A curated list of awesome Erlang frameworks, libraries and software.
- emqx/emqx - The most scalable open-source MQTT broker for IoT, IIoT, and connected vehicles
- erlang/otp - Erlang/OTP
- ninenines/cowboy - Small, fast, modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.
- apache/couchdb - Seamless multi-master syncing database with an intuitive HTTP/JSON API, designed for reliability
- processone/ejabberd - Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server)
- vernemq/vernemq - A distributed MQTT message broker based on Erlang/OTP. Built for high quality & Industrial use cases. The VerneMQ mission is active & the project maintained. Thank you for your support!
- happi/theBeamBook - A description of the Erlang Runtime System ERTS and the virtual Machine BEAM.
- processone/tsung - Tsung is a high-performance benchmark framework for various protocols including HTTP, XMPP, LDAP, etc.
- lfe/lfe - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE)
- mochi/mochiweb - MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
- ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss - Erlang web MVC, now featuring Comet
- erlang/rebar3 - Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications and releases.
- esl/MongooseIM - MongooseIM is Erlang Solutions' robust, scalable and efficient XMPP server, aimed at large installations. Specifically designed for enterprise purposes, it is fault-tolerant and can utilise the resources of multiple clustered machines.
- clojerl/clojerl - Clojure for the Erlang VM (unofficial)
- devinus/poolboy - A hunky Erlang worker pool factory
- leo-project/leofs - The LeoFS Storage System
- alpaca-lang/alpaca - Functional programming inspired by ML for the Erlang VM
- zhongwencool/observer_cli - Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line
- ferd/recon - Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production.
- benoitc/hackney - simple HTTP client in Erlang
- erlyaws/yaws - Yaws webserver
- sky-big/RabbitMQ - RabbitMQ系统3.5.3版本中文完全注释(同时实现了RabbitMQ系统和插件源代码编译,根据配置文件创建RabbitMQ集群,创建连接RabbitMQ系统的客户端节点等相关功能,方便源代码的阅读)
- erlang-lager/lager - A logging framework for Erlang/OTP
- uwiger/gproc - Extended process registry for Erlang
- aeternity/aeternity - æternity blockchain - scalable blockchain for the people - smart contracts, state channels, names, tokens
- rvirding/luerl - Lua in Erlang
- hamler-lang/hamler - Haskell-style functional programming language running on Erlang VM.
- gotthardp/lorawan-server - Compact server for private LoRaWAN networks
- nitrogen/nitrogen - Nitrogen Web Framework for Erlang (now with websockets!)
- lasp-lang/partisan - High-performance, high-scalability distributed computing for the BEAM.
- rebar/rebar - Deprecated Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases. We encourage you to move to https://github.com/erlang/rebar3.
- ninenines/gun - HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Websocket client (and more) for Erlang/OTP.
- lasp-lang/lasp - Prototype implementation of Lasp in Erlang.
- proper-testing/proper - PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang
- rabbitmq/ra - A Multi-Raft implementation for Erlang and Elixir that strives to be efficient and make it easier to use multiple Raft clusters in a single system.
- AntidoteDB/antidote - A planet scale, highly available, transactional database built on CRDT technology
- zotonic/zotonic - Zotonic - The Erlang Web Framework & CMS
- eproxus/meck - A mocking library for Erlang
- tarcieri/reia - Ruby-like hybrid OOP/functional programming language for BEAM, the Erlang VM
- rustyio/sync - On-the-fly recompiling and reloading in Erlang. Code without friction.
- talentdeficit/jsx - an erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating json. inspired by yajl
- erlware/relx - Sane, simple release creation for Erlang
- gen-smtp/gen_smtp - The extensible Erlang SMTP client and server library.
- kafka4beam/brod - Apache Kafka client library for Erlang/Elixir
- knutin/elli - Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server
- ostinelli/misultin - Misultin (pronounced mee-sool-téen) is an Erlang library for building fast lightweight HTTP(S) servers, which also supports websockets.
- erlcloud/erlcloud - AWS APIs library for Erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, DDB, ELB and etc)
- ostinelli/syn - A scalable global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang and Elixir.
- erlang-ls/erlang_ls - The Erlang Language Server
- hdima/erlport - ErlPort - connect Erlang to other languages
- wooga/eredis - Erlang Redis client
- inaka/erlang_guidelines - Inaka's Erlang Coding Guidelines
- josefs/Gradualizer - A Gradual type system for Erlang
- dgud/wings - Wings3D is an advanced sub-division 3D modeller.
- seriyps/mtproto_proxy - High performance Erlang MTProto proxy that powers https://t.me/socksy_bot
- boundary/folsom - Expose Erlang Events and Metrics
- boundary/flake - A decentralized, k-ordered id generation service in Erlang
- WhatsApp/waraft - An Erlang implementation of RAFT from WhatsApp
- tomas-abrahamsson/gpb - A Google Protobuf implementation for Erlang
- erlanglab/erlangpl - Tool for developers working with systems running on the Erlang VM (BEAM). It helps with performance analysis.
- Feuerlabs/exometer - Basic measurement objects and probe behavior
- emqx/emqtt-bench - Lightweight MQTT benchmark tool written in Erlang
- cmullaparthi/ibrowse - Erlang HTTP client
- jlouis/fuse - A Circuit Breaker for Erlang
- erlydtl/erlydtl - Django templates for Erlang
- ferd/erlang-history - Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell
- cbd/edis - An Erlang implementation of Redis
- ernw/ss7MAPer - SS7 MAP (pen-)testing toolkit. DISCONTINUED REPO, please use: https://github.com/0xc0decafe/ss7MAPer/
- mojombo/ernie - Ernie is an Erlang/Ruby BERT-RPC Server.
- joxa/joxa - A Modern Lisp for the Erlang VM
- erlware/Erlang-and-OTP-in-Action-Source - The official "Erlang and OTP in Action" source code - see the README below for more details
- massemanet/eper - Erlang performance and debugging tools
- inaka/elvis - Erlang Style Reviewer
- epgsql/epgsql - Erlang PostgreSQL client library.
- WhatsApp/erlfmt - An automated code formatter for Erlang
- dnsimple/erldns - DNS server, in Erlang.
- emqx/emqtt - Erlang MQTT 5.0 Client
- basho/erlang_protobuffs - An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for Erlang, based on ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs.
- rabbitmq/khepri - Khepri is a tree-like replicated on-disk database library for Erlang and Elixir.
- xslogic/phoebus - Phoebus is a distributed framework for large scale graph processing written in Erlang.
- qingliangcn/mgee - 2010年写的一个erlang游戏服务端demo
- rvirding/erlog - Prolog interpreter in and for Erlang
- inaka/apns4erl - Apple Push Notification Server for Erlang
- mysql-otp/mysql-otp - MySQL/OTP – MySQL and MariaDB client for Erlang/OTP
- moonpolysoft/dynomite - Open source dynamo clone written in Erlang.
- NetComposer/nksip - Erlang SIP application server
- martinsumner/leveled - A pure Erlang Key/Value store - based on a LSM-tree, optimised for HEAD requests
- basho/riak_dt - Convergent replicated datatypes in Erlang
- sinasamavati/leptus - The Erlang REST framework
- prometheus-erl/prometheus.erl - Prometheus.io client in Erlang
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-erlang - OpenTelemetry Erlang SDK
- comtihon/mongodb-erlang - MongoDB driver for Erlang
- parapluu/Concuerror - Concuerror is a stateless model checking tool for Erlang programs.
- matteoredaelli/ebot - Ebot, an Opensource Web Crawler built on top of a nosql database (apache couchdb, riak), AMQP database (rabbitmq), webmachine and mochiweb. Ebot is written in Erlang and it is a very scalable, distribuited and highly configurable web cawler. See wiki pages for more details
- elli-lib/elli - Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server
- wg/epgsql - Erlang PostgreSQL client
- potatosalad/erlang-jose - JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Erlang and Elixir
- ferd/pobox - External buffer processes to protect against mailbox overflow in Erlang
- yrashk/socket.io-erlang - Socket.IO server for Erlang
- jlouis/graphql-erlang - GraphQL implementation in Erlang.
- duomark/epocxy - Erlang Patterns of Concurrency
- basho/riak-erlang-client - The Riak client for Erlang.
- yzh44yzh/practical_erlang - Курс обучения Эрланг
- basho/basho_bench - A load-generation and testing tool for basically whatever you can write a returning Erlang function for.
- krestenkrab/hanoidb - Erlang LSM BTree Storage
- seancribbs/neotoma - Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars.
- jlouis/etorrent - Erlang Bittorrent Client
- cabol/shards - Partitioned ETS tables for Erlang and Elixir
- erlangpack/erlang-oauth - An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation
- chef/chef-server - Chef Infra Server is a hub for configuration data; storing cookbooks, node policies and metadata of managed nodes.
- sile/jsone - Erlang JSON library
- zkessin/testing-erlang-book - A public book on testing Erlang
- ninenines/cowlib - Support library for manipulating Web protocols.
- erleans/erleans - Erlang Orleans
- Appliscale/xprof - A visual tracer and profiler for Erlang and Elixir.
- inaka/worker_pool - Erlang worker pool
- bragful/ephp - Bragful core: PHP Interpreter in pure Erlang
- ErlyORM/boss_db - BossDB: a sharded, caching, pooling, evented ORM for Erlang
- KirinDave/fuzed - A new revision of Fuzed, the Erlang-based frontend for web apps. Check out the mailing list at http://groups.google.com/group/fuzed
- hibari/hibari - Hibari is a production-ready, distributed, ordered key-value, big data store. Hibari uses chain replication for strong consistency, high-availability, and durability. Hibari has excellent performance especially for read and large value operations.
