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Olivier Lartillot edited this page Jul 22, 2017 · 1 revision

Calculates the 6-dimensional tonal centroid vector from the chromagram. It corresponds to a projection of the chords along circles of fifths, of minor thirds, and of major thirds (Harte and Sandler, 2006).

mus.tonalcentroid accepts either:

  • mus.Chromagram objects,
  • sig.Spectrum objects,
  • sig.signal objects , where the audio waveform can be segmented (using sig.segment), decomposed into channels (using sig.filterbank), and/or decomposed into frames (using sig.frame),
  • file name or the ‘Folder’ keyword.

mus.tonalcentroid can return several outputs:

  • the tonal centroid itself, and
  • the mus.Chromagram data.

Frame decomposition

mus.tonalcentroid(..., ‘Frame’, ...) performs first a frame decomposition, with by default a frame length of 743 ms and a hop factor of 10% (74.3 ms). For the specification of other frame configuration using additional parameters, cf. sig.frame

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