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Releases: inbo/n2khab

n2khab 0.4.0

10 Feb 18:56
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New feature

Updates & internal changes


  • Update namelist data source: Dutch shortname of one type changed (#102).
  • Drop dependency on sp, which was used for CRS handling in a few functions (#103).
  • Minor updates in documentation and vignettes to solve newly encountered errors and notes in R CMD check (#107).

Repo and website maintenance

  • Update and extend Readme (homepage) and Contributing Guide (#97, #110), including:
    • instruction for upgrading the package;
    • note on handling proj4string warnings;
    • improved explanation of git workflows in developing the package.
  • Continuous integration: leave Travis CI; add new GitHub Actions workflows (#108).
  • Website: larger fontsize; Ubuntu Mono font for code; consistent colouring of hyperlinks (#110).

n2khab 0.3.1

26 Oct 09:03
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Minor patch

  • read_watersurfaces() has been limited explicitly to using data source version 'watersurfaces_v1.0'.
    Accommodation of the newer 'watersurfaces_v1.1' is planned for later.

n2khab 0.3.0

16 Oct 19:26
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Breaking change

  • Functions that preprocess (non-included) N2KHAB data sources have been simplified by dropping their path argument (#92).
    Existing R code will continue to run normally if you complied with the recommended file organization (see vignette("v020_datastorage") and vignette("v022_example")) and did not set the path and file arguments.

New features

  • New function read_habitatquarries() for reading the habitatquarries data source (#83, #94, inbo/n2khab-preprocessing#41).
  • Updates in reference lists (#88, #93, 7ce3b32):
    • schemes & scheme_types: updates of spatial restrictions, names and typegroup names of MNE schemes (for defining the schemes' target populations);
    • types: update groundwater dependency of type 2170.

Internal changes

  • Harden CRS representations (#84)
  • Re-integrate download_zenodo() (from inborutils) (#89)
  • Drop some package dependencies to speed up package loading (#89, #90)

n2khab 0.2.0

08 May 18:25
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New features

  • Updates in reference lists (#64, #65, #69, e69cd52):
    • types: updates of flood dependency scores and hydrological class of several types, following several expert discussions and checks
    • schemes & scheme_types: updates regarding spatial restrictions, types and typegroup memberships of MNE schemes (for defining the schemes' target populations);
      added MHQ scheme 'HQ2120'
    • env_pressures: updated explanations. Each pressure now has its own explanation
    • namelist: according updates
  • renv framework implemented to enhance reproducibility of generating the built-in textual data sources (#72)
  • read_env_pressures(): an extra column 'remarks' is now returned (#65)
  • New function read_soilmap() for reading the soilmap or processed soilmap_simple data sources (#29; inbo/n2khab-preprocessing#34)
  • Vignette to demonstrate package & data setup, using read_soilmap() as an example target (#29)
  • read_habitatsprings() accommodates the latest version of the habitatsprings data source (#62, 5604002)
  • read_habitatsprings() optionally aggregates points to (population) units (#70)
  • read_habitatmap_terr() now drops occurrences of type 7220 by default, given the information returned by read_habitatsprings() (#71)

Further, a number of smaller fixes and enhancements were made.

n2khab 0.1.2

04 Mar 13:31
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Hotfix: avoided CRS error with more recent GDAL/PROJ.4 installations, in read_GRTSmh(), read_GRTSmh_base4frac(), read_GRTSmh_diffres() (#61)

n2khab 0.1.1

26 Feb 18:26
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Version 0.1.1: hotfix for read_habitatmap_terr() *

The argument 'keep_aq_types=FALSE' had no effect,
because the old variable 'tag_2' (of types) was used
for filtering instead of 'hydr_class'.

n2khab 0.1.0

30 Jan 14:29
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Release version 0.1.0