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409 lines (294 loc) · 22.7 KB

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409 lines (294 loc) · 22.7 KB

1.27.0 [unreleased]


  1. #412: DeleteApi uses default value from if an org parameter is not specified


  1. #411: Use new Codecov uploader for reporting code coverage

1.26.0 [2022-02-18]

Breaking Changes

This release introduces a support for new version of InfluxDB OSS API definitions - oss.yml. The following breaking changes are in underlying API services and doesn't affect common apis such as - WriteApi, QueryApi, BucketsApi, OrganizationsApi...

  • Add LegacyAuthorizationsService to deal with legacy authorizations
  • Add ResourceService to retrieve all knows resources
  • Add BackupService to represents the data backup functions of InfluxDB
  • Add ReplicationsService to represents the replication functions of InfluxDB
  • Add RestoreService to represents the data restore functions of InfluxDB
  • Add ConfigService to retrieve InfluxDB's runtime configuration
  • Add RemoteConnectionsService to deal with registered remote InfluxDB connections
  • Add TelegrafPluginsService to retrieve all Telegraf's plugins
  • Update TemplatesService to deal with Stack and Template API
  • DBRPsService:
    • doesn't requires org_id parameter for operations
    • get_dbr_ps_id operation uses DBRPGet as a type of result
    • patch_dbrpid operation uses DBRPGet as a type of result
    • post_dbrp operation uses DBRPCreate as a type of request
  • DefaultService:
    • get_routes operation is moved to RoutesService
    • get_telegraf_plugin operation is moved to TelegrafsService
    • post_signin operation is moved to SigninService
    • post_signout operation is moved to SignoutService
  • OrganizationsService:
    • get_orgs_id_secrets operation is moved to SecretsService
    • patch_orgs_id_secrets operation is moved to SecretsService
    • post_orgs_id_secrets operation is moved to SecretsService
  • Remove DocumentApi in favour of InfluxDB Community Templates. For more info see - influxdb#19300, openapi#192
  • TelegrafsService uses TelegrafPluginRequest to create Telegraf configuration
  • TelegrafsService uses TelegrafPluginRequest to update Telegraf configuration


  1. #399: Use the latest InfluxDB OSS API definitions to generated APIs

Bug Fixes

  1. #408: Improve error message when the client cannot find organization by name
  2. #407: Use pandas.concat() instead of deprecated DataFrame.append() [DataFrame]

1.25.0 [2022-01-20]


  1. #393: Added callback function for getting profilers output with example and test

Bug Fixes

  1. #375: Construct InfluxDBError without HTTP response
  2. #378: Correct serialization DataFrame with nan values [DataFrame]
  3. #384: Timeout can be specified as a float
  4. #380: Correct data types for querying [DataFrame]
  5. #391: Ping function uses debug for log


  1. #395: Add an example How to use create a Task by API


  1. #370: Add Python 3.10 to CI builds

1.24.0 [2021-11-26]


  1. #358: Update management API:
    • BucketsApi - add possibility to: update
    • OrganizationsApi - add possibility to: update
    • UsersApi - add possibility to: update, delete, find
  2. #356: Add MultiprocessingWriter to write data in independent OS process

Bug Fixes

  1. #359: Correct serialization empty columns into LineProtocol [DataFrame]

1.23.0 [2021-10-26]


  • instead use


  1. #352: Add PingService to check status of OSS and Cloud instance


  1. #344: Add an example How to use Invocable scripts Cloud API

1.22.0 [2021-10-22]


  1. #330: Add support for write structured data - NamedTuple, Data Classes
  2. #335: Add support for custom precision for index specified as number [DataFrame]
  3. #341: Add support for handling batch events

Bug Fixes

  1. #348: Optimize appending new columns to Pandas DataFrame [DataFrame]


  1. #331: Add Migration Guide
  2. #341: How to handle client errors

1.21.0 [2021-09-17]


  1. #319: Add supports for array expressions in query parameters
  2. #320: Add JSONEncoder to encode query results to JSON
  3. #317: delete_api also accept datetime as a value for start and stop

Bug Fixes

  1. #321: Fixes return type for dashboard when include=properties is used


  1. #327: Switch to next-gen CircleCI's convenience images

1.20.0 [2021-08-20]


  1. #281: FluxTable, FluxColumn and FluxRecord objects have helpful reprs
  2. #293: dataframe_serializer supports batching
  3. #301: Add proxy_headers to configuration options
  4. #306: Supports numpy type in serialization to Line protocol


