Releases: RoboSats/robosats
RoboSats v0.7.4 is now out! 🚀
What's new
For Users
- You can now see @lnp2pBot orders on RoboSats mobile app @KoalaSat
- Changed URLs to and new onion @KoalaSat
- Order creation view now displays all available payment methods @KoalaSat
- Libraries updates @KoalaSat
For Coordinators
- Test fixes @jerryfletcher21
- Libraries updates @KoalaSat
Click to download universal RoboSats APK for Android
Smaller bundles for each CPU architecture available in the attachments.
Verify the app using GPG:
Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
gpg --verify robosats-v0.7.4.alpha-universal.apk.asc
Verify the signer is actually
Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571KoalaSat 8FCDBF574CCFD73DB68B00CC2F7F61C6146AB157
Additionally, you can download it from Izzysoft repository or ZapStore
Download the Desktop App zip file
Find the zip file that suits with your operative system:
Verify the app using GPG:
- Download the ascii armored signature:
Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
gpg --verify robosats-v0.7.4.alpha-....asc
Verify the signer is actually
Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571KoalaSat 8FCDBF574CCFD73DB68B00CC2F7F61C6146AB157
Docker Images
Coordinator Backend Image v0.7.4-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.7.4-alpha
Client App Image v0.7.4-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.7.4-alpha
See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client
What's Changed
- Filter deepth chart by host by @KoalaSat in #1632
- Dynamically remove expired orders with nostr by @KoalaSat in #1635
- Fix book pagination by @KoalaSat in #1633
- chore(deps): bump react-grid-layout from 1.4.4 to 1.5.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1589
- chore(deps): bump nostr-tools from 2.9.1 to 2.10.4 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1636
- chore(deps): bump @mui/x-date-pickers from 7.2.0 to 7.23.1 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1642
- chore(deps): bump drf-spectacular-sidecar from 2024.7.1 to 2024.12.1 by @dependabot in #1646
- chore(deps): bump grpcio-tools from 1.67.0 to 1.68.1 by @dependabot in #1647
- chore(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.7.0 to 0.8.2 by @dependabot in #1648
- chore(deps): bump grpcio from 1.67.0 to 1.68.1 by @dependabot in #1649
- chore(deps): bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #1641
- chore(deps): bump django from 5.1.2 to 5.1.4 by @dependabot in #1645
- chore(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.8.0 to 4.0.1 by @dependabot in #1598
- chore(deps): bump @mui/x-data-grid from 7.6.0 to 7.23.1 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1643
- chore(deps): bump org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin from 1.8.21 to 2.1.0 in /mobile/android by @dependabot in #1639
- upgrade Gradle by @KoalaSat in #1661
- chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.6.3 to 5.7.2 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1630
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 8.11.0 to 8.18.0 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1655
- chore(deps-dev): bump prettier from 3.3.3 to 3.4.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1651
- chore(deps): bump i18next-browser-languagedetector from 8.0.0 to 8.0.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1653
- chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.6.3 to 5.7.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1652
- chore(deps): bump npm from 10.9.0 to 11.0.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1662
- chore(deps): bump drf-spectacular from 0.27.2 to 0.28.0 by @dependabot in #1656
- chore(deps): bump channels from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #1658
- chore(deps): bump googleapis-common-protos from 1.65.0 to 1.66.0 by @dependabot in #1659
- chore(deps): bump django-cors-headers from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 by @dependabot in #1660
- chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 7.6.4 to 7.6.9 by @dependabot in #1657
- Fix links by @ekzyis in #1697
- Update to remove reference to, which isn't working anymore by @Purchase73 in #1703
- Update by @Gravity2106 in #1702
- Update by @Gravity2106 in #1719
- Update by @BitcoinVeneto in #1727
- Refactor order type filter by @KoalaSat in #1634
- Change urls to by @KoalaSat in #1728
- Fix web docker by @KoalaSat in #1729
- Fix node app docker by @KoalaSat in #1730
- Fix docker compose by @KoalaSat in #1731
- Switch swap type filter results by @KoalaSat in #1732
- Hide secure alert on onion address by @KoalaSat in #1733
- Fix react by @KoalaSat in #1734
- Change to new Onion by @KoalaSat in #1736
- update tesnet description by @KoalaSat in #1737
- update tesnet description by @KoalaSat in #1738
- Update by @htteot in #1640
- Remove twitter links by @KoalaSat in #1743
- Change nostr accounts by @KoalaSat in #1744
- Update donations by @KoalaSat in #1745
- Update by @KoalaSat in #1764
- Display all payment methods by @KoalaSat in #1770
- fix verify_signed_message and tests/robots/1/signed_message by @jerryfletcher21 in #1354
- fix some errors while running test by @jerryfletcher21 in #1329
- Bump to v0.7.4-alpha by @KoalaSat in #1771
- Coordinator version by @KoalaSat in #1772
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.7.3-alpha...v0.7.4-alpha
RoboSats v0.7.3 is now out! 🚀
What's new
- Websockets now working on Android app: this enables instant chat and Nostr order book features! @KoalaSat
- First external coordinator now available: you can now see @lnp2pBot orders on RoboSats UI by @KoalaSat
- Better display coordinator info on the Create Order form @KoalaSat
- Charts now depend on selected currency @femelo
- Fixed exchange summary aggregatons @KoalaSat
Click to download universal RoboSats APK for Android
Smaller bundles for each CPU architecture available in the attachments.
