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WHMCS Module

tripflex edited this page Mar 30, 2012 · 1 revision


WHMCS is a well-known all-in-one client management, billing & support solution. The OWP WHMCS module allows you to integrate OpenVZ Web Panel and WHMCS.


Integration module is shipped with OpenVZ Web Panel. You can find it at


This is assuming you have installed OWP at /opt/ovz-web-panel.

In order for WHMCS to load the module you will first need to create the /owp/ directory inside the already existing /modules/servers/ directory under the root of your WHMCS installation.


You will now need to move the owp.php file to that directory created, ultimately ending up with the file at this location


That is all you need to do to install the module, next we will configure it.


Create WHMCS User

For future enhancements or logging purposes you can create a specific user for WHMCS to use when connecting. This is not required as you can use the admin login details instead.

Login to OWP using the admin login. Click on Users then click Add User. Below is an example of the Add User window you should see. You can use any username/password combination you want but the role MUST be Infrastructure Administrator. Remember these details, you will need them for when you configure WHMCS.

OWP New User

Setup WHMCS Server Configuration

You will now need to either edit an existing server or add one in order for OWP to function correctly.

Inside your WHMCS admin area go to Setup >> Servers

If you are editing an existing server you will need to click on the configuration icon.

WHMCS Config Icon

If you have not set up a server yet you will need to click on Add New Server

In the top section you MUST set the hostname and it MUST be resolvable, otherwise WHMCS will not be able to connect to OWP.

WHMCS edit server

At the bottom you will find Server Details Change TYPE to Owp, and enter the Username and Password for either your admin account or the WHMCS account we setup earlier. As of 3/30/2012 SSL is not supported.

WHMCS Server Details

Setup WHMCS Product

Go to Setup -> Products/Services -> Add a New Product or edit an existing product.

Go to the Module Settings tab.

Select OWP for Module Name and configure to your preferences. Select Node, OS, Server Template and default User Role for VPS owners.

WHMCS Module Settings

VPS Provisioning

You must have a client already created. Then go to Orders -> Add New Order. Fill the form, select Product created on previous step and create it. Click the order for detail.

Currently the WHMCS module does not support automatic IP, username, or password assignment. You will need to fill the following fields manually from the products/services details page (for the specific user after creating the order):

  • Dedicated IP - IP address of VPS
  • Username - login for VPS owner
  • Password - password for VPS owner

After that need to click Save Changes button. After saving changes look at Modules Commands and click Create button. VPS and VPS owner will be created using OpenVZ Web Panel.

NOTE under the client's product page you will notice a textbox under the module commands. This is an ID assigned to the virtual server by OWP. If you do not know what you're doing do not change this value, this is how WHMCS knows which server to suspend, unsuspend, terminate, etc. For more information about Virtual Server IDs read the API documentation.