- yueyoum/make-proxy - HTTP/HTTPS/Socks4/Socks5 proxy written in Erlang
- andrewjstone/rafter - An Erlang library application which implements the Raft consensus protocol
- tsujigiri/axiom - a micro-framework for web applications in Erlang
- willemdj/erlsom - XML parser for Erlang
- mazenharake/entop - A top-like tool for monitoring an Erlang node
- erlware/erlcron - Erlang cronish system
- sockjs/sockjs-erlang - WebSocket emulation - Erlang server
- jlouis/safetyvalve - A safety valve for your erlang node
- oreillymedia/etudes-for-erlang - Companion exercises for O'Reilly Media's "Introducing Erlang"
- jcomellas/getopt - Erlang module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax
- mochi/statebox - Erlang state "monad" with merge/conflict-resolution capabilities. Useful for Riak.
- ferd/vmstats - tiny Erlang app to generate information on the Erlang VM
- choptastic/qdate - Erlang date, time, and timezone management: formatting, conversion, and date arithmetic
- grisp/grisp - 🐟 GRiSP Erlang Runtime Library
- processone/stun - STUN and TURN library for Erlang / Elixir
- beamspirit/bigwig - like erlang's webtool, but trendy and new
- virtan/eep - Erlang Easy Profiling (eep) application provides a way to analyze application performance and call hierarchy
- benoitc/couchbeam - Apache CouchDB client in Erlang
- mojombo/mustache.erl - Mustache template engine for Erlang.
- joedevivo/chatterbox - HTTP/2 Server for Erlang. Boy, that guy was a real chatterbox waddn't he? I didn't think he was ever going to stop with the story.
- yuce/pot - POT is an Erlang library for generating Google Authenticator compatible one time passwords
- basho/erlang_js - A linked-in driver for Erlang to Mozilla's Spidermonkey Javascript runtime.
- novaframework/nova - Web framework for Erlang.
- joergen7/cuneiform - Cuneiform distributed programming language
- synrc/shen - 🐉 SHEN: Erlang JavaScript Compiler
- cabol/erlbus - Simple, Distributed and Scalable PubSub Message Bus written in Erlang
- emqx/quic - QUIC protocol for Erlang & Elixir
- uwiger/parse_trans - Parse transform utilities for Erlang
- priestjim/gen_rpc - A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages
- kudelskisecurity/scannerl - The modular distributed fingerprinting engine
- massemanet/redbug - erlang tracing debugger
- lfex/py - Distributed Python for the Erlang Ecosystem
- erlware/erlware_commons - Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.
- kivra/oauth2 - Erlang Oauth2 implementation
- okeuday/uuid - Erlang Native UUID Generation
- francescoc/scalabilitywitherlangotp - The repository for the code of the examples in the book Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP
- FlowForwarding/LINC-Switch - OpenFlow Software Switch written in Erlang
- cuter-testing/cuter - A concolic testing tool for the Erlang functional programming language.
- cqerl/cqerl - Native Erlang CQL client for Cassandra
- afiniate/seresye - SERESYE means Swarm oriented ERlang Expert SYstem Engine. It is a library to write expert systems and rule processing engines using the Erlang programming language. It allows to create multiple engines, each one with its own facts and rules to be processed.
- emqx/esockd - Erlang general non-blocking TCP/SSL socket server
- msgpack/msgpack-erlang - MessagePack (de)serializer implementation for Erlang / msgpack.org[Erlang]
- ferd/dispcount - Erlang task dispatcher based on ETS counters.
- yakaz/yamerl - YAML 1.2 and JSON parser in pure Erlang
- joearms/elib1 - An Erlang library and collection of applications
- bet365/soap - Make it easy to use SOAP from Erlang
- zeromq/chumak - Pure Erlang implementation of ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol.
- OtpChatBot/Ybot - Ybot - is a helpful chat robot written with Erlang which supports different messaging protocols. [@0xAX]
- jlouis/enacl - Erlang bindings for NaCl / libsodium
- alertlogic/erllambda - AWS Lambda in Erlang
- Feuerlabs/exometer_core - Core components of exometer
- erlef/oidcc - OpenId Connect client library in Erlang & Elixir
- lpgauth/shackle - High-Performance Erlang Network Client Framework
- krestenkrab/erlubi - Ubigraph Erlang Client (and Process Visualizer)
- rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang-client - Erlang client for RabbitMQ
- klarna/circuit_breaker - 💥 An Erlang library for breaking out of faulty services
- johnlinvc/erruby - ruby on erlang
- soranoba/bbmustache - Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.
- hauleth/erlang-systemd - systemd utilities for Erlang applications
- lambdaclass/erlings - Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Erlang code
- jeremyong/websocket_client - Erlang websocket client (ws and wss supported)
- tsloughter/epmdless - Distributed Erlang without the EPMD
- processone/exmpp - Erlang XMPP library
- karlll/kjell - Erlang Shell
- seth/ej - Helper module for working with Erlang terms representing JSON
- dizzyd/erlang-mysql-driver - Erlang MySQL Driver (from code.google.com)
- fredrikt/yxa - SIP software written in Erlang
- inaka/sumo_db - Erlang Persistency Framework
- synrc/mad - ⚡ MAD: Managing Application Dependencies LING/UNIX
- patrickgombert/erlang-koans - Erlang Koans
- agner/agner - Erlang package manager (A Giant Nebula of Erlang Repositories)
- fbeline/rooster - Erlang REST framework
- okeuday/pqueue - Erlang Priority Queues
- lpil/thoas - A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Erlang.
- inaka/shotgun - For the times you need more than just a gun.
- erlang/docker-erlang-example - HowTo Erlang in Docker
- basho/riak_ensemble - Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang
- helpshift/ekaf - A minimal, high-performance Kafka client in Erlang.
- joearms/erl2 - a new dialect of erlang
- tsloughter/erlastic_search - An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.
- RefactoringTools/wrangler - Wrangler -- An Erlang Refactorer
- aggelgian/erlang-algorithms - Implementations of popular data structures and algorithms
- Random-Liu/Erlang-In-Docker - Enable connection between Erlang VMs from different docker containers on different hosts by reimplementing the distributed connection protocol used by net_kernel.
- klarna/ponos - ponos is a simple yet powerful load generator written in erlang
- scalaris-team/scalaris - Scalaris, a distributed, transactional key-value store
- ParaPhrase/skel - A Streaming Process-based Skeleton Library for Erlang
- jtendo/binpp - 🔢 Erlang Binary Pretty Printer
- yariv/erlyweb - The Erlang twist on web frameworks
- msantos/pkt - Erlang network protocol library
- ahmednawras/log4erl - A logger for erlang in the spirit of Log4J.
- lambdaclass/riak_core_tutorial - An up to date riak_core tutorial, using basho's riak_core, Erlang/OTP 23-24-25 and rebar3.
- mazenharake/cecho - An ncurses library for Erlang
- basho/clique - CLI Framework for Erlang
- lostcolony/damocles - An Erlang library for generating adversarial network conditions for QAing distributed applications/systems on a single Linux box.
- fogfish/datalog - simplified query engine based on logic programming paradigm
- groupoid/henk - 🧊 Чиста система з всесвітами
- parapluu/nifty - Erlang NIF Wrapper Generator
- tsloughter/grpcbox - Erlang grpc on chatterbox
- lasp-lang/types - Prototype implementation of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) in Erlang.
- robbielynch/ierlang - An Erlang language kernel for IPython.
- rabbitmq/looking_glass - An Erlang/Elixir/BEAM profiler tool
- GameAnalytics/gascheduler - Erlang Distributed Scheduler
- vascokk/rivus_cep - Complex event processing in Erlang
- processone/xmpp - Erlang/Elixir XMPP parsing and serialization library on top of Fast XML
- fogfish/cache - Erlang in-memory cache
- processone/fast_xml - Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library
- ferd/backoff - Simple exponential backoffs in Erlang
- klarna/erlavro - Avro support for Erlang/Elixir (http://avro.apache.org/)
- huiqing/percept2 - Concurrent profiling tool for Erlang
- certifi/erlang-certifi - SSL Certificates for Erlang
- bondy-io/bondy - Bondy is an open source, always-on and scalable application networking platform connecting all elements of a distributed application—offering service and event mesh capabilities combined. Bondy implements the open Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) and is written in Erlang.
- kvakvs/E4VM - A small portable virtual machine that would run Erlang on embedded systems
- census-instrumentation/opencensus-erlang - A stats collection and distributed tracing framework
- pgourlain/vscode_erlang - Erlang support for Visual Studio Code
- okeuday/trie - Erlang Trie Implementation
- ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs - A set of Protocol Buffers tools and modules for Erlang applications.
- exercism/erlang - Exercism exercises in Erlang.
- erlsci/iso8601 - An ISO 8601 date formating and parsing library for Erlang
- for-GET/jesse - jesse (JSon Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a JSON Schema validator for Erlang.
- emqx/mria - Asynchronously replicated Mnesia-like database for Erlang/Elixir
- selectel/yawndb - In-memory circular array database
- max-au/erlperf - Erlang Benchmarking Suite. Simpler way to say "this code is faster".
- esl/escalus - An XMPP client library in Erlang for conveniently testing XMPP servers
- CorticalComputer/Book_NeuroevolutionThroughErlang - The resulting source code produced at the end of each chapter in Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang.
- esl/lhttpc - lhttpc is a lightweight HTTP/1.1 client implemented in Erlang.
- WhatsApp/erlt - Early prototype of ErlT, an experimental Erlang dialect with first-class support for static typing.
- DOBRO/binbo - Chess representation written in Erlang using Bitboards, ready for use on game servers
- beamjs/erlv8 - Erlang interface for V8
- poroh/ersip - Erlang SIP
- fogfish/datum - pure functional and generic programming for Erlang
- Stratus3D/eflambe - A tool for rapid profiling of Erlang and Elixir applications
- jlouis/dht - DHT implementation in Erlang
- gar1t/lambdapad - Static site generator using Erlang. Yes, Erlang.
