107 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Fix permissions issues on main.queries and users.queries. by @corentin-soriano in #4400
- Fix uninitialized variables. by @corentin-soriano in #4405
- Fix role visibility display issue. by @corentin-soriano in #4406
- Revert excessive filter on get_teampass_settings. by @corentin-soriano in #4411
- Fixing error in SQL syntax on /api/index.php/item/get?id=xxx by @nilsteampassnet in #4408
- Update spanish.php by @Pruebas77 in #4414
- Change password expiration calculation rules by @FengZh61 in #4413
- Update license reference by @emmanuel-ferdman in #4415
- Updating the items file import process by @FengZh61 in #4416
- Fix the problem of abnormal values of item key and created at in item attributes by @FengZh61 in #4421
- fix missing characters when exporting pdf by @FengZh61 in #4429
- fix jsUrl parameter error by @FengZh61 in #4428
- Fix user password expiration days error by @nilsteampassnet in #4432
- Force png image type on avatar upload. by @corentin-soriano in #4433
- Code review fixes by @nilsteampassnet in #4412
- Fix for #4425 by @nilsteampassnet in #4437
- Fix issue #4422: Resolve edit errors on previously CSV-imported items by @rcruz-pntlb in #4435
- Improved robustness for csv import by @nilsteampassnet in #4438
- Improve teampass cron detection. by @corentin-soriano in #4446
- Exclude personal folder from identAdmin function (admins can't have personal folders). by @corentin-soriano in #4447
- Fix undefined variable $results. by @corentin-soriano in #4448
- Improve clickable area on the item list. by @corentin-soriano in #4450
- Improve users_build_cache_tree scheduling. by @corentin-soriano in #4449
- Bug report contains the oauth2 tenant id by @nilsteampassnet in #4452
- Fix for oAuth2 admin page by @nilsteampassnet in #4451
- Libraries update by @nilsteampassnet in #4454
- Fix issue related to user allowed folder by definition by @nilsteampassnet in #4439
- Only update changed rows in $tree->rebuild() to reduce load latency. by @corentin-soriano in #4456
- Filter tags (keywords) values in items. by @corentin-soriano in #4457
- Use random encryption key instead and reset session id on login. by @corentin-soriano in #4460
- Remove login password from sessions. by @corentin-soriano in #4455
- Add strong user password policy. by @corentin-soriano in #4466
- Crypt session by @nilsteampassnet in #4465
- Improve get_complixity_level access control. by @corentin-soriano in #4467
- Update items.queries.php by @jhumphries in #4463
- Updated language files with new strings by @nilsteampassnet in #4468
- Remove unused endpoints in xxx.queries.php. by @corentin-soriano in #4471
- Fix OTC reset on multiple account without refresh page. by @corentin-soriano in #4473
- Clean XSS before html encode on csv and keepass imports. by @corentin-soriano in #4474
- Fix login issue with local accounts. by @corentin-soriano in #4477
- Code review by @nilsteampassnet in #4469
- Improve sql queries (break long lines, use SQL COUNT and more). by @corentin-soriano in #4470
- Anti bruteforce improvement by @corentin-soriano in #4476
- Get user info injection by @corentin-soriano in #4481
- Fix icon vertical alignment in tiems list by @nilsteampassnet in #4487
- Enforce password log on copy or shown action. by @corentin-soriano in #4488
- Fix backup restore process by @nilsteampassnet in #4486
- Verify user password to download user keys. by @corentin-soriano in #4489
- Fixed an issue that moved the item to another folder when editing it. by @corentin-soriano in #4490
- Reset session before redirect to upgrade.php. by @corentin-soriano in #4492
- Allow get_complexity_level in subfolders of user personal folder. by @corentin-soriano in #4493
- Remove list-item-clicktoshow from icon-container. by @corentin-soriano in #4494
- Anti bruteforce improvement by @corentin-soriano in #4496
- Remove remaining account enumeration on login page. by @corentin-soriano in #4480
- Fix items tasks error by @corentin-soriano in #4498
- Prevent inconsistencies on item edition when using multiple tabs or windows. by @corentin-soriano in #4499
- Allow admin to use MFA when MFA user role is defined. by @corentin-soriano in #4501
- Fix install by @nilsteampassnet in #4491
- Install improvements by @corentin-soriano in #4503
- Allow administrators to disable user profile editing features. by @corentin-soriano in #4502
- Improve condition that check if local storage and DOM are out of sync. by @corentin-soriano in #4504
- Updated language files with new strings. by @nilsteampassnet in #4505
- Add setting to disable drag and drop. by @corentin-soriano in #4507
New Contributors
- @Pruebas77 made their first contribution in #4414
- @FengZh61 made their first contribution in #4413
- @emmanuel-ferdman made their first contribution in #4415
- @rcruz-pntlb made their first contribution in #4435
- @jhumphries made their first contribution in #4463
Full Changelog: 3.1.2...
- Requires at least
PHP 8.1
- New password library implemented, read about impacts
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Follow instructions from Documentation.
Follow instructions from Documentation.
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