Releases: keep-starknet-strange/garaga
Adds poseidon_hash_bn254 to garaga npm package.
What's Changed
- Adds poseidon_hash_bn254(x, y) in garaga_rs with Js and Python bindings. by @feltroidprime in #307
- Release v0.15.5 by @feltroidprime in #309
Full Changelog: v0.15.4...v0.15.5
Notable changes :
- significant performance improvement on all parts using scalar multiplication ( #280 )
- confirmed Noir version update : nargo 1.0.0-beta1 + bb 0.67 (#291 #302 )
- noir calldata generation is now possible from rust / npm package ( #288 )
- support for a experimental Noir flavour using Starknet Poseidon hash inside the verifier instead of Keccak ( #287 ) . Only possible with a fork of barretenberg for now.
- schnorr & ecdsa signature support, with calldata in py / rust / npm, + some refactoring of Cairo library folders / file structures without breaking changes on the imports ( #300 #303 )
- poseidon hash for bn254 support ( #282 ), to have the same hash in Starknet and Noir/Circom
As with every release,
- PyPi
- NPM package
are updated and class hashes of maintained contract as well :
What's Changed
- Risc0 Adjustments and Sample App by @raugfer in #279
- Perf epns by @shramee in #280
- circom poseidon hash cairo circuit impl by @neotheprogramist in #282
- Adds support for the UltraStarknetHonk by @raugfer in #287
- Adds primitives needed for BLS12-381 hash_to_curve for G1 & G2 by @petscheit in #258
- bug: Fix generated asdf
file name. by @feltroidprime in #295 - Bump next from 14.2.10 to 14.2.21 in /tools/npm/integration-test-suite/packages/web-js-esm-react by @dependabot in #296
- ci: Parallelize devnet e2e test. by @feltroidprime in #297
- Honk vk/proof calldata encoding in Rust by @raugfer in #288
- Updates files upgrading nargo/bb to 1.0.0-beta.1/0.66.0 by @raugfer in #291
- chore: change param order to match related circuit output order by @petscheit in #298
- Cairo 2.9.2 Update with manual Serde on relevant structs by @feltroidprime in #299
- Update recommended bb version to 0.67 by @feltroidprime in #302
- ecdsa & schnorr wrappers / tooling by @feltroidprime in #300
- WASM bindings for Schnorr/ECDSA calldata builders by @raugfer in #304
- Release v0.15.4 by @feltroidprime in #305
New Contributors
- @neotheprogramist made their first contribution in #282
Full Changelog: v0.15.3...v0.15.4
This release focuses on Noir contract optimizations.
Proof is compressed by omitting the (CONST_PROOF_SIZE_LOG_N - LOG_N) constant values and deduced and taken advantage of in Cairo code.
See #274
What's Changed
- bump PyO3 version by @sigmadawg in #275
- v0.15.3: Honk contract bytecode, calldata & resources optimisations. by @feltroidprime in #274
New Contributors
- @sigmadawg made their first contribution in #275
Full Changelog: v0.15.2...v0.15.3
This release fixes a small bug of Noir honk contract generator when log_circuit_size was >= 10.
What's Changed
- fix: Noir circuit name too long when log_n >= 10. by @feltroidprime in #271
Full Changelog: v0.15.1...v0.15.2
This release updates the RiscZero constants to support the latest RiscZero version 1.2.
New Risc0 verifier contract class hash : 0x34fda7d39c28c2fb0d8e876f1c51a38f9fa395023c3749a0ee793611baa6095
What's Changed
- Release v0.15.1 : Bump RiscZero constants to v1.2 by @feltroidprime in #268
- fix: Bump typescript package version. by @feltroidprime in #269
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.15.1
This release improves multi scalar mul costs; bn254 pairing costs, and adds support for Noir contracts verifier generation.
PyPi and npm packages have been updated as with each release.
Class hashes of maintained smart contract as well :
Breaking changes :
- the CLI commands name for
have changed todeclare
- MultiScalarMul calldata, Pairing and groth16 calldata wll be different and incompatible with 0.14 code. Either use tooling/code in version 0.14 or update generated smart contracts and dependencies (rust/cairo/python/npm) to 0.15.