- erlyvideo/rack - Rack handler for erlang
- erlang/sourcer - An Erlang language server, providing IDE services.
- puzza007/katipo - HTTP2 client for Erlang based on libcurl and libevent
- inaka/cowboy_swagger - Swagger integration for Cowboy (built on trails)
- erlang-unicode/ux - Unicode eXtention for Erlang (Strings, Collation)
- jchris/hovercraft - An easy direct Erlang CouchDB library.
- helium/erlang-libp2p - An Erlang implementation of libp2p swarms
- tonyg/erlang-rfc4627 - Erlang RFC4627 (JSON) codec and JSON-RPC server implementation.
- gar1t/e2 - Project that aims to simplify Erlang/OTP development and improve developer productivity
- for-GET/katt - KATT (Klarna API Testing Tool) is an HTTP-based API testing tool for Erlang.
- erszcz/docsh - Erlang Docs in the Shell predating EEP-48 and shell_docs
- basho/enm - Erlang driver for nanomsg
- archaelus/enet - Pure Erlang network stack
- ostinelli/ram - A distributed KV store for Erlang and Elixir.
- NetComposer/nkcluster - A framework to manage jobs at huge Erlang clusters
- kevinlynx/dhtcrawler - dhtcrawler is a DHT crawler written in erlang. It can join a DHT network and crawl many P2P torrents.
- kapok-lang/kapok - A Lisp on the Erlang VM
- vinoski/erlsha2 - SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 implemented in Erlang NIFs.
- kaos/ecapnp - Cap'n Proto library for Erlang
- semiocast/pgsql - Erlang PostgreSQL driver
- flashingpumpkin/spooky - Minimum viable Erlang web framework
- rvirding/leex - Lexical analyzer generator for Erlang
- jordillonch/eggs - Erlang Generic Game Server
- artemeff/eql - Erlang with SQL or not
- knutin/statman - Efficiently collect massive volumes of metrics inside the Erlang VM
- g-andrade/locus - MMDB reader for geolocation and ASN lookup of IP addresses
- essen/egs - Erlang Game Server
- mojombo/egitd - The Erlang git-daemon
- hypernumbers/LuvvieScript - Luvvie Script. An Erlang dialect that compiles to Javascript for Actor-style DOM scripting
- nitrogen/simple_bridge - A simple, standardized interface library to Erlang HTTP Servers.
- erlscripten/erlscripten - Erlang to PureScript transpiler. Run Erlang in the browser!
- avtobiff/erlang-uuid - Erlang UUID
- ngerakines/erlang_twitter - An Erlang twitter client
- crownedgrouse/geas - Guess Erlang Application Scattering
- AdRoll/rebar3_format - Erlang Formatter for Rebar3
- erlangbureau/jamdb_oracle - Oracle Database driver for Erlang
- deadtrickster/ssl_verify_fun.erl - Collection of ssl verification functions for Erlang
- uwiger/sext - Sortable Erlang Term Serialization
- gotthardp/gen_coap - Generic Erlang CoAP Client/Server
- gebi/jungerl - The Jungle of Erlang code
- Bluehouse-Technology/otter - Support for OpenTracing in Erlang
- etrepum/kvc - KVC - Key Value Coding for Erlang data structures
- basho/sidejob - Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang
- RJ/erlang-spdy - Library implementing the SPDY protocol
- okeuday/pest - 🪲 Primitive Erlang Security Tool
- joewilliams/merle - An Erlang Memcached Client.
- msantos/gen_icmp - Erlang interface to ICMP sockets
- membase/cucumberl - pure erlang implementation of Cucumber parser & driver
- lpgauth/statsderl - High-Performance Erlang StatsD Client
- vim-erlang/vim-erlang-runtime - Erlang indentation and syntax for Vim
- schlagert/bootstrap - A simple, yet powerful Erlang cluster bootstrapping application.
- jbrisbin/amqp_client - Rebar-friendly fork of rabbitmq-erlang-client
- erlware/resource_discovery - An application used to dynamically discover resources present in an Erlang node cluster.
- Bluehouse-Technology/grpc - Erlang library for GRPC
- jlouis/eministat - Port of Poul-Henning Kamp's ministat to the Erlang world
- vascokk/NumEr - Numeric Erlang - vector and matrix operations with CUDA. Heavily inspired by Pteracuda - https://github.com/kevsmith/pteracuda
- SergejJurecko/erlmongo - Erlang driver for MongoDB with gridfs that works with maps and proplists
- mojombo/bert.erl - Erlang BERT encoder/decoder
- esl/amoc - A load-testing framework for running massively parallel tests
- dnsimple/dns_erlang - Erlang DNS library.
- kafka4beam/kafka_protocol - Kafka protocol erlang library
- huaban/erlzk - A Pure Erlang ZooKeeper Client (no C dependency)
- GameAnalytics/hyper - Erlang implementation of HyperLogLog
- videlalvaro/gen_microservice - Microservices for Erlang
- mochi/egeoip - Erlang IP Geolocation module, currently supporting the MaxMind GeoLite City Database.
- kivra/restclient - Erlang Rest Client
- maxlapshin/stockdb - Database for storing Stock Exchange quotes in erlang
- fenollp/fancyflow - Experimental library to bring pipe and maybe operator equivalents in Erlang
- RJ/relflow - Version-incrementing, appup-generating, relx-coaxing, workflow-assistant for Erlang projects using rebar3.
- lambdaclass/webrtc-server - Signaling and ICE servers for WebRTC in Erlang
- fenollp/erlscp - A supercompiler pass for Erlang
- okeuday/cpg - CloudI Process Groups
- ngerakines/etap - etap is a simple erlang testing library that provides TAP compliant output.
- etnt/edbg - A simple tty interface to the Erlang debugger and tracer.
- eproxus/grapherl - Create graphs of Erlang systems and programs
- hyperthunk/hamcrest-erlang - Erlang port of Hamcrest
- aliter/aliter - Ragnarok Online server software written in Erlang.
- msantos/evum - ["Linux VM", ["Erlang Process", ["Erlang VM"]]].
- lehoff/kairos - Timer module for Erlang that makes it easy to abstact time out of the tests.
- erlware-deprecated/sinan - Erlang/OTP oriented build system
- duomark/erlangsp - Erlang Services Platform
- chef-boneyard/erchef - DEPRECATED: Erlang based Chef Server top-level OTP release project
- benoitc/cowboy_revproxy - simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) in erlang
- uwiger/plain_fsm - A behaviour/support library for writing plain Erlang FSMs.
- RJ/estatsd - Erlang stats aggregation app that periodically flushes data to graphite
- ngerakines/erlang_couchdb - This is another erlang CouchDB client. It is a little simpler than most and does what I want.
- dweldon/edate - date manipulation library for erlang
- WhatsApp/tree-sitter-erlang - Tree-sitter Grammar for Erlang
- Vagabond/erlang-syslog - Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3)
- silviucpp/erlkaf - Erlang kafka driver based on librdkafka
- shortishly/erlang-in-docker-from-scratch - An Erlang application release in a Docker container from scratch
- komone/qrcode - QR Code encoder in Erlang
- julianduque/erlang-color - ANSI colors for your Erlang
- inaka/gold_fever - A Treasure Hunt for Erlangers
- proger/erldocker - Docker Remote API client for Erlang
- erleans/pgo - Erlang Postgres client and connection pool
- travelping/ergw - erGW - Erlang implementations of GGSN or P-GW
- strange/erlang_v8 - Run JavaScript from Erlang in an external OS process.
- pdincau/gcm-erlang - An Erlang application for Google Cloud Messaging
- davebryson/erlang_websocket - WebSocket Server and Client implementation in Erlang/Mochiweb
- benoitc-attic/barrel_tcp - barrel_tcp is a generic TCP acceptor pool with low latency in Erlang.
- tank-bohr/bookish_spork - Erlang library for testing http requests
- gar1t/psycho - Yes, another Erlang web server!
- emqx/emqx-web-hook - EMQX Webhook Plugin
- basho/merge_index - MergeIndex is an Erlang library for storing ordered sets on disk. It is very similar to an SSTable (in Google's Bigtable) or an HFile (in Hadoop).
- aws-beam/aws-erlang - Create, configure, and manage AWS services from Erlang code.
- alavrik/erlson - Erlang Simple Object Notation - dynamic name-value dictionary data type and syntax for Erlang
- gdamjan/erlang-irc-bot - A simple extendable irc bot in Erlang
- EchoTeam/mcd - Fast memcached protocol client in pure Erlang
- adrienmo/eredis_cluster - eredis_cluster is an erlang wrapper for eredis to support cluster mode of redis 3.0.0+
- tolbrino/hotwheels - Erlang messaging server optimized to send 1 message to 40k subscribers to a topic in < 1s
- msantos/tunctl - Erlang TUN/TAP interface
- mfoemmel/erlang-otp - All of the public Erlang/OTP source releases (since R6B-0 in 1999) in convenient git form
- ferd/merklet - Merkle Trees for data replication in Erlang
- benoitc/econfig - simple Erlang config handler using INI files
- WhatsApp/power_shell - Erlang shell with advanced features: evaluating non-exported functions and shortcuts for frequently used functions.
- richcarl/merl - Metaprogramming in Erlang
- G-Corp/vice - [MIRROR] Video, audio and Image Converter for Erlang/Elixir
- silviucpp/erlcass - High-Performance Erlang Cassandra driver based on DataStax cpp-driver
- lpgauth/buoy - High-Performance Erlang HTTP 1.1 Client
- engineyard/natter - Erlang XMPP Client
- covertool/covertool - Tool to convert Erlang cover data files into Cobertura XML reports
- sinasamavati/condor - A minimal library for building scalable TCP servers in Erlang
- fredlund/JavaErlang - JavaErlang is a library that attempts to facilitate the communication between Java and Erlang nodes, implemented as an additional layer on top of the JInterface Java interface.
