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Development Status

Olivier Lartillot edited this page Aug 5, 2018 · 13 revisions

History of past releases

The MiningSuite is a continuation of the MIRtoolbox project. MIRtoolbox is dedicated to audio analysis of music. The first beta-release of MIRtoolbox was published in August 2007. MIRtoolbox has since been used by 10000s of researchers and students and been cited in more than a thousand of research papers.

The MiningSuite features among other a complete redesign and rewriting of the architecture that was first attempted in MIRtoolbox, enabling the code to be both much faster and clearer to understand.

  • The MiningSuite has been initially conceived in the context of Olivier Lartillot's Academy of Finland research fellowship during the years 2009—2014.

  • The first version 0.6 committed in the public repository on 28.1.2014 was a very limited sneak peek showing some of the capabilities of the framework.

  • Version 0.7 (19.9.2014) is a little more developed, with bug fixes and general improvements, and the addition of sig.filterbank, aud.filterbank, aud.envelope, sig.spectrum, aud.spectrum, mus.spectrum and sig.cepstrum, as well as a large range of changes on the symbolic side.

  • Version 0.8 (27.10.2014) is the first alpha release, in the context of the ISMIR 2014 tutorial. It contains bug fixes and general improvements, and the addition of sig.flux, aud.flux, sig.sum, sig.segment, sig.frame, aud.fluctuation, aud.eventdensity, sig.zerocross, sig.rolloff, sig.centroid, aud.mfcc, aud.roughness, aud.pitch, mus.chromagram, mus.keystrength, aud.score, and mus.score.

  • Version 0.8.1 (3.12.2014) contains improvements of the PatMinr module and of the symbolic part of MusMinr.

  • There has been unfortunately a 2-year hiatus in the development of the MiningSuite, between January 2015 and February 2017. The sole developer at that time, Olivier Lartillot, had to work on other projects. These included some further experimental developments of PatMinr and on the symbolic side of MusMinr, but this research has not yet been integrated in the open source repository of the MiningSuite.

  • Version 0.9 (28.7.2017) is the second alpha release. It contains bug fixes and general improvements, and the addition of sig.length,, aud.tempo, aud.pulseclarity, mus.pulseclarity, sig.spread, sig.skewness, sig.kurtosis, sig.flatness, sig.entropy, mus.key, mus.majorness, mus.keysom, mus.tonalcentroid, mus.hcdf, sig.simatrix, sig.novelty, sig.mean, sig.std and sig.median. The correctness of the outputted results has not been checked yet, and it may remain very buggy for the moment.

  • Version 0.10 (9.2.2018) corresponds to the first beta version of the audio part of MiningSuite (i.e., what could be considered as MIRtoolbox 2.0). Most of the operators available in MIRtoolbox 1.x that are deemed eligible to be implemented in the MiningSuite are integrated.

Near-term goals and needs

  • Version 0.11 (to be ready for the MusicHackLab on 23.8.2018):

    • Second beta version of the audio part of MiningSuite (MIRtoolbox 2.0). All the operators available in MIRtoolbox 1.x that are deemed eligible to be implemented in the MiningSuite should be completely implemented.
  • Version 1.0 (to be ready for the Late-Breaking/Demo session at ISMIR 2018 on 27.9.2018):

    • First public version of the audio part of MiningSuite (MIRtoolbox 2.0). A complete test ensures that the results given by the operators are correct, at least congruent with the results in MIRtoolbox.
    • All the operators available in MIDItoolbox that are deemed eligible to be implemented in the MiningSuite should be completely implemented.
    • All other parts of the MiningSuite (symbolic analysis of music besides MIDItoolbox, PatMinr, etc.) should form a consistent ensemble.
    • The documentation of all the operators available in the MiningSuite should be extensive and complete. Your help would be highly appreciated: the online documentation on GitHub is a wiki. The whole documentation should be available also as a single HTML page, as well as a document included in the distribution. Besides the documentation of each operator should also be added at the top of the Matlab code, so that it could be accessed directly in the Matlab environment. Does anyone know how to automate the generation of these redundant documents?
    • The documentation concerning the possibility by users to create their own operators should be extensive and complete as well. The code of the operators available in the MiningSuite should be clearly readable, so that the operators implementation should be entirely transparent to the interested users and contributors (hence not a black box).
    • The documentation related to the architecture and code of the internal mechanisms of the MiningSuite should be as extensive as possible as well, so that any developer contributing to the project could understand how the MiningSuite is constructed and could work on its further development.

Other desirable features to add:

  • Adding figures in the wiki showing graphical output of all different operators.
  • less-than-4-minute videos demoing particular capabilities.

We will make sure that contributions (systematic tests, documentation, development) are properly identified and acknowledged.

Before starting working on a particular aspect, please join the Developers discussion group and make sure that there is no overlap with other contributors' tasks.

Long-term goals

Integration of a comprehensive set of tools for symbolic music analysis (in MusMinr) and pattern mining (in PatMinr). Further integration of the audio and symbolic parts within a single paradigm. More to write here...

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