The fur, acronym for "Fallback User Repository", is an helper program for the uncensorable, unstoppable Ur user repository and application store which retrieves and installs binary packages from censorable sources, like Github.
Of course the name 'fur' carries other meanings as well, given the Ur is the DogeOS application store.
I suppose nobody should explain how a fur relates to a Doge, no?
Each branch on this repository represents a software package. Packages are currently provided for the desktop and mobile Life and DogeOS bases.
If you want a binary package for a new software to be added to the fur, feel free to open a request in the issues section.
To install and run the program using the ur just run
ur \
to install it with make instead run
make \
You can also just run the program using bash, so if you cloned it in your home directory run
bash \
add the -h
option to return the help.
This program is released under the terms of the Gnu Affero General Public License version 3 by dvorak from The Martian Company.