- erlangpack/mimetypes - Erlang MIME types library
- archaelus/esmtp - Erlang SMTP library
- tatsuhiro-t/lucid - HTTP/2 server written in Erlang
- schacon/erlangit - Erlang Git Implementation
- lrascao/rebar3_appup_plugin - A rebar3 plugin for frictionless release upgrades
- jkvor/redo - pipelined erlang redis client
- basho/riak_sysmon - Simple OTP app for managing Erlang VM system_monitor event messages
- daleharvey/erldocs - Alternative to the erlang documentation
- kivra/oauth2_client - Erlang OAuth2 Client
- jlouis/turtle - A wrapper on the RabbitMQ Erlang Client (Erlang)
- luisgabriel/erl-chat-server - A simple chat server written in Erlang.
- jadeallenx/gisla - A library that implements the sagas pattern for Erlang
- inaka/cowboy-trails - A couple of improvements over Cowboy Routes
- benoitc/hooks - generic plugin & hook system for Erlang applications
- wooga/etest - A lightweight, convention over configuration test framework for Erlang
- uwiger/setup - Generic setup utility for Erlang-based systems
- lfeutre/lsci - Scientific Computing on the Erlang VM - An LFE Wrapper Library for SciPy, NumPy, etc.
- jkvor/redgrid - automatic Erlang node discovery via redis
- jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang - sfmt-erlang: SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) for Erlang
- ddosia/mekao - Erlang SQL constructor
- benoitc/erlang-metrics - A generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang.
- lambdaclass/holiday_pinger - Erlang + ClojureScript app to send holiday reminders
- jkvor/epm - Erlang Package Manager
- helium/erlang-hbbft - Erlang implementation of HoneyBadgerBFT
- flussonic/epm - Erlang package maker
- fillmyheart/slg-server - erlang 游戏服务器框架。
- etnt/gettext - Erlang internationalization library.
- Darkkey/erlamsa - Erlang port of famous radamsa fuzzzer.
- altenwald/myproto - MySQL Server Protocol in Erlang
- 0xYUANTI/stdlib2 - Erlang stdlib extensions.
- wojtekmach/hello_beam - Elixir, Erlang, Gleam & LFE code all in the same project!
- w2l0o5/observerweb - This project will no longer be maintained.
- spawngrid/seqbind - Sequential Binding Parse Transformation for Erlang
- rabbitmq/rabbitmq-common - Common library used by rabbitmq-server and rabbitmq-erlang-client
- epgsql/pgapp - Erlang Postgres application that uses Poolboy and deals with the database being unavailable
- boundary/bear - a set of statistics functions for erlang
- alavrik/piqi-erlang - Protocol Buffers, JSON, XML data serialization system for Erlang
- AdRoll/rebar3_hank - The Erlang Dead Code Cleaner
- selectel/tempo - NIF-based date and time parsing and formatting for Erlang
- mbbx6spp/rebar-templates - Rebar Erlang, OTP and other project templates. Use rebar3 for rebar3 templates and updates.
- marianoguerra/efe - Elixir Flavoured Erlang: an Erlang to Elixir Transpiler
- lasp-lang/lasp_pg - Lasp driven process group registry for Erlang.
- jlouis/erl-lenses - Lens implementation in Erlang
- travis/erlang-uuid - Erlang UUID Module
- skruger/Surrogate - Proxy server written in erlang. Supports reverse proxy load balancing and forward proxy with http (including CONNECT), socks4, socks5, and transparent proxy modes.
- dustin/elock - A simple, fault-tolerant distributed lock server in erlang.
- zadean/xqerl - Erlang XQuery 3.1 Processor
- pouriya/director - Director is a production-ready supervisor and manager for Erlang/Elixir processes that focuses on speed, performance and flexibility.
- p2k/ecoinpool - A pool mining software written in Erlang for cryptographic currencies
- inaka/elvis_core - The core of an Erlang linter
- cstar/erldis - redis erlang client library (imported from bitbucket)
- archaelus/erlirc - Erlang IRC client/server framework
- NetComposer/nkdocker - Erlang Docker client
- KirinDave/gen_leader_revival - A project to unify various implementations of the Erlang library gen_leader into a modern, robust single implementation
- jtendo/confetti - Erlang configuration provider / application:get_env/2 on steroids
- fredlund/McErlang - The McErlang model checker for Erlang
- devinus/detergent - An emulsifying Erlang SOAP library
- boundary/gen_lb - A generic library to load balance communication between Erlang nodes
- refuge/cowdb - Pure Key/Value database library for Erlang Applications
- mojombo/rebar - Ruby to Erlang Bridge And Runner
- joergen7/gen_pnet - library for modeling Petri nets in Erlang
- arjan/pkgx - Build .deb packages from Erlang releases
- skeltoac/php_app - A PHP eval server for Erlang/OTP.
- inaka/sheldon - Very Simple Erlang Spell Checker
- extend/elevators - Elevator control system demonstrating Erlang/OTP upgrades.
- zhongwencool/ecron - A lightweight/efficient cron-like job scheduling library for Erlang/Elixir.
- vim-erlang/vim-erlang-tags - Generate Vim tags for Erlang files
- travelping/flower - FlowER - a Erlang OpenFlow development platform
- proger/erlsh - Erlang shell tools
- NetComposer/nkpacket - Generic Erlang transport layer
- lambdaclass/erlang-katana - 👌 erlang grab bag of useful functions. it should have been called swiss army knife but katanas are more deadlier ;)
- knutin/bisect - Ordered fixed-size binary dictionary in Erlang
- emirozer/beamwhale - minimal container runtime in erlang
- dwango/moyo - Erlangの便利なライブラリ集
- whitfin/sleeplocks - BEAM friendly spinlocks for Elixir/Erlang
- ten0s/syntaxerl - Syntax checker for Erlang
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-erlang-api - Erlang/Elixir OpenTelemetry API
- inaka/niffy - Inline C code in Erlang modules to build NIFs
- gburd/gen_paxos - An Erlang/OTP-style implementation of the PAXOS distributed consensus protocol
- comtihon/bson-erlang - BSON documents in Erlang, see bsonspec.org
- cnwzhjs/python.erl - Python interpreter written in pure Erlang.
- schlagert/syslog - An RFC 3164 and RFC 5424 compliant logging framework for Erlang.
- ngerakines/erlang_facebook - A simple Facebook Platform API interface in Erlang.
- msantos/verx - Erlang implementation of the libvirtd remote protocol
- msantos/srly - Native Erlang Unix serial interface
- inaka/sumo_rest - Generic cowboy handlers to work with Sumo
- helium/blockchain-node - A Heilum Blockchain Node
- armon/erl-rstar - An Erlang implementation of the R*-tree spacial data structure
- Vonmo/erbloom - Safe and Fast Bloom Filter + FBFs for Erlang
- vim-erlang/vim-erlang-omnicomplete - Erlang omnicomplete plugin for Vim
- silviucpp/ezstd - Zstd binding for Erlang
- r-willis/biten - Bitcoin Erlang Node - scalable bitcoin daemon
- rabbitmq/rabbit-socks - Websocket and Socket.IO support for RabbitMQ (deprecated -- see https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-erlang instead)
- lpgauth/swirl - High-Performance Erlang Stream Processor
- lpgauth/marina - High-Performance Erlang Cassandra / Scylla CQL Client
- inaka/serpents - Multi-Player Game on top of HDP protocol
- gleber/erlfu - Futures implemented in Erlang
- erlang-punch/awesome-erlang - An (accurate) list of awesome Erlang resources
- devinus/sqerl - An Erlang-flavoured SQL DSL
- benoitc/erlang-nat - implements NAT handling facilities for Erlang applications
- yuce/png - A pure Erlang library for creating PNG images. It can currently create 8 and 16 bit RGB, RGB with alpha, indexed, grayscale and grayscale with alpha images.
- seriyps/pe4kin - Erlang wrapper for Telegram bot API https://core.telegram.org/bots
- mattsta/ecache - ecache: Erlang ETS Based TTL Cache
- FlowForwarding/lincx - Erlang on Bare Metal
- eltex-ecss/chronica - Logger framework for Erlang applications
- dmitryme/erlang_localtime - Erlang library for conversion from one local time to another
- dergraf/epmdpxy - Simulating Netsplits using the Erlang Port Mapper Deamon
- archaelus/edump - Erlang Crashdump Analysis Suite
- vim-erlang/vim-erlang-compiler - Erlang syntax checking and compiler plugin for Vim
- tsloughter/kuberl - Erlang Kubernetes client
- travelping/eradius - Erlang RADIUS server framework
- RoadRunnr/ezmq - zMQ implemented in Erlang
- jkvor/dynamic_compile - compile and load erlang modules from string input
- fogfish/esq - simple persistent queues for Erlang
- adoptingerlang/service_discovery - Adopting Erlang service discovery project
- windock/erlyvideo - Erlang RTMP server
- julienXX/slacker - Erlang Slack REST API wrapper
- chef/concrete - Concrete enhances your rebar based Erlang project by providing a common Makefile wrapper, a dialyzer make target that caches PLT analysis of your project's dependencies, and a mechanism to specify development only dependencies.
- lk-geimfari/nebula - Small library for colored (ANSI) output in Erlang/Elixir/LFE. It's can be useful when you need to create user-friendly command-line applications.
