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New features added to MIRtoolbox 2 as part of the MiningSuite

Olivier Lartillot edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 4 revisions

Audio/symbolic articulation:

  • MIDI files can be loaded and represented using same syntax.
  • Symbolic and audio representations can both be analysed using same methods (for tempo and tonal analysis for instance).
  • Audio can be transcribed into symbolic representation and further analysed based on new methods.


  • More efficient computation using less RAM.
  • No more display of all the successive steps in the Command Window. Speeds up the computation.
  • A command terminated by a semi-colon (;) is not executed at all. This enables to build a series of operations efficiently. In this way, the 'Design' keyword from MIRtoolbox is not necessary anymore.


  • You can import your own data and represent as an object of class available in the MiningSuite (for instance sig.Signal or sig.Spectrum).
  • Each result also stores the complete description of the list of operations with all the specified options and parameters.


  • Multichannel audio input are not summed together by default, but this summation can be performed in a first step by calling 'Mix' option on any operator.
  • New type of graphical representation of multichannel data.
  • There can be several layers of channel decomposition in a given signal. For instance, a stereo waveform can be further decomposed into bands using sig.filterbank.
  • sig.filterbank(..., 'Frame') performs the frame decomposition after the filterbank decomposition.

Additional layer of syntax in the code:

  • Matrices imported into, used in, and exported from the MiningSuite have their internal structure clarified: the role of each dimension is made explicit using a systematic formalism provided by the class. All numerical data is represented as objects of the class.
  • Architecture of the toolbox much simpler, allowing faster computation and more transparent and clear code.

Other new features: 'Detrend' option

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