Converts English statements to Selenium Automation.
- See integrating-with-any-environment to see how to install the dependencies.
- Install the parser. See the DSL repo for more details.
git submodule update --init
make -C dsl/ alpine
- Write English statements for some flow.
- See github navigation demo for reference.
- Define a suite say
. Write the test cases to execute inside.
"name": "public-sites",
"platform": "web",
"executables": [
"name": "github",
"type": "file",
"location": "sample-inputs/public-sites/github-nav-demo.txt"
- Add the suite to the run.json
"execution-mode": "parallel",
"runnables": [
- Run the code from the root directory :
python3 src/
- After the code is executed, one can see the screenshots and the gif in the
folder created.
Keyword | Use | Example |
open |
Used to open a url/application |
open ""
click |
Used to click on an element |
click on "Issues"
type |
Used to type a string in some element |
type "afh-random-user" in "Pick a username"
wait |
Waits for a particular amount of time in seconds |
wait for "10"
hover |
Used to hover over an element |
hover on "Fragments"
assert |
Used for asserting elements are present on the screen |
assert "Milestones"
execjs |
Used to execute javascript inside the browser context |
execjs "localStorage.setItem('random-key', 'false');"
That's all! We currently support only a minimum set of keywords and intend to keep to it that way. There is some advanced-searching that you can do with the same keywords, explained in advanced-keywords-use.
The core philosophy of automation-for-humans is that the automation tests should mimic the user's behavior. Then we ask ourselves the question, what all things can a user do while they are interacting with the UI that we have built. The most common actions that a user does is click
, type
, hover
. More complex actions include drag-and-drop
, click-and-drag
etc. Supporting the complex actions would involve and non-trivial pixel math which automation-for-humans does not plan to support in the initial phase.
Another aspect core to automation-for-humans is that it does not store XPath's and use it as an identifier while running the tests. Instead automation-for-humans stores only the text, which is how the user sees and interacts with the page.
Integrating with automation-for-humans is extremely simple and involves just one step, installing the dependencies.
install-dependencies-win.bat | | | automation-for-humans/docker-image |
.circleci/config.yml |
.travis.yml (For Mac) |
.appveyor.yml (For Windows) |
Sometimes one has no choice but to use the id
's, class
, automation-id
attributes to identify elements on the web-page. For such edge-cases, and to provide completeness to the testing framework, automation-for-humans exposes an additional feature with most keywords.
Keyword | Use | Example |
click |
Used to click on an element with id "issues-id" |
click on "issues-id" "id"
click if present |
Used to click on an element if its present |
click if present on "issues-id"
type |
Used to type a string in some element with class name `"#user-name"` |
type "afh-random-user" in "#user-name" "class"
assert |
Used for asserting an element with href as `"/intuit/automation-for-humans"` |
assert "/intuit/automation-for-humans" "href"
One can search for an element with any attribute using the above syntax.
If multiple elements exist on the page that look alike(text-wise) then there is ambiguity by specifying the order in which they appear. Defaults to the 1st element that appears if nothing is specified.
Keyword | Use | Example |
click |
Used to click on the 2nd issue |
click on 2nd "issue"
type |
Used to type a string in the 4th text box named "enter text here" |
type "afh-random-user" in 4th "enter text here"
automation-for-humans also works with automating Mac OS X apps. It uses Appium For Mac as the underlying driver.
Currently it supports interaction by specifying the AXPath's. This is completely against the core-philosophy that automation should be done in a way the user would interact with the UI rather than hidden details and xpath's. Support for using it without specifying AXPath's is being worked on.
New Keywords added :
Keyword | Use | Example |
wait until |
Used to wait until the element is visible |
wait until "/AXApplication[@AXTitle='Calculator']"
automation-for-humans provides a record and replay functionality for users to records the actions and replay them. In fact the sample-inputs/mac-osx-apps/calculator.txt has been generated using the same functionality.
To records, first start Appium For Mac. Then in the terminal execute :
python3 src/ <app-name> <output-file-path>
Press Ctrl + C
to terminate the script from recording.
This will produce a file with all the commands that you have executed in a way that automation-for-humans understands. For readability,
the script also adds in a comment before each line (starting with #
) which attempts to be the English version of the same command.
automation-for-humans supports syntax highlighting for the Atom editor, which can be found at atom-syntax-highlight. Clone the folder into Atom's packages folder (~/.atom/packages for MacOS), and reload Atom to use it.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Rohith R π» |
Alan Yee π» |
Vishwa π» |
jdfalko π |
Rocio Montes π |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!