)
SQLite ⏫ Improved by up to 30x in some cases (synthetic modules)


curl -sSL --tlsv1.2 | bash -s - --install-rev=1.0.0-alpha14

Support Vector

  • macOS on M1+ or x86-64
  • Linux on x86-64
  • Windows on x86-64
  • JavaScript (ECMA2024)
  • Python (v3.11)


Ruby, LLVM, and JVM support (to include Java, Kotlin, et al) have been yanked, along with a few other features (uv), in order to work on binary size. These will be re-introduced, probably in the next release.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-alpha13...1.0.0-alpha14