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Olivier Lartillot edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 8 revisions

Kinetic representation of moving interconnected segments.

It is an integration of the MoCap Toolbox.



  • ptraj should be a point(s) trajectory, either the name of a file containing point trajectories, or a phy.Point object. Points should correspond to joints (using the 'Reduce' option if necessary, cf. below) and should be connected together (using the 'Connect' option, cf. below). If specifying a file name, make sure that you include the file extension. Currently accepted file formats: .tsv (as exported from Qualisys QTM).

  • Connected joints are then transformed into segments using the transformations parameters stored in the structure j2spar, following the MoCap Toolbox convention (cf. mapar in MoCap Toolbox Manual 1.5, pp. 48-49).

  • segmindex (optional) associates each joint with a segment type. The numbers refer to the distal joint of the respective segment. Joints that are not distal to any segment have zero values. Segment number values are defined with respect to the 'Dempster' model, as follows: no parameter=0, hand=1, forearm=2, upper arm=3, forearm and hand=4, upper extremity=5, foot=6, leg=7, thigh=8, lower extremity=9, head=10, shoulder=11, thorax=12, abdomen=13, pelvis=14, thorax and abdomen=15, abdomen and pelvis=16, trunk=17, head, arms and trunk (to glenohumeral joint)=18, head, arms and trunk (to mid-rib)=19.

Options 'Fill' and 'Extract' (or 'Excerpt') from phy.Point can be controlled here as well.

Display options

The visualisations can be tweaked using phy.pref.

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