Releases: CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE
Releases · CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE
- Fixed: Vehicles stopping at Yield signs (#761, #756)
- Fixed: Missing despawn buttons on cim and vehicle info panels (#765, #763, #759)
- Fixed: Info panel not closing after despawning a cim or tourist (#765)
- Fixed: Faulty UI on tourist despawn button (#765)
- Updated: Docs - Reference paths for EA Origin deployed game (thanks DannyDannyDan) ( #751)
- Added: The
Simulation Accuracy
option has been revived! (#742, #707) - Added:
key applies a setting to entire route + lane highlight (#138, #721, #709, #708, #667, #388, #33) - Added: Lane highlighting - Vehicle Restrictions tool (#721, #681, #667, #42, #33)
- Added: Lane highlighting - Parking Restrictions tool (#708, #702, #667, #47, #33)
- Added: Lane highlighting - Speed Limits tool (#709, #682, #667, #388, #84, #52, #33)
- Added: Button to reset speed limit to default added to speeds palette (#709)
- Added: UI scaling slider in mod options "General" tab (#656)
- Removed: Drag along road to set speed limits, due to performance issues (#388)
- Fixed: Only selected vehicle restriction, not all, should be applied to route (#721)
- Fixed: Lane connector can't make U-turns on roads with monorails (#293)
- Fixed: Lane connectors could connect tracks disconnected by
(#684, #649) - Fixed: Wrong texture paths for timed traffic lights (thanks t1a2l for reporting!) (#732, #704, #714)
- Fixed: Bug in guide manager that activated guide when trying to deactivate (#729)
- Fixed: Double setting of lane speeds on game load, and debug log spamming (#736, #735)
- Fixed: Scrollbar position corrected in mod options (#722, #742)
- Fixed: Vehicle Restrictions error:
HashSet have been modified
(#746, #744, #721) - Improved: Cleaned up UI panels in Vehicle Restrictions and Speed Limits tools (#721, #709, #657)
- Improved: Toolbar UI code overhauled, updated and polished (#656, #523)
- Improved: Compatibility with CSUR Reloaded (#684, #649, #687, CSURToolBox#1, CSURToolBox#2)
- Improved: Organised lane markers/highlighters in to distinct classes (#701, #630)
- Improved: Better reference
hint paths for Mac and Windows developers (#664, #663) - Improved: Faster and more reliable hot-reloads of dev builds (#725, #717, #718)
- Improved: Reduced memalloc and gc in SpeedLimitsManager.OnBeforeData() logging (#753)
- Updated: Translations - Chinese Simplified (thanks 田七不甜 / TianQiBuTian) (#723)
- Updated: Translations - Chinese Traditional (thanks jrthsr700tmax) (#723)
- Updated: Translations - Dutch (thanks Headspike) (#723, #742)
- Updated: Translations - English (thanks kian.zarrin, Dmytro Lytovchenko / kvakvs) (#723, #742)
- Updated: Translations - Hungarian (thanks Krisztián Melich / StummeH) (#742)
- Updated: Translations - Italian (thanks cianecollazzo / azzo94) (#723)
- Updated: Translations - Korean (thanks neinnew) (#723, #742)
- Updated: Translations - Polish (thanks krzychu124) (#723)
- Updated: Translations - Portuguese (thanks BlackScout / BS_BlackScout) (#723)
- Updated: Translations - Russian (thanks Dmytro Lytovchenko / kvakvs) (#723)
- Updated: Translations - Spanish (thanks Nithox, obv) (#723, #742)
- Updated: Translations - Turkish (thanks Tayfun [Typhoon] / Koopr) (#723)
- Updated: Translations - Ukrainian (thanks Dmytro Lytovchenko / kvakvs) (#723)
- Meta: Thanks to CSUR Reloaded team for collaboration with #684! (#649, #503)
- Meta: Basic mod integration guide started (#696)
- Meta: Build guide updated to include note on Windows 10 ASLR, and reference hint paths (#693)
- Meta: Created GitHub org (
) and moved repo to it (TMPE
) (#673)
- Added: Quick setup of priority roads (
Ctrl+Click junction
,Shift+Ctrl+Click road
) (#621, #541, #542, #568, #577, #7) - Added:
key resets junction restrictions for selected junction (#639, #623, #568, #6) - Added: "Reset" button and
key to reset lane arrows for a segment (#638, #632, #623, #568, #41) - Improved: Much better lane connectors interaction model (#543, #635, #625, #626, #41)
- Improved: Use guide manager for less obtrusive in-game warnings/hints (#653, #660, #593)
- Improved: Vastly improved in-game hotloading support (#640, #211)
- Improved: Centralised versioning in to
(#680, #678, #649) - Updated: Translations - Dutch (thanks Headspike!) (#660, #631)
- Updated: Translations - Turkish - Tayfun [Typhoon] (thanks Koopr) (#660, #631)
- Updated: Translations - Chinese Simplified - Golden (thanks goldenjin!) (#660, #631)
- Updated: Translations - Portuguese - BlackScout (thanks BS_BlackScout!) (#660, #631)
- Updated: Translations - Spanish (thanks Aimarekin!) (#660, #631)
- Updated: Translations - English (thanks kian.zarrin!) (#660, #631)
- Fixed: Vehicles should not stop at Yield signs (#662, #655, #650)
- Meta: New WIP website: (#642, #643)
Transition to Harmony library. Major code refactoring and cleanup. API improvements. Localisation improvements. One-click wonders.