- ferd/zippers - A library for functional zipper data structures in Erlang. Read more on zippers @ http://ferd.ca/yet-another-article-on-zippers.html
- ankhers/havoc - ChaosMonkey style testing for the BEAM
- Supersonido/rebar_mix - rebar3 plugin for building Elixir dependencies with mix
- softlab-ntua/bencherl - A scalability benchmark suite for Erlang/OTP
- oskardrums/ebpf - Erlang interface to eBPF
- NetComposer/nkdist - Erlang distributed registration and load balancing
- ferd/flatlog - A custom formatter for the Erlang logger application that turns maps into single line text logs
- abuibrahim/erlang-amf - Erlang Action Message Format Library
- proger/active - Active development for Erlang: rebuild and reload source/binary files while the VM is running
- maximk/teeterl - A lean portable Erlang, no BEAM
- lemenkov/rtplib - OUTDATED. Use https://github.com/xirsys/xmedialib instead!!! Erlang library for dealing with rtp/rtcp (STILL IN A VERY EARLY STAGE)
- gbour/letsencrypt-erlang - Let's Encrypt client library for Erlang
- x6j8x/erlaws - Erlang Amazon WebServices
- shortishly/mdns - Multicast DNS in Erlang/OTP
- processone/fast_yaml - Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir
- kevsmith/herml - Erlang port of Haml
- jkingsbery/sighandler - Handle UNIX signals in Erlang
- jeanparpaillon/erlang-dbus - Erlang DBUS implementation (forked from unmaintained erlang-dbus)
- heroku/stillir - Cache environment variables as Erlang app variables
- etylizer/etylizer - Static typechecker for Erlang
- b0oh/lol - Lol — Lisp on erLang, and programming is fun again
- siberian-fast-food/alogger - Simply the best logging framework for Erlang
- rabbitmq/aten - An adaptive accrual node failure detection library for Elixir and Erlang
- processone/rtb - Benchmarking tool to stress real-time protocols
- jchris/erlang-json-eep-parser - A collection of leex and yecc definitions, along with tests
- inaka/xref_runner - Erlang Xref Runner (inspired in rebar xref)
- francescoc/erlangprogramming - The source code of the Erlang Programming book by Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson, published by O'Reilly Media
- etnt/eopenid - Erlang consumer library for OpenID
- epappas/erl_streams - Streams in Erlang
- dustin/ememcached - A framework for building erlang memcached servers.
- shortishly/pgmp - Erlang/OTP 25+ PostgreSQL client
- richcarl/eunit - The EUnit lightweight unit testing framework for Erlang - this is the canonical development repository.
- richcarl/erlguten - ErlGuten is a system for high-quality typesetting, written purely in Erlang. This is the canonical repository, representing the latest official release, now under the MIT license. (The link below points to the old, outdated project page.)
- raycmorgan/erl-lua - An Erlang linked-in driver that allows embedding Lua into the Erlang VM
- rabbitmq/gen-batch-server - A generic batching server for Erlang and Elixir
- basho/riak-erlang-http-client - Riak Erlang client using the HTTP interface
- astro/erlang-collectd - Send collectd statistics from your Erlang applications
- aeternity/enoise - Erlang implementation of the Noise protocol
- tsloughter/erl_tidy - Automatically format Erlang code.
- tonyrog/beam - BEAM emulator written in Erlang
- rabbitmq/mnevis - Raft-based, consensus oriented implementation of Mnesia transactions
- processone/eimp - Erlang Image Manipulation Process
- klarna-incubator/glass - A semantic search tool for Erlang that supports large code-bases.
- jimmyrcom/HTML5-Canvas-Old-School-RPG-Map-with-Erlang-Websockets-Chat - You can make MMOs now using html thanks to google. See the link for what it does. The client is pure HTML5, the server here is erlang.
- geocar/inet_ssh_dist - SSH distribution for erlang
- g-andrade/backwater - Intercluster RPC for Erlang and Elixir
- dweldon/riakpool - erlang riak client pool
- danmacklin/erlang_cep - A basic CEP package written in erlang
- apache/dubbo-erlang - Apache Dubbo Erlang Implementation.
- AdRoll/mero - scalable and lightweight OTP Erlang client for memcached
- tonyrog/can - CAN driver and router
- litaocheng/erl-redis - a redis client library for erlang
- klarna/bec - The BitBucket Erlang Client
- jkvor/erlmc - Erlang memcached binary protocol client
- ErlyORM/aleppo - Alternative Erlang Pre-Processor
- erlang/epmd - Erlang Port Mapper Daemon in Erlang
- ddossot/jerg - JSON Schema to Erlang Records Generator
- careo/rabbitmq-erlang-client-examples - Ports of some examples in tmm1's amqp library to use the rabbitmq erlang client.
- bet365/erpc - An alternative RPC implementation for Erlang.
- robertoaloi/keynote-to-text - An Erlang script to convert Apple Keynote files to plain text.
- nygge/abnfc - An ABNF parser generator for Erlang.
- mickel8/quic_dist - QUIC carrier for Erlang Distribution Protocol
- marcelog/erws - Erlang Websockets example using Cowboy
- lordnull/rec2json - Compile erlang record definitions into modules to convert them to/from json easily.
- inaka/erlang-github - Github API client
- helium/erlang-h3 - Erlang binding for Uber's H3 spatial coordinate library
- gossiperl/gossiperl - Gossip middleware in Erlang
- filippo/sgte - A simple Erlang Template Engine
- ctbarbour/swim - An Erlang implementation of the SWIM protocol
- CarlWright/NGerlguten - Next Generation erlguten -- a PDF generation application in Erlang
- benoitc/dnssd_erlang - Erlang interface to Apple's Bonjour DNS Service Discovery implementation
- artplant/vprof - Visual Erlang profiler
- archaelus/eshellcode - Erlang Shellcode snippets
- VoltDB/voltdb-client-erlang - VoltDB Erlang Client Driver
- sile/hash_ring - Implements consistent hashing in Erlang
- saleyn/util - Erlang utility modules
- mpitid/purity - A side-effect analyzer for Erlang
- mattwilliamson/chordial - Chord DHT implementation in erlang
- mattsta/erlang-stdinout-pool - stdinout_pool: stuff goes in, stuff goes out. there's never any miscommunication.
- lucaspiller/espec - ESpec: Behaviour driven development framework for Erlang
- lfe/rebar3 - A comprehensive LFE rebar3 plugin for all your LFE tooling needs
- klarna/snabbkaffe - Collection of utilities for trace-based testing
- G-Corp/jwerl - [MIRROR] Erlang JWT Library
- farhadi/cuckoo_filter - High-performance, concurrent, and mutable Cuckoo Filter for Erlang and Elixir
- dtip/steamroller - Steamroller: An opinionated Erlang code formatter.
- dieswaytoofast/erlasticsearch - Erlang thrift interface to elastic_search
- clonejo/mc-erl - mc-erl is a server for Minecraft 1.4.7 written in Erlang.
- arekinath/esaml - Erlang SAML library, SSO and SLO, with Cowboy integration
- anycable/erlycable - Anycable Erlang WebSocket server
- virtan/simple_oauth2 - Simple erlang OAuth2 client module for any http server framework (Google, Facebook, Yandex, Vkontakte are preconfigured)
- rtraschke/erlang-lua - Erlang C Node to run Lua scripts
- processone/cache_tab - In-memory cache Erlang / Elixir library
- OtoloNetworks/rebar3_osv - Turn an Erlang/OTP application into a Unikernel image
- michaelnisi/feeder - Parse RSS and Atom feeds
- lambdaclass/throttle - Erlang/OTP application to rate limit resource access
- inaka/lasse - SSE handler for Cowboy
- hachreak/cedb - Console Erlang DeBugger
- darach/jch-erl - Jump Consistent Hashing Library for Erlang/OTP
- zhongwencool/eetcd - Erlang client for the etcd API v3
- sigscale/radierl - RADIUS protocol stack for Erlang.
- ryancrum/bifrost - Erlang FTP Server Framework
- rvirding/spell1 - LL(1) parser generator for Erlang and LFE
- onlyshk/erlang-github-api - erlang-github-api
- isaiah/transit-erlang - transit format for erlang
- g-andrade/taskforce - On-demand worker pools for parallelizable tasks
- ferd/simhash - Simhashing for Erlang -- hashing algorithm to find near-duplicates in binary data.
- cabol/west - WEST (Web/Event-driven Systems Tool) is another messaging tool written in Erlang, that enables the building of messaging-based systems
- apache/couchdb-couch - Mirror of Apache CouchDB
- afiskon/erlang-http-proxy - Nontrivial HTTP proxy server in Erlang
- achlysproject/achlys - Erlang framework for building applications with Lasp on GRiSP
- ttyerl/sqlite-erlang - Sqlite gen_server port for Erlang. Creates, reads and writes to sqlite database.
- mojombo/yaws - YAWS is an erlang web server
- mad-cocktail/gin - The guards
for Erlang parse_transform - knutin/gcprof - Garbage Collection profiler for Erlang
- kevinlynx/kdht - kdht is an erlang DHT implementation
- helium/erlang-dkg - Distributed key generation for Erlang (using pairing based cryptography)
- evanmiller/jerome - Erlang rich-text processing library 📜
- benoitc/nat_upnp - Erlang library to map your internal port to an external using UNP IGD
- abuibrahim/erlang-osc - Erlang Open Sound Control Application
- rschlaikjer/erlang-atrace-flamegraphs - Generate flamegraphs from Android method trace files
- Quviq/webdrv - WebDriver implementation in Erlang
- paulgray/exml - XML parsing library in Erlang
- okeuday/quickrand - Quick Erlang Random Number Generation
- markusn/coveralls-erl - Erlang module to convert and send cover data to coveralls.io (or similar). Available as a hex package on https://hex.pm/packages/coveralls.
- kalta/etoml - TOML language erlang parser
- folsom-project/folsom - metrics library for erlang
- efcasado/forms - A library that simplifies working with the Erlang abstract format.
- daleharvey/dh_date - Date formatting / parsing library for erlang
- clofresh/esyslog - An Erlang implementation of the syslog server protocol
- Vonmo/eapa - Erlang/Elixir Arbitrary-Precision Arithmetic (EAPA)
- unix1/nuk - Generic turn based game server in Erlang/OTP
- teburd/hottub - Simple, Fast, Permanent Erlang Worker Pool
- psyeugenic/eplot - A plot engine written in erlang.
