Releases: devfile/library
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare for v2.3.0 release #222 (Jdubrick)
- Bump from 25.0.1+incompatible to 25.0.6+incompatible #221 (dependabot[bot])
- Add support for 2.3.0 schema version #219 (michael-valdron)
- Update references to Go 1.21 in docs #218 (michael-valdron)
- Add ubuntu server bypass error case for invalid registry urls #217 (michael-valdron)
- Fix parent version on test devfile #216 (thepetk)
- Update schema version to 2.2.2 for nodejs test child devfiles #213 (michael-valdron)
- bump k8s api #212 (Kartikey-star)
- patch: add write permission for sarif file #211 (Jdubrick)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare for v2.2.2 release #209 (Jdubrick)
- add support for 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 schema versions #208 (Jdubrick)
- Bump from 1.3.3 to 1.3.7 #207 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump from 20.10.11+incompatible to 25.0.1+incompatible #204 (dependabot[bot])
- Update to Go 1.19 #203 (michael-valdron)
- Bump from 5.4.2 to 5.11.0 #202 (dependabot[bot])
- Add distribution-points to security-insights #200 (thepetk)
- Implement #199 (thepetk)
- Add Functionality For Multiple Devfile Name Variations #198 (Jdubrick)
- add scorecard badge to readme #197 (Jdubrick)
- Introduce err code for user error in devfile #196 (maysunfaisal)
- add openssf scorecard workflow #195 (Jdubrick)
- CNCF Cleaner Tasks for CLO Monitor #194 (Jdubrick)
- update docs with release schedule #193 (yangcao77)
- Update mock to test devfile with private parent #192 (maysunfaisal)
- Add ability to use mock without passing in arguments #191 (maysunfaisal)
- Update OWNERS file #190 (michael-valdron)
- Implement Interface definition for DownloadInMemory #189 (maysunfaisal)
- typo fix #188 (Jdubrick)
- Update and direct dependencies #187 (thepetk)
- Make the parser able to parse any file (including files with
extension) #186 (rm3l) - Update PR template #180 (maysunfaisal)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Merged pull requests:
- Pull in devfile/api 2.2.1 release #185 (yangcao77)
- add debugger launch file #184 (yangcao77)
- Improve tests for ParseDevfileAndValidate #183 (feloy)
- [Devtools week] Update license headers #182 (thepetk)
- [devtools week] Update OWNERS file & update release section #181 (thepetk)
- Update github actions to use NodeJS 16 #179 (thepetk)
- Add mock interface and avoid validating tokens #178 (kim-tsao)
- Gate downloading of git resources #174 (maysunfaisal)
- use git checkout instead of switch #173 (mike-hoang)
- Allow using image names as selectors #172 (rm3l)
- fix the invalid kube yaml causing panic issue #171 (yangcao77)
- pull in validation update #170 (yangcao77)
- allow bypass setting of default values #169 (kim-tsao)
- update #168 (yangcao77)
- Add DevfileOptions to GetPodTemplateSpec #167 (feloy)
- error out if unable to resolve the path from raw content #166 (yangcao77)
- Feature: pod security admission #165 (feloy)
- Remove the error wrapping for reading K8s/OpenShift YAMLs #164 (maysunfaisal)
- fix gosec action to 2.14 to prevent breakage #163 (kim-tsao)
- Fix pod-overrides for container level #162 (valaparthvi)
- Fix GetDeployment function when Devfile SchemaVersion is less than 2.1.0 #161 (valaparthvi)
- adding support for public and private git providers #160 (mike-hoang)
- Update ingress from extension to networking api #159 (maysunfaisal)
- Add support for "pod-overrides" attribute #158 (valaparthvi)
- Add support for container-overrides attribute #157 (valaparthvi)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Devfile library v2.2.0 release which supports the official devfile v2.2.0 release.
This release introduces new util functions for:
- Outer loop support: GetDeployComponents and GetImageBuildComponent
- Downloading devfiles in memory: DownloadInMemory which replaces the now deprecated function, DownloadFileInMemory
What's Changed
- bump up to v2 by @yangcao77 in #150
- update registry-library version by @yangcao77 in #152
- Add in util funcs to help get deploy components by @maysunfaisal in #153
- Change func param signature to avoid unneccessary Ctx by @maysunfaisal in #154
- telemetry updates by @kim-tsao in #156
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.2.0
Devfile library v2.0.1 release which supports official devfile v2.2.0 release.