Verify the app using GPG:
Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
gpg --verify robosats-v0.7.3.alpha-universal.apk.asc
Verify the signer is actually Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571
Alternatively you can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Download the Desktop App zip file
Find the zip file that suits with your operative system:
Verify the app using GPG:
You can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Docker Images
Coordinator Backend Image v0.7.3-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.7.3-alpha
Client App Image v0.7.3-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.7.3-alpha
See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client
What's Changed
- Refactor nostr websocket to be preared for mobile by @KoalaSat in #1614
- Fix desktop release template by @KoalaSat in #1610
- Change network nostr tag by @KoalaSat in #1616
- Prepare release for F-Droid by @KoalaSat in #1600
- Display coordinator info on create by @KoalaSat in #1622
- Fix exchange summary by @KoalaSat in #1611
- Generate charts with data filtered by selected currency by @femelo in #1602
- Websockets on Tor android by @KoalaSat in #1615
Full Changelog: v0.7.2-alpha...v0.7.3-alpha
RoboSats v0.7.2 is now out! 🚀
What's new
- Recovery robot form improved @KoalaSat
- Fast generate robot -> fast generate order @KoalaSat
- Nostr order books @KoalaSat
- Dependencies upgraded @KoalaSat
- Many small bug fixes @KoalaSat
- Add coordinator Alias to invoice description @KoalaSat
Click to download universal RoboSats APK for Android
Smaller bundles for each CPU architecture available in the attachments.
Verify the app using GPG:
Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
gpg --verify robosats-v0.7.2.alpha-universal.apk.asc
Verify the signer is actually Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571
Alternatively you can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Download the Desktop App zip file
Find the zip file that suits with your operative system:
Verify the app using GPG:
You can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Docker Images
Coordinator Backend Image v0.7.2-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.7.2-alpha
Client App Image v0.7.2-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.7.2-alpha
See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client
What's Changed
- Desktop release instructions by @KoalaSat in #1531
- Use nostr in book page by @KoalaSat in #1495
- Better Robot recovery tool by @KoalaSat in #1526
- Change to fast generate order by @KoalaSat in #1525
- Fix robot population by @KoalaSat in #1533
- Add alias to invoice description by @KoalaSat in #1523
- Upgrade jekyll docker and fix dependabot alerts by @KoalaSat in #1538
- chore(deps): bump cookie and express in /desktopApp by @dependabot in #1539
- chore(deps): bump pillow from 10.1.0 to 11.0.0 by @dependabot in #1540
- Upgrade dependabot pip alerts by @KoalaSat in #1542
- Remove yarn by @KoalaSat in #1543
- chore(deps): bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1544
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.89.0 to 5.95.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1545
- chore(deps): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1548
- chore(deps): bump ws from 8.17.0 to 8.18.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1546
- chore(deps): bump path-to-regexp from 6.2.2 to 6.3.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1547
- chore(deps): bump send and serve-static in /mobile by @dependabot in #1550
- chore(deps): bump braces and react-native-codegen in /mobile by @dependabot in #1553
- chore(deps): bump serve-static from 1.15.0 to 1.16.2 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1551
- chore(deps): bump micromatch and react-native-codegen in /mobile by @dependabot in #1552
- chore(deps): bump react-devtools-core from 4.27.8 to 4.28.5 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1549
- Rebuild packagae.json by @KoalaSat in #1554
- Bump update muisystem and react-countdown by @KoalaSat in #1555
- Fix mobile eslint by @KoalaSat in #1556
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-promise from 6.1.1 to 6.6.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1462
- Frontend eslint fixes by @KoalaSat in #1557
- chore(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.6.4 to 0.6.9 by @dependabot in #1514
- chore(deps): bump nostr-sdk from 0.32.2 to 0.35.1 by @dependabot in #1515
- chore(deps): bump grpcio from 1.62.0 to 1.67.0 by @dependabot in #1541
- chore(deps): bump python from 3.12.3-slim-bookworm to 3.13.0-slim-bookworm by @dependabot in #1518
- chore(deps): bump googleapis-common-protos from 1.63.0 to 1.65.0 by @dependabot in #1474
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1459
- bump eslint-plugin-n from 15.7.0 to 16.6.2 in /mobile by @KoalaSat in #1558
- chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.5 to 5.6.3 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1522
- Fix bugs after libraries updates by @KoalaSat in #1559
- chore(deps): bump org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android from 1.5.2 to 1.9.0 in /mobile/android by @dependabot in #1475
- chore(deps): bump django-model-utils from 4.5.0 to 5.0.0 by @dependabot in #1473
- Downgrade nostr-sdk by @KoalaSat in #1560
- Downgrade nostr-sdk by @KoalaSat in #1561
- Restore nostr and downgrade python docker by @KoalaSat in #1562
- Generate Robot and Order by @KoalaSat in #1563
- Improve robot recovery buttons by @KoalaSat in #1564
- chore(deps): bump shapely from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 by @dependabot in #1565
- chore(deps): bump python-gnupg from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3 by @dependabot in #1566
- chore(deps): bump grpcio-tools from 1.62.0 to 1.67.0 by @dependabot in #1567
- chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 7.6.1 to 7.6.3 by @dependabot in #1568
- chore(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.6.9 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in #1569
- Add skeleton while loading limits by @KoalaSat in #1570
- chore(deps): bump i18next-http-backend from 2.5.0 to 2.6.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1573
- chore(deps): bump @mui/system from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1574
- chore(deps): bump nostr-tools from 2.7.2 to 2.9.1 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1575
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 8.10.0 to 8.11.0 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1576
- Update TempleOfSats pubkey in federation.json by @lft3t8bx in #1579
- chore(deps): bump django-cors-headers from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 by @dependabot in #1580
- chore(deps): bump django-import-export from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #1581
- chore(deps): bump psycopg2 from 2.9.9 to 2.9.10 by @dependabot in #1582
- chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 7.6.3 to 7.6.4 by @dependabot in #1584
- chore(deps): bump django from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 by @dependabot in #1583
- Add over the moon coordinator by @KoalaSat in #1591
- Disable nostr for android by @KoalaSat in #1593
- Nostr order should hide when a taker sends the action by @KoalaSat in #1601
- Add config file by @KoalaSat in #1599
- Randomize nostr relay connection by @KoalaSat in #1605
- Replace snort by njump links by @femelo in #1603
New Contributors
- @gabbygator184 made their first contribution in #1499
- @femelo made their first contribution in #1603
Full Changelog: h...
RoboSats v0.7.1 is now out! 🚀
What's new
- Multiple performance improvements @KoalaSat
- Better and faster web notifications @KoalaSat
- Bug fixes related to cache @KoalaSat
- Fix version updagrade dialog @KoalaSat
- Android notification disable button @KoalaSat
- Remove Experimental and Satstralia coordinators @KoalaSat
- Fix robot avatar generation in Web @KoalaSat
- uppercase invoices on QR codes @fiatjaf
Click to download universal RoboSats APK for Android
Smaller bundles for each CPU architecture available in the attachments.
Verify the app using GPG:
Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
gpg --verify robosats-v0.7.1.alpha-universal.apk.asc
Verify the signer is actually Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571
Alternatively you can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Download the Desktop App zip file
Find the zip file that suits with your operative system:
Verify the app using GPG:
You can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Docker Images
Coordinator Backend Image v0.7.1-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.7.1-alpha
Client App Image v0.7.1-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.7.1-alpha
See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client
What's Changed
- Refactor Order/Slot models by @KoalaSat in #1407
- Fix self-hosted client image by @KoalaSat in #1460
- Add extra tags to nostr by @KoalaSat in #1476
- Fix trade summary sats by @KoalaSat in #1477
- Store status notifications by @KoalaSat in #1429
- Fix file cache problem and static files management by @KoalaSat in #1480
- fix version update dialog texts by @KoalaSat in #1481
- Manually disable android notifications by @KoalaSat in #1482
- fix proxy logo by @KoalaSat in #1483
- fix notification not raising on first run by @KoalaSat in #1484
- BigLake clearnet urls by @KoalaSat in #1492
- Temple clearnet url and email by @KoalaSat in #1493
- Fix android app chat by @KoalaSat in #1494
- Fix Robohash generation on web by @KoalaSat in #1496
- Avoid duplicated notifications by @KoalaSat in #1497
- chore(deps): bump body-parser and express in /desktopApp by @dependabot in #1498
- BigLake clearnet urls updated and website added by @gabbygator184 in #1499
- Revert "Avoid duplicated notifications" by @KoalaSat in #1505
- Revert "Store status notifications" by @KoalaSat in #1506
- Update social links by @KoalaSat in #1504
- Fix header icons mobile by @KoalaSat in #1507
- Remove Satstralia coordinator by @KoalaSat in #1508
- chore(deps): bump webrick from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 in /docs by @dependabot in #1503
- BitcoinVeneto clearnet urls updated and website by @BitcoinVeneto in #1509
- Increase robot avatar wait time by @KoalaSat in #1516
- uppercase invoices on QR codes by @fiatjaf in #1517
- Bump to v0.7.1-alpha by @KoalaSat in #1527
- Fix desktop release by @KoalaSat in #1528
- Fix desktop release by @KoalaSat in #1529
- Fix Desktop release by @KoalaSat in #1530
- Desktop release instructions by @KoalaSat in #1531
New Contributors
- @gabbygator184 made their first contribution in #1499
- @fiatjaf made their first contribution in #1517
Full Changelog: v0.7.0-alpha...v0.7.1-alpha
RoboSats v0.7.0 is now out! 🚀
What's new
- Android built-in torified notifications @KoalaSat
- Desktop App for Windows / Mac / Linux by @amitpanwar789 (SoB internship)
- Order book is now Nostr enabled and shared with Mostr by @KoalaSat
- Bug fixes and regression fixes caused with LND v18 upgrade
- New currency DZA by @KoalaSat
- Utils and fixes by @jerryfletcher21
Click to download universal RoboSats APK for Android
Smaller bundles for each CPU architecture available in the attachments.
Verify the app using GPG:
Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
gpg --verify robosats-v0.7.0.alpha-universal.apk.asc
Verify the signer is actually Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571
Alternatively you can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Docker Images
Coordinator Backend Image v0.7.0-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.7.0-alpha
Client App Image v0.7.0-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.7.0-alpha
See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client
What's Changed
- New notifications by @KoalaSat in #1356
- Fix telegram bot by @KoalaSat in #1389
- chore(deps): bump django from 5.0.6 to 5.0.8 by @dependabot in #1400
- chore(deps): bump i18next-browser-languagedetector from 7.2.1 to 8.0.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1377
- chore(deps): bump country-flag-icons from 1.5.11 to 1.5.13 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1379
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 5.1.3 to 5.2.1 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1390
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.32.2 to 7.35.0 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1392
- chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0 by @dependabot in #1384
- chore(deps-dev): bump prettier from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1393
- chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.2 to 5.5.4 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1395
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-promise from 6.1.1 to 6.6.0 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1396
- chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.7 to 8.0.1 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1403
- Fix devfund url typo by @KoalaSat in #1402
- chore(deps): bump django-import-export from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot in #1385
- chore(deps): bump shapely from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 by @dependabot in #1387
- chore(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.5.1 to 0.5.7 by @dependabot in #1404
- chore(deps-dev): bump pre-commit from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 by @dependabot in #1405
- Add DZA currency by @KoalaSat in #1408
- Fix fat finger DZD by @KoalaSat in #1409
- Fix Successful typo by @KoalaSat in #1421
- AMP Support for SendPaymentRequest in, for lnd v0.18 and above. by @lft3t8bx in #1426
- PR for desktop app by @amitpanwar789 in #1299
- Update ca.json by @BlueLynx21 in #1292
- Use nostr as cache system by @KoalaSat in #1362
- Fix fa nostr note tag by @KoalaSat in #1443
- Android notification system by @KoalaSat in #1380
- Update warning text when routing budget is not sufficient. by @soulbless in #1437
- Resolve latest dependencies by @KoalaSat in #1445
- chore(deps-dev): bump github-pages from 231 to 232 in /docs by @dependabot in #1435
- chore(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.5.7 to 0.6.4 by @dependabot in #1453
- fix linter remove unused imports and variables by @jerryfletcher21 in #1375
- script to generate latest api specs file by @jerryfletcher21 in #1374
- chore(deps): bump gunicorn from 22.0.0 to 23.0.0 by @dependabot in #1418
- chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 7.6.0 to 7.6.1 by @dependabot in #1417
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 5.1.2 to 5.2.1 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1413
- chore(deps-dev): bump prettier from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1411
- chore(deps): bump django from 5.0.8 to 5.1.1 by @dependabot in #1442
- Fix Desktop action by @KoalaSat in #1454
- build fixed by @amitpanwar789 in #1455
New Contributors
- @lft3t8bx made their first contribution in #1426
- @amitpanwar789 made their first contribution in #1299
- @soulbless made their first contribution in #1437
Full Changelog: v0.6.3-alpha...v0.7.0-alpha
Fix desktop artifact upload
Merge pull request #1356 from RoboSats/new-notifications New notifications
RoboSats v0.6.3 is now out! 🚀
What's new
- Manually add new coordinators @KoalaSat
- Polished for CLN coordinators by @jerryfletcher21 and @daywalker90
- New feature rich notificaitons endpoint at
by @KoalaSat - Turn on/off the built in Tor node on Android (allows use with Orbot) @KoalaSat
- Remove robot avatars from coordinator (better coordinator performance)
- Several small bugs and UI issues mostly by @KoalaSats and @jerryfletcher21
- Improved API docs by @jerryfletcher21
Click to download universal RoboSats APK for Android
Smaller bundles for each CPU architecture available in the attachments.
Verify the app using GPG:
Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
gpg --verify robosats-v0.6.3.alpha-universal.apk.asc
Verify the signer is actually Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571
Alternatively you can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.
Docker Images
Coordinator Backend Image v0.6.3-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.6.3-alpha
Client App Image v0.6.3-alpha (Docker Hub)
docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.6.3-alpha
See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client
What's Changed
- Fix RegExp and Avatar by @KoalaSat in #1353
- Notifications api endpoint by @KoalaSat in #1347
- Fix build-it in by @KoalaSat in #1360
- chore(deps-dev): bump ruff from 0.4.2 to 0.5.1 by @dependabot in #1369
- chore(deps): bump drf-spectacular-sidecar from 2024.4.1 to 2024.7.1 by @dependabot in #1370
- chore(deps): bump django-import-export from 4.0.7 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #1358
- chore(deps): bump npm from 10.5.0 to 10.8.1 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1343
- chore(deps): bump react-i18next from 14.1.0 to 14.1.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1344
- chore(deps): bump django-cors-headers from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0 by @dependabot in #1350
- small fix in get_exchange_rates by @jerryfletcher21 in #1365
- remove leftover of avatar generator by @jerryfletcher21 in #1366
- Bump @mui/x-data-grid from 7.3.2 to 7.6.0 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1307
- Bump django-import-export from 4.0.1 to 4.0.7 by @dependabot in #1314
- add robot status "Seen Recently" where missing in the documentation by @jerryfletcher21 in #1312
- Update by @htteot in #1306
- fix warnings DecimalField should be Decimal type by @jerryfletcher21 in #1334
- Add coordinator to order summary by @KoalaSat in #1331
- Bump prettier from 3.2.5 to 3.3.2 in /mobile by @dependabot in #1327
- Bump prettier from 3.2.5 to 3.3.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1324
- Disable tor option by @KoalaSat in #1315
- Fix sats text on range orders by @KoalaSat in #1332
- Update by @htteot in #1322
- perf(coordinator): remove avatar generator by @Reckless-Satoshi in #1242
- Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 3 to 6 by @dependabot in #1323
- Fix middleware unused AuthenticationFailed by @jerryfletcher21 in #1339
- reactivate CLN integration tests by @daywalker90 in #1336
- Update order navbar on time by @KoalaSat in #1333
- Add external coordinator by @KoalaSat in #1297
- Fix custom Coordinator error by @KoalaSat in #1352
- add lightning protobuf files in gitignore by @jerryfletcher21 in #1342
remove leftover of avatar generator (#1366)
chore: add lightning protobuf files in gitignore (#1342) This way the .proto files generated by scripts/ are ignored and the git environment is kept clean.