- ndpar/erlang - My Erlang/OTP library
- manifest/pal - Pragmatic Authentication Library
- machinezone/mzmetrics - High performance Erlang metrics library
- jkvor/log_roller - A pub/sub modeled, distributed Erlang logging system
- jinganix/enif_protobuf - A Google Protobuf implementation with enif (Erlang nif)
- ferd/slider - A WxErlang application to generate slidesets.
- erszcz/euc-2014 - Introduction to Load Testing with Tsung for Erlang User Conference 2014
- Eonblast/Erlvolt - Erlang VoltDB server interface
- vjache/erlang-zlists - Erlang lazy lists library.
- refuge/rbeacon - LAN discovery and presence in Erlang.
- project-fifo/rebar3_lint - Erlang linter - rebar3 plugin
- maxlapshin/gitty - Git access in erlang
- jj1bdx/sshrpc - Erlang SSH RPC module (experimental)
- inaka/beam_olympics - Let's find the fastest beamer!
- ieQu1/typerefl - Use Erlang typespecs in the runtime
- hyperthunk/nodewatch - Erlang/OTP Node Monitoring
- gleber/exat - eXAT - The erlang eXperimental Agent Tool
- AdRoll/erlmld - erlang interface to kinesis client library via MultiLangDaemon
- ScottBrooks/Erlcraft - Erlang Minecraft server
- otpcl/otpcl - Open Telecom Platform Command Language a.k.a. Tcl-Flavored Erlang
- oltarasenko/epipe - Brings Elixir's pipe (|>) and with to Erlang world
- muxspace/bunny_farm - AMQP erlang client wrapper library using the RabbitMQ libraries
- michilu/shirasu - Shirasu.ws is a WebSocket server framework based on Misultin and Erlang/OTP
- joedevivo/hpack - HPACK Implementation for Erlang
- joaomilho/apalachin - 💬 An Erlang's ChicagoBoss websockets team chat, using Cowboy server and PostgreSQL
- hcvst/erlang-dns - Erlang/OTP DNS server
- eproxus/pretty_errors - Error and stack trace pretty printers for Erlang
- emqx/replayq - Generic on-disk persistent queue implementation for Erlang
- egobrain/emodel - Erlang data transformation/validation library
- AdRoll/kinetic - Erlang Kinesis Client
- xinmingyao/zab_engine - zab propotocol implement by erlang
- videlalvaro/erlang-prime-sieve - Naive Parallel Prime Numbers Sieve
- stritzinger/braid - Erlang library to create and connect an arbitrary cluster of nodes
- silentsignal/DirBustErl - DirBuster successor in Erlang
- project-fifo/dhcp - erlang dhcp server
- msantos/prx - an Erlang library for interacting with Unix processes
- massemanet/gtknode - Erlang GTK binding
- klajo/mockgyver - A mocking library for Erlang
- jeremey/swarm - Fast and simple acceptor pool for Erlang
- inaka/zipper - Generic Zipper implementation in Erlang
- inaka/fiar - Four in a Row - A game to learn Erlang
- hio/erlang-record_info - convert between record and proplist
- haljin/erlesy - Visual Erlang development
- GeneStevens/jsonpath - Fast Erlang JSON data retrieval and updates via javascript-like notation
- erlangbureau/liver - Lightweight Erlang validator based on LIVR specification
- dmitriid/neo4j-erlang - Erlang client library for Neo4J's REST API
- chrzaszcz/erlang_doctor - Lightweight tracing, debugging and profiling utility for Erlang
- beamparticle/beamparticle - Operate at the speed of (Erlang) BEAM with BeamParticle
- a13x/aberth - Generic BERT-RPC server in Erlang
- tonyrog/ffe - Forth Flavoured Erlang
- sile/evel - An Eventual Leader Election Library for Erlang
- ramsay-t/Smother - Extended code coverage metrics for Erlang.
- odo/revolver - round-robin load balancer for Erlang processes
- nomasystems/erf - 📝 A design-first Erlang REST Framework.
- madtrick/wsock - Erlang library to build WebSocket clients and servers
- jvantuyl/erlctl - Command Line Interface Framework for Erlang
- jkrukoff/optic - An Erlang/OTP library for reading and updating deeply nested immutable data.
- fra/ecron - Cron-like scheduler for Erlang
- FlowForwarding/of_protocol - OpenFlow Protocol Library for Erlang
- etnt/eml - Erlang flavored by Some ML
- del/erserve - Erlang/Rserve communication interface
- ctennis/erlang-modbus - A modbus RTU and TCP driver for erlang
- Yongke/shadowsocks-erlang - Totally asynchronous implementation of Shadowsocks in Erlang
- williamthome/eel - Embedded Erlang (EEl)
- whitenode/riak_mapreduce_utils - Library containing map/reduce utility functions for Riak implemented in erlang.
- tonyg/erlang-smtp - Erlang SMTP and POP3 server code.
- stolen/autohelp - Parse_transform for erlang which adds functions help/{0,1,2} showing edoc information about module and exported functions.
- noss/iserve - A small http server for erlang.
- ninenines/asciideck - Asciidoc for Erlang.
- msantos/erlang-libvirt - Erlang binding to libvirt virtualization API
- mazenharake/eirc - An IRC client library for Erlang
- marshall-lee/etcd.erl - Erlang bindings for etcd key value store
- launchdarkly/erlang-server-sdk - LaunchDarkly Server-Side SDK for Erlang/Elixir
- JonGretar/erlangxcode - OUTDATED Erlang plugin for the XCode 3 IDE
- jkrukoff/digraph_export - File conversion and export support for graphs created using the Erlang digraph module.
- jcomellas/kvlists - Lists of key-value pairs (decoded JSON) in Erlang
- iamaleksey/seestar - The Erlang client for Cassandra 1.2+ binary protocol
- huffman/twilio_erlang - An Erlang library for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML
- heroku/ehmon - Heroku Erlang VM Monitoring library
- erldb/erldb - ORM implementation in Erlang
- dkataskin/erlazure - Windows Azure Erlang bindings
- apache/couchdb-mango - Mirror of Apache CouchDB Mango
- andelf/erlang-proxy - socks4, socks4a, socks5 proxy, encrypted, derived from yueyoum/make-proxy. Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world.
- aaronps/enotepad - Clone of MS Notepad using Erlang (wxWidgets)
- ztmr/egtm - IDEA EGTM: Erlang binding for GT.M database engine
- TypedLambda/eresye - This is a clone of the Sourceforge project repository of the same name. ERESYE means ERlang Expert SYstem Engine. It is a library to write expert systems and rule processing engines using the Erlang programming language. It allows to create multiple engines, each one with its own facts and rules to be processed.
- SemanticSugar/dinerl - Erlang AWS DynamoDB client
- psyeugenic/fgraph - Physics engine for graph drawing written in erlang for use in wxErlang or standalone.
- okeuday/erlbench - Erlang Performance Measurements
- odo/nested - a library to handle nested Erlang maps
- msantos/emdns - Erlang multicast DNS and DNS-SD (DNS Service Discovery)
- mihawk/draw - demo of websocket service with ChicagoBoss, sharing a realtime drawing
- kevsmith/giza - Erlang client for the Sphinx search engine
- kafka4beam/snabbkaffe - Distributed trace-based test framework with fault injection
- jashmenn/chordjerl - An Erlang implementation of the Chord distributed hash lookup protocol
- jadeallenx/parque - Erlang trading game engine
- hauleth/gen_icmp - ICMP protocol implementation for Erlang without NIFs
- engineyard/vertebra-erl - Vertebra Erlang Pieces
- emqx/hocon - HOCON configuration Parser for Erlang/OTP
- drfloob/ezic - a set of erlang utilities for the Olson timezone database files
- dlesl/erqwest - An experimental erlang HTTP client wrapping reqwest
- coreyhaines/handbook-of-neuroevolution - Code samples from the Handbook of Neuroevolution through Erlang in both Erlang and Elixir
- beam-telemetry/telemetry_registry - A library for declaration and discovery of telemetry events
- afronski/wolves-and-rabbits-world-simulation - 🐰 🐺 World simulation of Wolves, Rabbits and Carrots in Erlang.
- aberman/pooly - Erlang OTP Process Pool
- zadean/yaccety_sax - Fast, StAX-like XML Parser for BEAM Languages
- tolbrino/hut - helper library for making Erlang libraries logging framework agnostic
- SomeKay/erlang-dht - A very simple example of implementing a structured P2P network (DHT) in Erlang.
- seriyps/eplaypen - Erlang web playground http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/
- rkallos/wrek - A little Erlang library for executing task dependency graphs
- okeuday/erlang_term - Erlang Term Info
- noss/pgsql - Erlang postgresql driver
- msantos/ewpcap - Portable native Erlang raw socket interface using pcap
- loguntsov/reliable_udp - Reliable protocol over UDP for Erlang
- jelly-beam/verl - SemVer 2.0 parsing, matching, and comparisons for Erlang
- ivanos/erl_sshd - Wrapper around Erlang ssh module to make it easier to add an sshd to any node
- erlymon/erlymon - Open Source GPS Tracking System
- erlware/erlang-camp - Code for the ErlangCamp teaching conference
- eriksoe/ErlangQuest - Learn Erlang through this set of challenges. An interactive system for getting to know Erlang.
