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Olivier Lartillot edited this page Nov 13, 2018 · 5 revisions

Statistical description of distribution). Centroid is the first statistical moment, also called the mean. It is the geometric center (centroid) of the distribution and is a measure of central tendency for the random variable.

Centroid type

(from version 0.11 on)

  • sig.centroid(…,'Direct') computes centroid of the input data, already considered as a distribution.

  • sig.centroid(…,'Distribution') computes centroid of the distribution resulting from the input data.

  • sig.centroid(…,'Spectrum') computes spectral centroid, i.e., centroid of the spectrum of the input data.

Data dimensions

(from version 0.11 on)

sig.centroid(…,'Across',dim) precises the dimension dim along which the centroid is computed. Possible values: 'element' and 'sample'. By default, dim is set to 'element' if this dimension exists in the data.

Frame decomposition

‘Frame’ performs first a frame decomposition, with by default a frame length of 50 ms and half overlapping. For the specification of other frame configuration using additional parameters, cf. this page.

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