Releases: nasa-jpl/osr-rover-code
Releases · nasa-jpl/osr-rover-code
This release should be used for Ubuntu22.04 with the 'previous serial configuration' (before #187)
What's Changed
- Implement wheel odometry by @Achllle in #118
- Remove spurious covariance reset by @Achllle in #135
- Fix #134 for ROS1, add warning by @Achllle in #136
- Fix odom frame quaternion by @CiaranFahy in #141
- Fix Minor Typo by @CiaranFahy in #142
- Move pose covariance values to twist by @CiaranFahy in #144
- Changed a folder name from Arduino to OsrScreen by @zalakbhalani in #147
- Fix link to OsrScreen by @merlinran in #152
- Typo fix by @nisabzahid in #159
- Update spelling by @KirillMcQ in #162
- Additional Spelling Updates for by @KirillMcQ in #163
- V2 humble by @Achllle in #167
- Addition of Facial Expression: SHOCK by @isaacdre in #89
- Added error decoding to roboclaw_wrapper by @abust005 in #174
- Flip default address for drive_right_back and drive_right_front by @Achllle in #177
- Replace None's with parameter types by @Achllle in #180
- Switch default installation instructions to ubuntu instead of raspberry pi os by @Achllle in #179
- Respawn essential nodes by @Achllle in #181
- Make systemd launch script agnostic of ROS version by @Achllle in #182
- naive duty mode by @Achllle in #178
- Custom joy node by @Achllle in #183
- Minor readme fixes + reminder to turn systemd service off when servicing by @Achllle in #184
- Remove old arduino code by @Achllle in #185
- Created osr gazebo simluation by @dongjineee in #192
- INA260 support by @Achllle in #175
- Update stl files and controller by @dongjineee in #193
- Add more logs on connecting to roboclaws by @Achllle in #191
- Add some instructions to troubleshoot a gamepad not connecting by @Achllle in #196
- changed default values for gear_ratio and ticks_per_rev by @igillespie in #200
- serial connections are not no longer mutually exclusive by @igillespie in #201
New Contributors
- @CiaranFahy made their first contribution in #141
- @zalakbhalani made their first contribution in #147
- @merlinran made their first contribution in #152
- @nisabzahid made their first contribution in #159
- @isaacdre made their first contribution in #89
- @abust005 made their first contribution in #174
- @dongjineee made their first contribution in #192
- @igillespie made their first contribution in #200
Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.1.0
Stable ROS2 for OSR v1
Supports ROS2 Foxy, Galactic, Humble, assuming appropriate OS.
What's Changed
- Convert code base to ROS2 Foxy by @Achllle in #126
- Backport odometry to foxy-devel and other ROS2 related fixes by @Achllle in #132
- Fix default drive motor speed by @Achllle in #139
- Improve systemd service by @Achllle in #137
- Fix #151 by @Achllle in #153
- Update by @KirillMcQ in #164
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v4.0.0
First stable software release
This is our first "real" release of the project with a formal version. The idea is to do better version tracking going forward.
Key features:
- Pololu DC drive motors
- Actobotics planetary gear corner motors
- Servocity aluminum plates for top and bottom of body frame
- Traxxas wheels
- PCB revE
- RPi 3 or 4 supported
- Runs ROS1
Date | Hardware Version | Software Version |
July 1, 2021 | v3.0.0 | v3.0.0 |
Open Source Rover V1 - Legacy
This is the software package to run the JPL Open Source Rover, tagged with the initial legacy release design of the rover.