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Olivier Lartillot edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 2 revisions

Certain classes of temporal data can be sonified:

For sig.signal objects: the waveform is directly played, and

  • if the audio waveform is segmented (using sig.segment), segments are played successively with a short burst of noise in-between;
  • if the audio waveform is decomposed into channels (using sig.filterbank), channels are played successively from low to high register;
  • if the audio is decomposed into frames (using sig.frame), frames are played successively;

File name(s) or the 'Folder' keyword: same behavior than for sig.Signal objects;

sig.Envelope objects (frame-decomposed or not) are sonified using a white noise modulated in amplitude by the envelope. If peaks have been picked on the envelope curve (using sig.peaks), they are sonified using a short impulse sound;

sig.pitch results: each extracted frequency is sonified using a sinusoid.

Frame decomposition…,'Frame',…) performs first a frame decomposition, with by default a frame length of 50 ms and half overlapping. For the specification of other frame configuration using additional parameters, cf. the previous SigFrame vs. ‘Frame' section.

Options (not available yet)

  •…,'Channel',i) plays the channel(s) of rank(s) indicated by the array i.

  •…,'Segment',k) plays the segment(s) of rank(s) indicated by the array k.

  •…,'Sequence',l) plays a sequence of audio files using the order indicated by the array l.

  •…,'Increasing',d) plays the sequences in increasing order of d, which can be either an array of number or a sig.scalar data (i.e., a scalar data returned by sig.toolbox).

  •…,'Decreasing',d) plays the sequences in decreasing order of d, which can be either an array of number or a sig.scalar data (i.e., a scalar data returned by sig.toolbox).

  •…,'Every',s) plays every s sequence, where s is a number indicating the step between sequences.

  •…,'Burst','No') toggles off the burst sound between segments.



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