Releases: getlago/lago-openapi
Releases · getlago/lago-openapi
What's Changed
- feat: Add payments endpoints to API documentation by @brunomiguelpinto in #338
- feat (invoice-preview): add support for new invoice preview params by @floganz in #339
- feat(stripe): add stripe crypto to payment methods by @sarkissianraffi in #337
- update openapi for Bank Transfers payment method by @sarkissianraffi in #340
- docs: fix fee types in openapi by @sarkissianraffi in #341
- fix(invoice-preview): Fix input parameters by @floganz in #342
- misc: Bump version to v1.22.0 by @vincent-pochet in #343
Full Changelog: v1.20.0...v1.22.0
What's Changed
- misc: Add webhooks definition by @vincent-pochet in #320
- misc(webhook): event.error is deprecated by @vincent-pochet in #324
- misc(webhooks): Add operation ids by @vincent-pochet in #325
- misc(webhooks): Add header definitions by @vincent-pochet in #326
- Adjust invoices metadata filter description by @floganz in #323
- feat(revshare): Add self_billed and account_type to Invoices and Customers by @ancorcruz in #322
- fix(paymentRequest): requires an external_customer_id by @vincent-pochet in #327
- misc: Bump version to v1.20.0 by @vincent-pochet in #328
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.19.0...v1.20.0
What's Changed
- feat(export invoices): extend GET /invoices by amount and metadata by @sarkissianraffi in #318
- feat: Expose billing periods with invoice object by @vincent-pochet in #319
- misc: Bump version to v1.19.0 by @vincent-pochet in #321
Full Changelog: 1.18.0...v1.19.0
What's Changed
- fix(wallet): Include draft invoices into ongoing usage balance by @rsempe in #307
- misc: Remove *_count fields by @vincent-pochet in #305
- misc: Bump version from 1.17.0 to 1.17.1 by @rsempe in #308
- Add created_at and updated_at to invoice object by @rsempe in #309
- fix: Add nullable to coupon terminated_at by @rsempe in #310
- Misc(fee): add event_transaction_id to fee query param by @annvelents in #311
- ftr(tax-integrations): add description for pending status by @lovrocolic in #313
- feat(export credit notes): extend GET /credit notes search and filters by @sarkissianraffi in #312
- openapi: add credit notes filters to openapi.yaml file by @sarkissianraffi in #314
- subscription: fix type for ending_at field by @sarkissianraffi in #315
- Feat(invoice_custom_section): add invoice custom section information to open_api by @annvelents in #317
- misc: Bump version to 1.18.0 by @vincent-pochet in #316
Full Changelog: v1.17.0...1.18.0
What's Changed
- misc: Deprecate counters at billable metric index level by @vincent-pochet in #303
- Remove all unnecessary allOf by @algra4 in #299
- fix: Link to contributing documentation by @vincent-pochet in #304
- misc: Version 1.17.0 by @vincent-pochet in #306
Full Changelog: v1.16.0...v1.17.0
What's Changed
- Feat: add cascade_updates option to plan params by @annvelents in #297
- feat(felixible aggregation): Expose expression in API by @vincent-pochet in #293
- build(deps): bump jsonpath-plus and @stoplight/spectral-core by @dependabot in #301
- feat(billable_metric): Expose rounding attributes by @vincent-pochet in #298
- Bump version to 1.16.0 by @nudded in #302
Full Changelog: v1.15.0...v1.16.0
What's Changed
- feat(customer-portal): Remove premium restriction by @rsempe in #276
- build(deps): bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 by @dependabot in #275
- feat(customer-type): Add customer type, firstname and lastname to customer by @ivannovosad in #274
- Fix: Specify expiration on coupon as required at coupon create input schema by @annvelents in #277
- misc: Update wallet definitions by @rsempe in #278
- misc: Fix typo from credit_balance to credits_balance by @rsempe in #279
- feat(dunning): Add payment request object by @rsempe in #280
- feat(ProgressiveBilling): Expose lifetime usage GET and PUT by @vincent-pochet in #266
- misc: Bump version from 1.11.0 to 1.12.2 by @rsempe in #282
- feat: make external_subscription_id required by @brunomiguelpinto in #285
- feat(events): Add GET /events/ endpoint by @ancorcruz in #284
- feat(events): update openapi.yaml file by @ancorcruz in #286
- build(deps): bump rollup from 2.79.1 to 2.79.2 by @dependabot in #288
- fix small typo for invoice and event endpoints by @sarkissianraffi in #289
- misc(region): Change the region part in the url by @ivannovosad in #290
- feat(DynamicPricing): Document Event#precise_total_amount_cents by @vincent-pochet in #281
- feat: Add current billing period dates by @rsempe in #283
- fix: Fix issue with incorrect base URL generation due to empty string in region variable by @brunomiguelpinto in #292
- feat: Update API Server URLs to Separate US and EU Clusters by @brunomiguelpinto in #294
- chore: Add GitHub release badge to the repository by @electrosenpai in #287
- feat(fee): Expose charge_id in REST API by @vincent-pochet in #291
- bump version to 1.15.0 by @nudded in #296
New Contributors
- @sarkissianraffi made their first contribution in #289
- @electrosenpai made their first contribution in #287
- @nudded made their first contribution in #296
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.15.0
What's Changed
- misc(dependencies): Update dependencies by @jdenquin in #261
- feature(anrok): add error details to invoice response by @annvelents in #262
- feat(ProgressiveBIlling): Document new fields by @vincent-pochet in #263
- misc(version): Bump to v1.10.0 by @vincent-pochet in #264
- misc: Update Swagger-ui by @vincent-pochet in #265
- Update OpenAPI with anrok as integration type for integration_customer by @annvelents in #267
- Feat(anrok): Add xero to the integration customer type list by @annvelents in #269
- feat(dunning): add payment requests create and get all endpoints by @ancorcruz in #271
- Add precise amounts to fee object by @ivannovosad in #270
- feat(dunning): fix payment request create body payload by @ancorcruz in #272
- Feat(invoice): Feat add skip zero invoices by @brunomiguelpinto in #268
- misc(version): Bump to v1.11.0 by @vincent-pochet in #273
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.11.0
What's Changed
- feat(charges): Add Charge.regroup_paid_fees attribute by @julienbourdeau in #251
- Remove
to reference EventInput in /event endpoint by @julienbourdeau in #256 - Feat/invoice requires successful payment by @brunomiguelpinto in #257
- misc(version): bump to 1.8.2 by @jdenquin in #258
- feat: add walled transaction metadata by @brunomiguelpinto in #259
- misc(version): bump to 1.9.0 by @jdenquin in #260
New Contributors
- @julienbourdeau made their first contribution in #251
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.9.0