Releases: xsuite/xwakes
Releases · xsuite/xwakes
Xwakes version 0.2.2
Xwakes version 0.2.1
- add copyright header everywhere
- add PR workflow, so that tests are ran on GitHub every time that a PR is opened and upon new commits
- fixes to
for the tests to work - add contributors list
- add new trackable wakes:
together with a base classBaseWake
- add
class for geometric factors - add
class - add
class - add function to configure pipeline for parallel tracking (used, but not exposed to the user)
- refactored utility factory methods into classes (keeping the factory methods for backward compatibility)
- improve examples:
- usage of the slicer and compressed profile from
(with MPI) - usage of the new Wakefields
- checks on the wake kicks in simple setting
- checks on the tune shift
- SPS tune-shift example (single-bunch, multi-bunch serial, multi-bunch MPI-parallel)
- HL-LHC tune-shift example (single-bunch, multi-bunch serial, multi-bunch MPI-parallel)
- LHC instability vs PyHEADTAIL benchmark
- more tests on usage of the new wakes
- usage of the slicer and compressed profile from
- tests for the new features
- improvement of existing tests
- added MPI tests (to be added to the pipeline)
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
Xwakes version 0.1.0
This repository contains the package that was previously hosted at
Changes with respect to original repository:
- Main package renamed from PyWIT to Xwakes.
- Package published in PyPI (
- Content originally under
moved toxwakes.wit
is kept as alias ofxwakes.wit
for backward compatibility.
- Add
to MANIFEST, so that the file is copied when installing with pip. - Create new
identical to other Xsuite ones.- Dependencies and test dependences checked
folder in the user's home is not created on installation but can be optionally created by runningpython -c 'import xwakes; xwakes.initialize_pywit_directory()
. This is required only for using the IW2D interface. (README file updated accordingly).
- Add
script to make releases in PyPI. - Add Apache 2 license file (no change in conditions compared to license file in PyWIT, just a bit more explicit).
- Existing CI workflow made compatible with GitHub and is now triggered automatically when a PR is created. This has been tested (tests are passing).
- Tests involving IW2D are skipped by pytest when IW2D is not installed.
- Only minor modifications to the code itself, namely:
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.1.0