- Meta: Old STABLE workshop page (LinuxFan - v10.20) is now obsolete and no longer maintained
- Meta: Renamed LABS and ALPHA workshop pages to V11 STABLE and V11 LABS respectively
- Added: Features to disable auto-traffic lights, and delete all traffic lights (thanks Craxy & Sqoops) (#320, #390, #535)
- Added: Lane arrow tool - shortcuts to create separate turning lanes (thanks kianzarrin!) (#538, #537)
- Added: Timed Traffic Light tool - shortcut to add default timed traffic light sequence (thanks Kian Zarrin!) (#554, #540, #5, #324, #572)
- Added: Junctions now show traffic light status when using toggle traffic light tool (#527)
- Added: Hungarian language (thanks JozsefHUNGepiM) (#491, #492)
- Added: Turkish language (by Tayfun Bilgi for his dad!) (#572)
- Added: Ukrainian language (thanks kvakvs) (#572)
- Improved: Mod checker lists mods in
(#443) - Improved: Show version in mod checker title bar (#458)
- Improved: Better segment hovering when mouse near segment (thanks kianzarrin!) (#624, #576)
- Improved: Better segment hovering when mouse on node (thanks kianzarrin!) (#615, #538, #594, #616, #576)
- Improved: Half-overlay indicates which side of segment will get turning lane (#564, #548)
- Improved: Better node selection circles + code cleanup (#564, #555)
- Improved: Mod options tabs can now scroll to fit more content (#553, #552)
- Improved: Disambiguate naming convention for left hand traffic (#580, #577, #581)
- Improved: More robust CSV parsing for translations (#589, #574)
- Fixed: Lane arrow tool sometimes selects wrong node (thanks kianzarrin!) (#616)
- Fixed: Show error dialog can get caught in loop (thanks kianzarrin!) (#594)
- Fixed: Junction Manager not resetting on level unload (thanks kianzarrin!) (#637, #636)
- Fixed: Stay in lane always assumed segment0 exists (thans kianzarrin!) (#619, #618)
- Fixed: Array index error when Lane Arrow tool selected (#606, #607)
- Fixed: Removing junction from traffic light group not working (thanks leaderofthemonkeys for finding this!) (#605)
- Fixed: Detection of compatible Timed Traffic Lights node for copying Traffic Light setup (#605)
- Fixed: Cursor flickering when tool is selected (#607)
- Fixed: Ensure valid language used if selected language no longer exists (#579)
- Fixed: Null reference error in
(#570) - Fixed: Bug in
+ code clean-up (thanks kianzarrin) (#549, #550) - Fixed:
error in manual traffic lights tool (thanks leonpeonleon) (#545) - Fixed: Path find stats fixed & faster, benchmark profile fixed (#536)
- Fixed: Typos and missing key in translations (thanks TianQiBuTian) (#529, #528)
- Fixed: Translations not working when using game translation mods (thanks TianQiBuTian) (#533, #534)
- Fixed: Minor typos in new translation/localisation system (thanks TianQiBuTian!) (#528)
- Fixed: Remove decorative networks from speed limits manager (#513, #510, #378)
- Fixed: Train restriction vehicle icons regression (#483)
- Fixed: Remove trace logging from release builds (thanks TLHeart60) (#454, #499)
- Fixed: Ignore decorative and malconfigured networks in Speed Limits Manager (#513)
- Fixed: Vehicles pausing unexpectedly at junctions (#448, #473)
- Fixed: Adding parking restriction doesn't move already parked cars (#445, #459)
- Fixed: Mod checker crashes if blank line in
resource (#441) - Fixed: Trace log appearing in
builds (#454, #455) - Fixed: Unable to set "no limit" speed, and speeds over 140 km/h weren't showing as "no limit" (#449, #446)
- Updated: "Cargo Info" mod marked as incompatible (#478)
- Updated: Added 2 x Traffic Manager Plus and 1 x Traffic Manager as incompatible (#627)
- Updated: Added 'Trees Respiration' mod as incompatible (depends on load order) (#614, #611)
- Updated: Replaced imports with fully qualified alphabetically sorted imports (#620)
- Updated: Added two obsolete versions of TM:PE to incompatible mod checker (#610)
- Updated: Language - Italian (Simone Delvecchio / DelvecchioSimone) (#603)
- Updated: Language - Korean (neinnew) (#603)
- Updated: Language - Japanese (mashitaro) (#603)
- Updated: Language - Turkish (Tayfun Bilgi / Tayfun [Typhoon]), Rıdvan SAYLAR / ridvan.saylar) (#603)
