The Martian Company is the group behind the Human Instrumentality Project.
The Human Instrumentality Project provides hardware and software for the betterment of humanity.
The HIP-01 is an experimental mobile device sold by The Martian Company for the HIP.
Read the press conference on X
A uncensorable, undeletable, collection of software for which there is still no formal definition in literature.
Some define it an app layer.
Runs on mobile devices, on desktop and portable computers.
Extension (so actually a subset) of Life with a specific focus on attempting to tackle certain concrete real world plaguing issues.
Regular development livestreams are published on X and on the uncensorable Twitter.
Uncensorable, undeletable, decentralized, distributed, unstoppable user repository and application store software running on blockchain networks, integral part of Life and DogeOS.
Distributed uncensorable file system used by the Ur running on Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible blockchain networks.
Uncensorable, undeletable, unstoppable, distributed, publishing platform pre-installed on DogeOS and distributed through the Ur.
Yes we know this may be weird to read but what do you want to do about it?
If you have doubts install the application or go ask Elon Musk, but it's not he will tell you all the truth anyway.
And by the way he can always lie, he's an human after all and he has no obligations to tell the truth to anybody.
Also eventually it's not like he can do anything about it except bringing down this HTTPS page (but not the EVMFS one) or kill us.