Merged pull requests:
- Filesystem is not required when reading from URL and Data #149 (maysunfaisal)
- enable gosec #147 (kim-tsao)
- Change from internal fs to afero fs #146 (maysunfaisal)
- Add license headers #145 (kim-tsao)
- Update code coverage reporting #144 (johnmcollier)
- proxy and custom timeout support #143 (kim-tsao)
- add dco #142 (yangcao77)
- revert back devfile change #141 (yangcao77)
- adding util tests from odo #140 (mike-hoang)
- parsing devfile downloads resource files #139 (mike-hoang)
- 906- variable substitution in kubernetes uri content #138 (yangcao77)
- Add Kube YAML parser/reader #137 (maysunfaisal)
- External variables can override Devfile variables #136 (feloy)
- create file #135 (yangcao77)
- parse parent devfile with version reference #134 (yangcao77)
- Remove zip ext check for zipUrl within GetAndExtractZip #133 (michael-valdron)
- update the filesystem #132 (yangcao77)
- Add option to add/remove a specific port/env var of a specific container #131 (valaparthvi)
- add name filter #130 (yangcao77)
- Add Replicas field to DeploymentParams struct #129 (dharmit)
- use endpoint name as container port name and service port name #128 (yangcao77)
- new fields
for image components and kubernetes/openshift components #127 (yangcao77) - Version checks for boolean properties #126 (kim-tsao)
- error out if import devfile version is greater than child #125 (yangcao77)
- pull latest devfile/api which includes resource requirement validation #124 (yangcao77)
- 632-devfile annotation support in generators #123 (yangcao77)
- Set default boolean values #122 (kim-tsao)
- create volume with emptyDir if ephemeral is true #121 (yangcao77)
- pull in latest devfile/api with apply command validation update #120 (yangcao77)
- add more resource requirement in generator #119 (yangcao77)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Devfile library v1.2.0 release which contains outerloop support in devfile 2.2.0-alpha
Merged pull requests:
- update library for image component type #118 (yangcao77)
- support concrete schema version #117 (yangcao77)
- do not add to list if the element exist already #116 (yangcao77)
- update tests and utils to use boolean pointers #115 (kim-tsao)
- get latest 2.2.0 schema #114 (yangcao77)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Devfile library v1.1.0 release which supports devfile v2.0.0 and v2.1.0.
This release also support some devfile api schema changes for 2.2.0-alpha
Merged pull requests:
- use multierror in library #113 (yangcao77)
- adopt latest api commit #112 (yangcao77)
- Update Owners #111 (maysunfaisal)
- parent tests #110 (kim-tsao)
- upgrade k8s api to v0.21.3 #109 (sleshchenko)
- filter out init containers in GetContainers() #108 (yangcao77)
- update unit tests to check error messages #107 (yangcao77)
- Update #106 (kim-tsao)
- Adding required field to networkingv1 ingress generator #105 (mohammedzee1000)
- resolve a few small issues #104 (yangcao77)
- remove issue templates #103 (yangcao77)
- Add events and metadata tests #102 (kim-tsao)
- get networking v1 ingress #101 (yangcao77)
- Library tests components - update multicomponent test #100 (kim-tsao)
- Add kubernetes and openshift tests #98 (kim-tsao)
- update the ci to run test for pr against main branch #95 (yangcao77)
- run action to get go pkg upon new release #94 (yangcao77)
- Add mock func for DevfileData interface #93 (maysunfaisal)
- Use of OS independent file path separator in KubeConfig exists util function #92 (girishramnani)
- support devfile 2.2.0, update the script and the library accordingly #88 (yangcao77)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Devfile Library v1.0.0 release with devfile parser, devfile writer and Kubernetes object generator support.
It supports devfile/api 2.0.0 and devfile/api 2.1.0.
v1.0.0 (2021-06-04)
Merged pull requests:
- enable test coverage + upload results in workflow #91 (kim-tsao)
- library for devfile 2.1.0 cut off #90 (yangcao77)
- add GenerateInitContainers function to generator #89 (yangcao77)
- update readme #87 (yangcao77)
- update add apis - process everything before return an error #86 (yangcao77)
- update source attribute to use the one imported from devfile/api #85 (yangcao77)
- Add release changelog generator #84 (maysunfaisal)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
v1.0.0-alpha.3 (2021-05-04)
Closed issues:
- Use devfile structs from devfile/api #26
Merged pull requests:
- return error in update apis if the particular element does not exist #83 (yangcao77)
- Consume top level variables & attributes #82 (maysunfaisal)
- Migrate devfile specific vol code from odo to devfile/library #81 (maysunfaisal)
- 397 add annotation to imported elements #80 (yangcao77)
- update to latest devfile/api #79 (yangcao77)
- parse parent via kube crd reference #78 (yangcao77)
- remove file name addition to URL #77 (yangcao77)
- restricts registryURL format #76 (yangcao77)
- Container can mount same vol at multiple places #75 (maysunfaisal)
- support .devfile.yaml and parse from a path #73 (yangcao77)
- Update Devfile Library Get Options #71 (maysunfaisal)
- improve error message #70 (yangcao77)
- add projects and starter projects to library tests #69 (mmulholla)
- Test split library side #67 (mmulholla)
- concurrent URImap read and writes #66 (yangcao77)
- Add Delete Comp, Command, Proj, StarterProj #65 (maysunfaisal)
- Automatic update schema #64 (yangcao77)
- parse parent devfile from devfile registry #63 (yangcao77)
- Cleanup & Update metadata func #62 (maysunfaisal)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Checkpoint is openshift/odo's version
v1.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-02-16)
Closed issues:
- add examples showing how to use this library #52
Merged pull requests:
- add projects and starter projects to library tests #69 (mmulholla)
- add starterproject validation back #61 (yangcao77)
- Restructure test directories and improve temp dir error handling #59 (mmulholla)
- validation consolidation #58 (yangcao77)
- relative uri support #57 (yangcao77)
- Provide code snippets in ReadMe #56 (maysunfaisal)
- Support 2.0 and 2.1 schema #55 (yangcao77)
- Upload parent in prep for schema tests #53 (mmulholla)
- 287-format pod container port name #51 (yangcao77)
- Add parser tests part 1 #49 (mmulholla)
- use api override and merging utils to get flatterned devfile #48 (yangcao77)
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