- Updated: Language - Portuguese (BlackScout / BS_BlackScout) (#603)
- Updated: Language - Chinese Traditional (@jrthsr700tmax) (#603)
- Updated: Language - Ukrainian (Dmytro Lytovchenko / kvakvs) (#603)
- Updated: Language - Russian (Dmytro Lytovchenko / kvakvs) (#603)
- Updated: Language - French (Guillaume Turchini / orion78fr) (#603)
- Updated: Turkish translations (thanks Tayfun Bilgi / Tayfun [Typhoon]) (#591, #599)
- Updated: French translations (thanks Guillaume Turchini / orion78fr) (#591)
- Updated: Japanese translations (thanks しょしょ02 / yamadatarounohosi) (#591)
- Updated: Chinese Simplified translations (thanks 田七不甜 / TianQiBuTian) (#591, #599)
- Updated: Chinese Traditional translations (thanks jrthsr700tmax) (#599, #595)
- Updated: Ukrainian translations (thanks Dmytro Lytovchenko / kvakvs) (#591, #599)
- Updated: Russian translations (thanks Dmytro Lytovchenko / kvakvs) (#591, #599)
- Updated: Polish translations (thanks krzychu124) (#591)
- Updated: Portuguese translations (thanks BS_BlackScout) (#599)
- Updated: English translations (thanks kian.zarrin & aubergine18) (#591)
- Updated: Translations - Chinese Simplified - 田七不甜 (thanks TianQiBuTian) (#536, #530)
- Updated: Translations - Chinese Traditional - 許景翔 (thanks gk50125012) (#536)
- Updated: Translations - Portuguese - Alan Willian Duarte (thanks nipodemos13) (#536)
- Updated: Translations - Japanese - thanks mashitaro (#536)
- Updated: Add outline to lane connector lines and improve arcs (#526, #523)
- Updated: Improve speed limits overlay performance while camera still (#521, #520)
- Updated: New translation/localisation system (#509, #493)
- Updated: Compatible with Tree Respiration mod (#484)
- Updated: Compatible with Vehicle Wealthizer mod (#490, #488)
- Updated: More code clean-up (#350)
- Updated: Lots more code clean-up (#467, #475, #438, #435, #476)
- Updated: Mod checker will always scan for duplicate TM:PE, even if disabled (#434, #443, #433)
- Updated: French translations (thanks mjm92150) (#453)
- Updated: Lots of code clean-up (#461, #349, #377, #451, #430, #436)
- Updated: Migration to Harmony framework (thanks LinuxFan!) (#428, #427, #260, #119)
- Updated: Chinese translation updates (thanks Emphasia) (#417)
- Updates: Organised image resources in to folders (#641)
- Meta: Updated
to latest version for compatibility with latest Nuget (#591) - Meta: Added readme file with link to localisation guide in the translations folder (#596)
- Meta: Deprecated issues closed (#336, #169)
- Meta: Update GitHub issue creation templates (#486)
- Meta: Updated documentation on wiki and GitHub (#310, #79, #465, #474, #466)
- Meta: "Cargo Info" mod found to break outside connections and cause array index errors.
- Meta: Build process will now error if
is used without areadonly struct
(thanks dymanoid!) (#463) - Meta: See
guide in GitHub wiki if you get build errors due to #463 - Meta:
build (#456)
- Added: Cims have individual driving styles to determine lane changes and driving speed (#263 #334)
- Added: Miles Per Hour option for speed limits (thanks kvakvs) (#384)
- Added: Selectable style (US, UK, EU) of speed sign in speed limits UI (thanks kvakvs) (#384)
- Added: Differentiate LABS, STABLE and DEBUG branches in UI (#326, #333)
- Added: Keybinds tab in mod options - choose your own shortcuts! (thanks kvakvs) (#382)
- Added: Show keyboard shortcuts in button tooltips where applicable (thanks kvakvs) (#382)
- Added: Basic support of offline mode for users playing on EA's Origin service (#333, #400)
- Improved: Avoid setting loss due to duplicate TM:PE subscriptions (#333, #306, #149, #190, #211, #400)
- Fixed: Vehicle limit count; compatibility with More Vehicles mod (thanks Dymanoid) (#362)
- Fixed: Mail trucks ignoring lane arrows (thanks Subaru & eudyptula for feedback) (#307, #338)
- Fixed: Vehicles stop in road trying to find parking (thanks eudyptula for investigating) (#259, #359)
- Fixed: Random parking broken (thanks s2500111 for beta testing) (#259, #359)
- Fixed: Pedestrian crossing restriction affects road-side parking (#259, #359)
- Fixed: 'