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HIVFacts 2019.8

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@philiptzou philiptzou released this 14 Aug 01:16

The library name were renamed from "HIVAAPcnt" to "HIVFacts".

The amino acid prevalence list were updated using the latest version of HIVDB database. Three more lists were added to the library for better version control:

  1. Codon prevalence list for HIV-1 PR, RT and IN;
  2. 296 HIV-1 Signature APOBEC mutations;
  3. 17 HIV-1 APOBEC context drug resistance mutations (DRMs).

This is the first time since 2016 we updated the APOBEC-related list. The steps of identifying signature APOBEC mutations and APOBEC context DRMs were described in this document: HIV-1 Signature APOBEC Mutations.