  1. #301: How to configure proxy

Bug Fixes

  1. #283: Set proxy server in config file
  2. #290: Threshold domain models mapping
  3. #290: DashboardService responses types
  4. #303: Backslash escaping in serialization to Line protocol
  5. #312: Zip structure for AWS Lambda


  1. #299: Deploy package to

1.19.0 [2021-07-09]


  1. #264: Org parameter can be specified as ID, Name or Organization Object [write, query]


  1. #264: Deprecated org_id options BucketsApi.create_bucket in favor of org parameter

Bug Fixes

  1. #270: Supports write_precision for write Pandas DataFrame

1.18.0 [2021-06-04]

Breaking Changes

This release introduces a support for new InfluxDB OSS API definitions - oss.yml. The following breaking changes are in underlying API services and doesn't affect common apis such as - WriteApi, QueryApi, BucketsApi, OrganizationsApi...

  • AuthorizationsService uses AuthorizationPostRequest to create Authorization
  • BucketsService uses PatchBucketRequest to update Bucket
  • DashboardsService uses PatchDashboardRequest to update Dashboard
  • DeleteService is used to delete time series date instead of DefaultService
  • DBRPs contains list of DBRP in content property
  • OrganizationsService uses PostOrganizationRequest to create Organization
  • Run contains list of LogEvent in log property
  • OrganizationsService uses PatchOrganizationRequest to update Organization
  • OnboardingResponse uses UserResponse as user property
  • ResourceMember and ResourceOwner inherits from UserResponse
  • Users contains list of UserResponse in users property
  • UsersService uses UserResponse as a response to requests


  1. #237: Use kwargs to pass query parameters into API list call - useful for the ability to use pagination.
  2. #241: Add detail error message for not supported type of Point.field
  3. #238: Add possibility to specify default timezone for datetimes without tzinfo
  4. #262: Add option auth_basic to allow proxied access to InfluxDB 1.8.x compatibility API

Bug Fixes

  1. #254: Serialize numpy floats into LineProtocol


  1. #255: Fix invalid description for env var INFLUXDB_V2_CONNECTION_POOL_MAXSIZE


  1. #261: Use InfluxDB OSS API definitions to generated APIs

1.17.0 [2021-04-30]


  1. #203: Bind query parameters
  2. #225: Exponential random backoff retry strategy

Bug Fixes

  1. #222: Pass configured timeout to HTTP client
  2. #218: Support for with .. as .. statement
  3. #232: Specify package requirements in
  4. #235: Write a dictionary-style object without tags

1.16.0 [2021-04-01]


  1. #203: Configure a client via TOML file
  2. #215: Configure a connection pool maxsize

Bug Fixes

  1. #206: Use default (system) certificates instead of Mozilla's root certificates (certifi.where())
  2. #217: Fix clone_task function


  1. #209: Allow setting shard-group durations for buckets via API


  1. #202: Added an example how to use RxPY and sync batching
  2. #213: Added an example how to use Buckets API

1.15.0 [2021-03-05]

Bug Fixes

  1. #193: Fixed tasks_api to use proper function to get Run


  1. #200: Updated docs, examples, tests: use close instead of __del__.


  1. #199: Updated stable image to influxdb:latest and nightly to

1.14.0 [2021-01-29]


  1. #176: Allow providing proxy option to InfluxDBClient


  1. #179: Updated default docker image to v2.0.3

Bug Fixes

  1. #183: Fixes to DataFrame writing.
  2. #181: Encode Point whole numbers without trailing .0


  1. #189: Updated docs about DeleteApi.

1.13.0 [2020-12-04]


  1. #171: CSV parser is able to parse export from UI

Bug Fixes

  1. #170: Skip DataFrame rows without data - all fields are nan.


