Everything tech - idiosyncratic opinion of a bunch of feeds , radars and technologists across the globe. Covering - Architecture , CloudPlatform , Development , Testing , EngineeringPractices , NonFunctional , Production and PostProduction end to end.
Elements of a software development process,practices
framework for creating a tech culture
The little framework that could. Built with ❤︎ by
Ady Kalra and
inspired by thoughtworks and many more.
# | Architecture | Engineering |
Development | Testing | NonFunctional |
CloudPlatform | PostProduction | AI |
TechStrategy |
- Five things all execs should know about technology
- Martin Fowler Shenanigans
- Digital transformation - tests to gauge customer focus
- Four Key Metrics
- Scaling Microservices
- Devops vs SRE
- Adaptive IT: Transformational framework
- Scaling Serverless Applications
- Data Driven Engineering
- DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Reference Design
- auxiliary-engineering
- measure – and manage – technical debt
- Building Blocks of Capability
- Design systems
- ShiftLeft
- Adaptive, Socio-Technical Systems with Architecture for Flow: Wardley Maps, DDD, and Team Topologies
- Tracing SRE's journey
- Tech Radar - Scaling Contributions to Technology Selection
- How to De-Scale your Organization
- Definition of production readiness (DPR)
- DORA's research program
- Developer-Effectiveness
- Platform Engineering
- Scaling Engineering
- Path-to-production Mapping
- Team Cognitive Load
- Incremental Developer Platform
- Impact Mapping
- Technical Review or Due Diligence
- Software delivery metrics for the C-Suite
- DORA 2.0
- Classic Build v/s Buy
- Engineering effectiveness to business objectives
- Buzzword Driven Development
- Tech Debt or Human Debt?
- Microservices Architecture
- Micro Frontends
- Decompose by business capability
- Backend for Frontend / BFF
- Design Pattern - Serverless
- DLQ / Dead letter queue
- Design Patterns - Frontend
- Function as a Service
- API Design cheatsheet
- Platform Building cheatsheet
- Kafka v/s Kinesis
- Six shifts to create a game-changing data architecture
- Real world architecture examples
- High Level Design / The Big Picture
- Choreography vs Orchestration in serverless
- ADRs
- Run cost as architecture fitness function
- The Six Hats of the API Architect
- c4 model - architecture lean diagrams
- Gateway
- Zero Trust Architecture
- Design Tokens
- System Design Blueprint - Cheatsheet
- Deployment Strategies
- Serverless
- Analytics Lens
- Orchestrating CI CD Pipelines
- APIs as Digital Factories
- GoLD Stack
- Coordinating code deploys and continuous integration in Slack
- Code Deployment best practices
- Coordinating pull requests and code reviews in Slack
- awesome-AI_ML_Talent_Mangement
- Introducing and Scaling a GraphQL BFF
- Dependency drift fitness function
- Open Decision Framework
- API expand-contract
- Depenedency Pruning
- Demo frontends for API-only products
- Dev Productivity Metrics
- Backstage Automated entity descriptors
- Continuous Compliance
- Jupyter
- Opinionated and automated code formatting using pre commit hooks
- Kafka
- Kinesis
- GraphQL
- Contentful
- Redis MongoDB Postgres
- Kibana Logstash
- Splunk
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Cloudformation
- NodeJS
- ReactJS
- DynamoDB and DDB Streams
- BottleRocket
- EventBridge
- Memcached
- Data Lake
- Auto Scaling
- Four Golden Signals
- auth0 ForgeRock Okta
- Push Notifications iOS Android
- Feature Flags as code
- the-12-habits-of-highly-effective-software-developers
- Draft Pull Requests
- Codespaces
- FullStack
- ProtoBuf
- SignalR
- Pull Requests - ship show ask
- In-App Updates
- Threat Modelling
- Apicurio Registry - High performance, runtime registry for API designs and schemas
- Eventual Consistency
- Cypress and Puppeteer
- LocalStack
- Scaling Automated Tests Beyond a Single Project
- The Agile Test Automation Manifesto
- Testing strategy for serverless applications
- Component Visual Regression Testing
- Infrastructure configuration scanner
- Secrets as a service
- Service Mesh
- API Gateway
- kubernetes
- Why AWS
- Buildkite
- Datadog
- Infrastructure as Code
- Pipelines as Code
- Infrastructure Diagrams as Code
- Cloud Native
- DevSecOps open source projects
- Devops and Cloud 2021 trends
- Four Steps to Avoiding a Cloud Cost Incident
- State-of-the-Cloud-Report-2022
- Infrastructure Automation Maturity Model
- Infrastructure as Apps
- Akeyless - Unified Secrets Management Platform
- Arm in the cloud
- Karpenter