What's Changed
- Bug: fix output by @tekkac in #257
- Fix maturin CI : Static python version across all targets. by @feltroidprime in #260
- Simpler CLI command naming, minor docs inconsistencies and deploy_v1 fix by @m-kus in #259
- perf: BN254 Miller Loop "10" "01" compression by @feltroidprime in #261
- garaga-rs: Faster polynomial division. by @feltroidprime in #263
- perf: batch LHS of ECIP check. by @feltroidprime in #262
- Bump Cairo to 2.9.1. by @feltroidprime in #264
- (Aztec brother) ultra_keccak_honk contract support. by @feltroidprime in #245
- Release v0.15.0 by @feltroidprime in #265
- Fix npm CI release. by @feltroidprime in #266
Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0
- Updated PyPi and Npm packages to 0.14.0
- Declared Smart Contracts :
What's Changed
- New logo. by @feltroidprime in #197
- Refactored
methods of Groth16Proof and Groth16VerifyingKeys classes by @fatalbatros in #199 - fix: Correct default option handling in garaga_ts::msmCalldataBuilder by @feltroidprime in #205
- Bump next from 14.2.8 to 14.2.10 in /tools/npm/integration-test-suite/packages/web-js-esm-react by @dependabot in #203
- base Drand Quicknet contract by @feltroidprime in #201
- Add Copy trait to msm hints structs. by @feltroidprime in #204
- Groth16 parser in Typescript by @luiz-lvj in #208
- feat: Functions to get modulus and update compiler by @guha-rahul in #214
- Twisted Edwards to Weirstrass bijection in wasm pkg by @luiz-lvj in #218
- Rust implementation of the MultiPairingCheck calldata builder by @raugfer in #202
- fix typo by @adrienlacombe in #224
- Journal processing for Risc0 by @stefanMadzharov in #225
- CairoZero: Update ExtensionFieldModuloCircuit. by @feltroidprime in #227
- Bump rollup from 4.21.2 to 4.24.0 in /tools/npm/garaga_ts by @dependabot in #228
- NPM package documentation by @raugfer in #213
- Rework high level compilation logic. by @feltroidprime in #232
- CI: Force
make rewrite
to be synced with committed files. by @feltroidprime in #236 - Improved error handling and parsing in by @stefanMadzharov in #233
- Contribs by @feltroidprime in #237
- Bind generated Scarb.toml to Garaga git tag version by @feltroidprime in #241
- Bump pyo3 from 0.22.2 to 0.22.4 in /tools/garaga_rs by @dependabot in #242
- Make garaga-rs an importable Rust lib and add
rust function by @feltroidprime in #229 - Updating TS Risc0 journal parsing by @luiz-lvj in #243
- feat: Add contract verification to release pipeline addressing by @bruhhgnik in #246
- feat(207): Make groth16 generated contracts (a bit) more user friendly. by @bacharif in #223
- Tower pairings & Timelock encryption by @feltroidprime in #239
- Feat: Add calldata command to CLI by @tekkac in #247
- prepare 0.14 release (WIP) by @feltroidprime in #249
- Add get_groth16_calldata to npm package by @luiz-lvj in #250
- Release v0.14.0 by @feltroidprime in #251
New Contributors
- @fatalbatros made their first contribution in #199
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #203
- @guha-rahul made their first contribution in #214
- @adrienlacombe made their first contribution in #224
- @stefanMadzharov made their first contribution in #225
- @bruhhgnik made their first contribution in #246
Full Changelog: v0.13.3...v0.14.0
Cairo is updated to 2.8.2 and is mandatory.
This release significantly improves groth16 transactions costs for BN254, BLS. It also reduces the calldata size for BN254 by 25%.
The new costs can be found in these two sepolia tx (1 public input):
- BLS steps : 136437
- BN254 steps : 157219
What's Changed
- initial risc0 support by @feltroidprime in #181
- Greatly improve deserialization costs (-17% on total steps count of groth16 proof verification) by @feltroidprime in #183
- Adds missing E12D serialization by @feltroidprime in #184
- dev: make items public by @enitrat in #185
- fix: handle curve ID bls12381 (snarkjs) by @m-kus in #188
- u288 struct + calldata refactors by @feltroidprime in #187
- garaga_rs WASM bindings by @raugfer in #180
- Make MillerLoopResultScalingFactor struct generic on T. by @feltroidprime in #194
- MSM Calldata Updates by @raugfer in #192
- Release 0.13.3 by @feltroidprime in #195
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.13.2.3...v0.13.3
What's Changed
- Sync Docs from gitbook by @feltroidprime in #175
- Add comment for CairoZero only methods. by @feltroidprime in #177
- Rust implementation of the MSM Calldata Builder by @raugfer in #176
- bump cairo to 2.8.0 & add comments in Hydra by @feltroidprime in #178
Full Changelog: v0.13.2.2...v0.13.2.3
What's Changed
- Fix broken imports when launching CLI from package by @feltroidprime in #174
Full Changelog: v0.13.2.1...v0.13.2.2