Releases: NASA-PDS/registry-common
Releases · NASA-PDS/registry-common
registry-common v2.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Update changelog
registry-common v2.0.3
What's Changed
- Fix issue with LDD downloads on repeat. Ignore LDD if fails all retries for rest of running instance. by @al-niessner in #109
- Fix handling of missing cookie log messages (see NASA-PDS/harvest#223) by @al-niessner in #115
- Improve exception reporting in logs (NASA-PDS/registry-mgr#111) by @al-niessner in #114
- Update archive status for entire bundle/collection when lidvid is given (see NASA-PDS/registry-mgr#112) by @al-niessner in #113
- Do not index fields which are not defined in published LDD (see NASA-PDS/harvest#204) by @al-niessner in #112
- Quiet logs end users do not care about by @jordanpadams in #111
- Fix regression to skip already registered products by default (see NASA-PDS/harvest#213) by @al-niessner in #108
- Add list-dd sub-command (NASA-PDS/registry-mgr#122) by @al-niessner in #116
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3
Known bugs and possible work arounds: known bugs in 2.0.3
registry-common v2.0.2
Tag release v2.0.2
registry-common v2.0.1
What's Changed
- Update the embedded connections for nodes by @al-niessner in #87
- Add logs on LDD updates and some code cleanup by @al-niessner in #92
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
Known bugs and possible work arounds: known bugs in v2.0.1
registry-common v2.0.0
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v2.0.0
We create a version 2.0.0 because this is the first stable version working with the registry hosted by AWS OpenSearch Serverless.
registry-common v1.6.0
Tag release v1.6.0
registry-common v1.5.1
What's Changed
- Retry resilience stopgap by @alexdunnjpl in #42
- Add protection against log spoofing by @alexdunnjpl in #41
- Retry resilience stopgap v2 by @alexdunnjpl in #43
Known bugs and possible work arounds: known bugs in v1.5.1
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1
registry-common v1.5.0
What's Changed
- Bump json from 20210307 to 20230227 by @dependabot in #35
- Add harvest version to Registry product metadata by @al-niessner in #37
- Fix copy/paste mistake to have the version of harvest in the documents by @tloubrieu-jpl in #38
- Bump org.apache.tika:tika-core from 1.23 to 1.28.3 by @dependabot in #39
New Contributors
- @al-niessner made their first contribution in #37
- @tloubrieu-jpl made their first contribution in #38
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
registry-common v1.4.0
What's Changed
- add support for new LDD ISO timestamp formats by @alexdunnjpl in #34
- convert all JSON BLOB content to strings by @alexdunnjpl in #33
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0
registry-common v1.3.1
Store of source properties in opensearch as arrays, see #29