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sibprogrammer edited this page Feb 9, 2013 · 1 revision

Panel Configuration

Default configuration file sample located at /opt/ovz-web-panel/config/config.yml.sample Panel checks and tries to load configuration /opt/ovz-web-panel/config/config.yml You can copy sample or simply create config.yml and add necessary settings. If config.yml file is absent the defaults hardcoded inside code will be used.

Settings are in YAML format and groupped by sections. Be careful with indentation, it makes sense. Descriptions of the settings are below.

OS Templates

Settings related to OS templates are shown below:

    path: /template/
  passive_ftp: true

Setting os_templates.mirror is used for showing templates, that available for installation on physical server.

For example the following can be used to download templates from Yandex mirror:

    path: /mirrors/

Additional mirrors can be found at OpenVZ wiki. See the page with [ list of FTP mirrors].

Setting os_templates.passive_ftp in true state forces usage of passive mode for FTP connection. If firewall doesn't allow such connection, try to switch to active mode by turning this setting to false state.


Settings related to branding are shown below:

  show_version: false

Setting branding.show_version controls if panel's version number is shown in UI. For security reasons you may want to hide the version.

Hardware Daemon

Settings related to hardware daemon configuration are shown below:

  port: 7767
  timeout: 900 # 15 minutes

Setting hw_daemon.port allows to set default port, which should be used for communicating with hardware servers daemons.

Setting hw_daemon.timeout defines maximum timeout for XML-RPC call to hardware server daemon.


Settings related to help configuration are shown below:

  admin_doc_url: ""
  user_doc_url: ""
  support_url: ""

Settings help.admin_doc_url and help.user_doc_url define guides location.

Setting help.support_url defines the link to the page with technical support information.


Settings related to updates notifications are shown below:

  disabled: false
  period: 259200

Setting updates.disabled controls if panel checks for updates and shows notifications.

Setting updates.period defines the updates checking period in second (3 days by default).


It's possible set up authentication through LDAP server. Typical settings are shown below:

  enabled: true
  host: "ldap.lan"
  login_pattern: "uid=<login>,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"

Setting login_pattern should be set according to your LDAP server configuration.

Start Up Configuration

There is one more configuration file, which is used for start up. It is located at /etc/owp.conf It has simple "key-value" format. Changes take effect after panel restart. This can be done using the following command: /etc/init.d/owp restart

Installation Directory

Parameter INSTALL_DIR stores panel installation directory. It is not recommended to change this parameter without real need.


Web Server Port

By default web server for panel listens on the port 3000. The port can be changed using PORT parameter.


SSL Support

By default web server uses HTTP protocol. But HTTPS protocol can be forced using SSL parameter. The allowed values for this parameter are: on and off.


Web Server Lock File

Web server uses lock file to detect if panel is running. Parameter LOCK_FILE defines lock file location. It is not recommended to change this parameter without real need.