- devinus/fresh - The freshest Erlang web framework
- yandex/inet64_tcp - Magic thing to make old Erlang stuff work in IPv6-only networks
- tmaciejewski/see - Search Engine in Erlang
- systemd/ejournald - A Erlang binding to the systemd journal C API
- stolen/webdist - Erlang distribution as HTTP protocol upgrade
- sasa1977/fun_chain - Function chaining in Erlang
- proger/erlfsmon - Erlang filesystem event watcher frontend for fswatch
- mdevilliers/erlang-mesos - An erlang binding for mesos - http://mesos.apache.org/
- massung/parsec - Parsec-style parsing for Erlang
- Licenser/ecrdt - experimenting with CRDTs in erlang
- klarna/leveldb_manager - Small service for snapshotting eleveldb without stopping the Erlang node
- kivra/email - The Erlang Mail application or Email for short
- killme2008/erlwsh - Erlang web shell--program erlang on web
- kenpratt/erlbrake - Erlang Airbrake notification client
- kafka4beam/wolff - Resilient Kafka Producer for Erlang/Elixir
- inaka/katana-test - Meta Testing Utilities for common_test
- flussonic/sqlapi - SQL API implementation of an erlang program: mimic a MySQL server
- filmor/ierl - BEAM Jupyter Kernels Tool
- dolotech/erlang_server - 卡牌游戏《萌兽堂》完整服务器erlang源码
- carlosgaldino/concha - A consistent hashing library in Erlang.
- b3rnie/crontab - crontab for Erlang
- zhongwencool/erlang-2048-game - 2048 game base on pure erlang
- zgbjgg/ebils - EBILS - Erlang Binary Lightweight Search
- yrashk/evfs - Erlang Virtual Filesystem
- travelping/hello - Erlang RPC server framework
- simonstl/introducing-erlang-2nd - Code samples from Introducing Erlang, second edition
- renatoaguiar/erlang-openflow - An OpenFlow controller written in pure erlang
- palkan/influx_udp - Erlang InfluxDB UDP writer
- nalundgaard/jsn - Utilities for interacting with decoded JSON in erlang
- massemanet/trane - SAX style broken HTML parser in Erlang
- lpgauth/foil - High-Performance Erlang Cache Compiler
- josephwecker/epgsql_pool - Fork of Will Glozer's erlang postgresql pool server, so it can be maintained and polished.
- jonasrichard/ejson - JSON library for Erlang on top of jsx
- g-andrade/maestro - An Erlang pool of pools.
- EchoTeam/mavg - Erlang :: Exponential moving average library
- djui/eraft - Raft reference implementation for Erlang
- cstar/erls3 - Erlang/OTP application for accessing Amazon S3
- tel/zeta - An Erlang client for Riemann.
- spawngrid/esupervisor - "Least surprise" Erlang supervisor API
- sendtopms/Erlwebsockserver - Html5 websocket protocol server for Erlang based application server
- richcarl/sendmail - Erlang sendmail interface
- refuge/rkvs - Simple Erlang Key/Value framework
- OtpChatBot/irc_lib - Erlang irc client library
- msantos/gen_unix - Erlang Unix socket interface
- mdaguete/tcpbalance - Generic TCP Balancer for Erlang
- marianoguerra/jwt-erl - JSON Web Token implementation in Erlang
- lwes/lwes-erlang - Light Weight Event System Erlang library
- lehoff/egol - Erlang implementation of Conway's Game of Life
- klajo/wpi - An Erlang NIF for the WiringPi library for the Raspberry Pi
- hukl/Bitturret - Bittorrent Tracker written in Erlang
- hachreak/minidb - A minimal in-memory distributed master-less document database
- gearnode/erl-hotp - HOTP and TOTP algorithms in Erlang.
- emqx/ecpool - Erlang Connection/Client Pool Library
- apache/couchdb-erlfdb - Erlang API for FoundationDB
- aeternity/app_ctrl - Alternative application controller for Erlang/OTP
- zuiderkwast/erlang_abstract_format - Documentation of Erlang Abstract Format
- toddlipcon/thrift_erl_skel - skeleton for thrift services in erlang
- spawngrid/erlang-sql-migrations - Simple Erlang library to run SQL migrations
- seniverse/kube_dist - Erlang Distribution inside Kubernetes Cluster
- saleyn/etran - Erlang Parse Transforms Including Fold (MapReduce) comprehension, Elixir-like Pipeline, and default function arguments
- rcouch/ecsv - Erlang CSV Parser
- nuex/erl_gm - An Erlang GraphicsMagick wrapper
- mmcdanie/erlview - Erlang View Server for CouchDB
- marianoguerra/interfix - an experimental programming language for the erlang vm that is actually useful
- m-2k/erlach - ☣⚫⚫ SPA Imageboad on WebSockets written on Erlang
- kzemek/macaroons - An Erlang Macaroons library compatible with libmacaroons
- justinkirby/json_rec - JSON to erlang record
- justinkirby/emetric - Erlang Metric Logger
- irr/erl-tutorials - Erlang/OTP sample projects
- henry-hz/erlang-trader - Porting the AlgoTrader (Java) code to Erlang [Abandoned]
- gossiperl/erflux - InfluxDB client for Erlang
- fogfish/serverless - Serverless Erlang runtime for AWS Lambda Service
- ferd/hairnet - An Erlang library wrapping AES-GCM (AEAD) crypto in a Fernet-like interface
- egobrain/erlang_decorators - This code implenets decorators for erlang.
- dustin/erl-conc - Concurrent Lists in Erlang
- devinus/zucchini - An Erlang INI parser
- Bluehouse-Technology/grpc_client - Erlang Client library for gRPC
- barrel-db/erlang-lru - a fixed size LRU cache.
- vladdu/erl-pipes - Hartmann pipes in Erlang
- Vagabond/erlang-rrdtool - An erlang interface to rrdtool
- tsloughter/epubnub - Erlang PubNub API
- taybin/lethink - erlang driver for rethinkdb
- surik/tunnerl - SOCKS4, SOCKS4a and SOCKS5 protocols implementation in Erlang/OTP.
- redink/task - task model for Erlang
- rabbitmq/horus - Erlang library to create standalone modules from anonymous functions
- mrDoctorWho/ejabberd_mod_gcm - Google Cloud Messaging API for Ejabberd (PUSH Messages)
- marinakr/libphonenumber_erlang - Library validates mobile phone number for country
- marianoguerra/erldn - edn format parser for the erlang platform
- lindenbaum/eipmi - A native Erlang IPMI library.
- jpgneves/iota - iota (Inter-dependency Objective Testing Apparatus) - a tool to enforce clean separation of responsibilities in Erlang code
- jkvor/erlang_syslog - Erlang syslog logger
- jkvor/emysql - Erlang MySQL driver
- hiroeorz/arduino-erlang - Arduino handler for Erlang/OTP Application.
- habibutsu/erlz - Set of helpers functions for more convenient functional programming in Erlang
- dronowar/erlang_rest_api - Simple example Erlang REST API
- Damienkatz/json_stream_parse - An evented, streaming json parser for Erlang.
- cmoid/erlbutt - erlang prototype of scuttlebutt protocol
- cloudhead/erlapp.template - minimal erlang/OTP rebar template
- chef/mini_s3 - Minimal AWS S3 client for Erlang
- bef/erlswf - Erlang SWF (Flash) file analysis toolkit
- aws-beam/aws_credentials - An Erlang library to provide AWS credentials
- antoniogarrote/egearmand-server - erlang implementation of gearman server
- wozniakjan/erlcart - Erlang OpenShift2 Cartridge
- unbalancedparentheses/erlskeletor_cowboy -
Erlang skeleton with cowboy and common test
- squaremo/erlmqtt - MQTT library for Erlang JUST USABLE
- robertoaloi/ansible-nodetool - An Ansible module to interact with Erlang nodes via Erlang RPC
- richcarl/file_monitor - Erlang file monitoring service
- pouriya/sockerl - Sockerl is an advanced Erlang/Elixir socket framework for TCP protocols and provides fast, useful and easy-to-use API for implementing servers, clients and client connection pools.
- ostrovok-tech/ejsonpath - JSONPath Erlang implementation
- nmichel/ejpet - Matching JSON nodes in Erlang
- Naupio/pigame - Just a game server template for Erlang/OTP.
- nachivpn/mt - Master thesis on developing a static type checker for Erlang
- mccoy/medici - Erlang interface for Tokyo Tyrant
- mattsta/stripe-erlang - Erlang interface to the stripe.com API
- lucaspiller/twerl - Erlang client for the Twitter Streaming API
- klarna/kastle - Kafka REST proxy
- katja-beam/katja - A simple Riemann client written in Erlang.
- jixiuf/helloerlang - my repos for erlang test code .
- hypernumbers/erlang-wtd - Creating a mutant army of self-discovering Raspberry Pi Erlang robots for world domination or something...
- hpyhacking/webtekcos - a websocket server in erlang
- hamidreza-s/Queuesk - Priority Task Queue for Erlang
- gleber/erlgit - Erlang convenience wrapper around git executable
- FranklinChen/learn-you-some-erlang - Code from the book "Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good!"
- esl/segmented_cache - Modern, performant, and extensible, Erlang in-memory cache
- ddossot/cferl - Rackspace / Open Stack Cloud Files Erlang Client
- bokner/gen_client - Generic XMPP client framework for Erlang
- benoitc/inet_cidr - CIDR erlang library
- asceth/nehe_erlang - NeHe OpenGL tutorials ported to Erlang
- AdRoll/spillway - An Erlang OTP application for load shedding
- spawngrid/validaterl - Data validation library for Erlang
- paulzql/shadowsocks-erlang - erlang port of shadowsocks (The next generation is elixir http://github.com/paulzql/shadowsocks-ex )
- ostinelli/cowbell - An Erlang node connection manager.
- omarkj/erollbar - Rollbar client in Erlang
- maxlapshin/csv_reader - Fast erlang csv reader
- lpil/gleeunit - Gleam bindings for the Erlang EUnit test framework
- jj1bdx/tinymt-erlang - This software is no longer maintained. For archive/reference use only. -- Tiny Mersenne Twister (TinyMT) for Erlang
- gar1t/erlang-bench - Various Erlang related benchmarks
- erszcz/pa - Partial application of Erlang functions
- egobrain/decimal - An Erlang decimal arithmetic library.