  1. #175: Updated default docker image to v2.0.2

1.12.0 [2020-10-30]

  1. #163: Added support for Python 3.9


  1. #161: Added logging message for retries

Bug Fixes

  1. #164: Excluded tests from packaging

1.11.0 [2020-10-02]


  1. #152: WriteApi supports generic Iterable type
  2. #158: Added possibility to specify certificate file path to verify the peer


  1. #151: Default port changed from 9999 -> 8086
  2. #156: Removed labels in organization API, removed Pkg* structure and package service

Bug Fixes

  1. #154: Fixed escaping string fields in DataFrame serialization

1.10.0 [2020-08-14]


  1. #140: Added exponential backoff strategy for batching writes, Allowed to configure default retry strategy. Default value for retry_interval is 5_000 milliseconds.
  2. #136: Allows users to skip of verifying SSL certificate
  3. #143: Skip of verifying SSL certificate could be configured via config file or environment properties
  4. #141: Added possibility to use datetime nanoseconds precision by pandas.Timestamp
  5. #145: Api generator was moved to influxdb-clients-apigen

1.9.0 [2020-07-17]


  1. #112: Support timestamp with different timezone in _convert_timestamp
  2. #120: ciso8601 is an optional dependency and has to be installed separably
  3. #121: Added query_data_frame_stream method
  4. #132: Use microseconds resolutions for data points

Bug Fixes

  1. #117: Fixed appending default tags for single Point
  2. #115: Fixed serialization of \n, \r and \t to Line Protocol, = is valid sign for measurement name
  3. #118: Fixed serialization of DataFrame with empty (NaN) values
  4. #130: Use Retry-After header value for Retryable error codes

1.8.0 [2020-06-19]


  1. #92: Optimize serializing Pandas DataFrame for writing


  1. #110: Removed log system from Bucket, Dashboard, Organization, Task and Users API - influxdb#18459, Update swagger to latest version

Bug Fixes

  1. #105: Fixed mapping dictionary without timestamp and tags into LineProtocol
  2. #108: The WriteApi uses precision from Point instead a default precision

1.7.0 [2020-05-15]


  1. #79: Added support for writing Pandas DataFrame

Bug Fixes

  1. #85: Fixed a possibility to generate empty write batch
  2. #86: BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed parameters in delete api - now delete api accepts also bucket name and org name instead of only ids
  3. #93: Remove trailing slash from connection URL

1.6.0 [2020-04-17]


  1. #75: Updated docs to clarify how to use an org parameter
  2. #84: Clarify how to use a client with InfluxDB 1.8

Bug Fixes

  1. #72: Optimize serializing data into Pandas DataFrame

1.5.0 [2020-03-13]


  1. #59: Set User-Agent to influxdb-client-python/VERSION for all requests

Bug Fixes

  1. #61: Correctly parse CSV where multiple results include multiple tables
  2. #66: Correctly close connection pool manager at exit
  3. #69: InfluxDBClient and WriteApi could serialized by pickle (python3.7 or higher)

1.4.0 [2020-02-14]


  1. #52: Initialize client library from config file and environmental properties


  1. #54: Add Python 3.7 and 3.8 to CI builds

Bug Fixes

  1. #56: Fix default tags for write batching, added new test
  2. #58: Source distribution also contains: requirements.txt, extra-requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt

1.3.0 [2020-01-17]


  1. #50: Implemented default tags


  1. #47: Updated swagger to latest version


  1. #49: Added beta release to continuous integration

Bug Fixes

  1. #48: InfluxDBClient default org is used by WriteAPI

1.2.0 [2019-12-06]


  1. #44: Optimized serialization into LineProtocol, Clarified how to use client for import large amount of data


  1. #42: Updated swagger to latest version

Bug Fixes

  1. #45: Pandas is a optional dependency and has to installed separably

1.1.0 [2019-11-19]


  1. #29: Added support for serialise response into Pandas DataFrame

1.0.0 [2019-11-11]


  1. #24: Added possibility to write dictionary-style object
  2. #27: Added possibility to write bytes type of data
  3. #30: Added support for streaming a query response
  4. #35: FluxRecord supports dictionary-style access
  5. #31: Added support for delete metrics


  1. #28: Updated swagger to latest version

Bug Fixes

  1. #19: Removed strict checking of enum values


  1. #22: Documented how to connect to InfluxCloud

0.0.2 [2019-09-26]


  1. #2: The write client is able to write data in batches (configuration: batch_size, flush_interval, jitter_interval, retry_interval)
  2. #5: Added support for gzip compression of query response and write body


  1. #10: Updated swagger to latest version

Bug Fixes

  1. #3: The management API correctly supports inheritance defined in Influx API
  2. #7: Drop NaN and infinity values from fields when writing to InfluxDB


  1. #11: Switch CI to CircleCI
  2. #12: CI generate code coverage report on CircleCI