- dong50252409/behavior3erl - Behavior3 runtime library for Erlang (Behavior Trees for Erlang)
- cursorinsight/erlang-tutorial - The course material for a hands-on Erlang tutorial held in 2018
- bwegh/awre - A wamp.ws client written in erlang
- baryluk/ex11 - Joe Armstrong implementation of X11 protocol for Erlang
- apauley/sudoku-in-erlang - An implementation of Norvig's sudoku solver in Erlang
- abuibrahim/erlang-http - Modular, RFC 2616 compliant HTTP/1.1 server and client
- deadtrickster/prometheus.erl - Prometheus.io client in Erlang
- groupoid/henk.ex - 🧊 Чиста система з всесвітами
- graphql-erlang/graphql - Erlang GraphQL implementation
- ebegumisa/flame_prof - Heatmap and flamegraph sampling profiler for Erlang
- project-iris/iris-erl - Iris Erlang binding
- mattsta/pcache - An Erlang cache where every stored item is its own process.
- fhunleth/relsync - Synchronize Erlang/OTP releases to remote nodes
- talentdeficit/json - a high level json library for erlang (17.0+)
- okeuday/reltool_util - Erlang reltool utility functionality application
- saleyn/emmap - Erlang Memory Mapped Files
- ates/netspire-core - The Erlang RADIUS server and NetFlow v5, v9 collector
- altenwald/forseti - Process balancer and distributor for Erlang/OTP
- ferd/howistart-erlang1-code - Code for my tutorial on howistart.org
- midas-framework/midas - A web framework for Gleam, Midas makes shiny things.
- wardbekker/search - Erlang implementation of WAND/max_score TOP-K retrieval algo.
- old-reliable/steamroller - Steamroller: An opinionated Erlang code formatter.
- ostrovok-team/ejsonpath - JSONPath Erlang implementation
- novalabsxyz/BEAMCoin - A sample Erlang blockchain in less than 500 lines of code
- inaka/canillita - Simple Paperboy-themed PubSub
- edgurgel/poxa-erlang - Open Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher libraries.
- benoitc/sieve - sieve is a simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) in erlang
- WhatsApp/eqwalizer - A type-checker for Erlang
- Vonmo/rocker - Erlang/Elixir wrapper for RocksDB
- auser/erlfs - A distributed storage system which uses distributed Erlang strongly influenced by http://dawsdesign.com/drupal/erlfs
- gbour/wave - MQTT Broker - for IoT, DIY, pubsub applications and more
- NetComposer/nkservice - Erlang Services Management
- ThomasHabets/eggpd - Erlang BGP daemon
- sy-vendor/game_server - Erlang game_server
- rambocoder/unistring - Unicode utf-8 functions for Erlang
- Erlang-Openid/oidcc - OpenId Connect client library in Erlang
- lehoff/chronos - Timer module for Erlang that makes it easy to abstact time out of the tests.
- zavr/flog - Erlang logging for OTP applications flog and clog
- ferd/useragent - Identify browsers and OSes from user agent strings, in Erlang
- lfe/rebar3_lfe - A comprehensive LFE rebar3 plugin for all your LFE tooling needs
- lfex/lsci - Scientific Computing on the Erlang VM - An LFE Wrapper Library for SciPy, NumPy, etc.
- syed/erlcscope - Program which builds cscope database for erlang files
- cstar/ec2nodefinder - erlang node auto-discovery on EC2
- andytill/oneup - NIF powered global counters for erlang
- jg513/enif_protobuf - A Google Protobuf implementation with enif (Erlang nif).
- barrel-db/hlc - hlc - Hybrid Logical Clock in Erlang.
- klarna-incubator/bec - The BitBucket Erlang Client
- jcomellas/bstr - Erlang library to use binaries as strings
- KrzysiekJ/gb_merkle_trees - General balanced binary Merkle trees for Erlang
- alavrik/piqi-rpc - RPC-over-HTTP system for Erlang supporting JSON, XML and Protocol Buffers
- yoonka/migresia - A simple Erlang tool to automatically migrate Mnesia databases between versions
- treacheroustalks/Treacherous-Talks - An online implementation of the Diplomacy board game in Erlang.
- tex/ssync - Stay in sync in rebarized erlang projects
- seriyps/xhttpc - Extensible HTTP Client for Erlang
- ngerakines/s3imagehost - An erlang powered image store using amazon s3.
- jr0senblum/jc - Erlang, in-memory distributable cache
- palkan/erlgrpc - GRPC client for Erlang
- opentracing-contrib/opentracing-erlang - Open Tracing Toolkit for ERlang
- rjdellecese/gleam_decode - Transform Erlang or Elixir data into Gleam data
- Leapsight/bondy - Bondy is an open source, always-on and scalable application networking platform for modern architectures. It is an all-in-one event and service mesh that offers both Publish-Subscribe (PubSub) and routed Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). Bondy implements the open Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) and is written in Erlang.
- synrc/n2o - ⭕ N2O: Most Powerful Erlang Web Framework
- RJ/erlang_rebar_example_project - Basic project using rebar, to demonstrate upgrades and packaging etc
- HernanRivasAcosta/kafkerl - Apache Kafka producer/consumer for erlang
- hbcrhythm/kcp_erlang - A Reliable-UDP Library for erlang
- EchoTeam/corman - Configuration reload manager for Erlang applications
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-erlang-contrib - OpenTelemetry instrumentation for Erlang & Elixir
- reiddraper/fn - Function utilities for Erlang
- project-fifo/ensq - NSQ Client for erlang
- echou/memcached-client - an Erlang memcached client application
- erpuno/ldap - 💠 LDAP: Erlang Server
- groupoid/pure - ♾ PTS: Pure Type System for Erlang
- freecnpro/observerweb - This project will no longer be maintained.
- tamarit/edbc - Erlang Design by Contract
- seth/sherl - A URL Shortening Service Written in Erlang
- lemenkov/erlpmd - A drop-in replacement for epmd written in Erlang
- g-andrade/deigma - Event sampler
- doubleyou/euthanasia - Merciful killer for your Erlang processes
- K2InformaticsGmbH/dderl - Web based Data Explorer / Data Jump Station with Erlang In-Memory Support
- k32/typerefl - Use Erlang typespecs in the runtime
- leandrosilva/otp_kickoff - Simple generator to kick-off Erlang/OTP projects
- etnt/ehotp - Erlang implementation of the HOTP algoritm (RFC-4226)
- 6/heroku-erlang-example - [unmaintained] erlang example using webmachine, hosted on heroku
- artemeff/raven-erlang - Sentry client for Erlang
- tonyg/erlang-ircd - A pluggable IRC daemon application/library for Erlang.
- tomas-abrahamsson/tdiff - Diff algorithm in Erlang
- brendonh/erl_openid - Erlang OpenID
- dgiot/dgiot - DG-IoT,Open-source IoT Platform - Connect management,Device management,Data collection, Processing and Visualization.High concurrency, light weight, low code, fast access, free platform. Industry SaaS for IoT Platform.物联网开源平台,物联网平台开发,连接管理、设备管理、多工业协议兼容、数据采集、可视化开发、高并发、轻量级、低代码、快接入、平台免费。
- spawnfest/eflambe - A tool for rapid profiling of Erlang and Elixir applications
- tangyi1989/erl_game_server - Erlang game server framework for fun.
- RJ/erlang-reup - Watches for .erl & .hrl changes, recompiles and reloads. You know, for development.
- ngerakines/erlang_mysql - A GitHub mirror of the native Erlang MySQL client library.
- joergen7/effi - Erlang foreign function interface.
- bfrog/hottub - Simple, Fast, Permanent Erlang Worker Pool
- gar1t/port_server - A super simple framework for extending Erlang supervision to external apps
- dploop/esugar - An Erlang Syntactic Sugar Library
- Vagabond/diemap - An extensible IMAP server for Erlang
- Naupio/dolphingame - pigame is a game server template for Erlang.
- erlangcode/erlang-oauth - An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation
- cannedprimates/stdlib2 - Erlang stdlib extensions.
- mrallen1/gisla - A library that implements the sagas pattern for Erlang
- mrallen1/parque - Erlang trading game engine
- xvw/coers - A small library for coercion to primitive Erlang types.
- tim/erlang-oauth - An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation
- indigo-dc/oidcc - OpenId Connect client library in Erlang
- a13x/ezmtp - ZMTP protocol in pure Erlang.
- Naupio/dolphin - pigame is a game server template for Erlang.
- rvirding/lfe - Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE)
- cchandler/RTreeCouchDB - Erlang R-Tree implementation I'm going to try and move into CouchDB for n-dimensional spatial indexing
- jlouis/erlang-utp - uTP implementation in Erlang
- Klimiec/Erlang - Erlang exercises with answers
- edescourtis/ebitcoind - Erlang to Bitcoind API
- RJ/erlang-cassandra-cql - cassandra driver in erlang that speaks native cassandra protocol
- klarna/brod - Apache Kafka client library for Erlang/Elixir
- klarna/kafka_protocol - Kafka protocol erlang library
- sheyll/erlymock - An EasyMock inspired mocking library for erlang.
- rramsden/gen_gossip - Interface for implementing Gossip Protocols in Erlang
- jarrodhroberson/inet_mdns - Bonjour / Zeroconf in Erlang
- idubrov/siperl - RFC 3261 (SIP) implementation in Erlang
- samuelrivas/moka - A mocking (more precisely moking) framework for erlang
- msantos/wierl - Erlang interface for manipulating 802.11 wireless devices
- msantos/erlxc - Simple, safe erlang interface for managing Linux Containers
- tsloughter/augle - Auth + Google = Augle
- ngmoco/gl_async_bully - Dynamic Leader Election behaviour for Erlang
- ddossot/cadfaerl - CAching Datastructure For Applications in ERLang
- keymone/wower - yet another world of warcraft server emulator. implemented in Erlang for fun and learning.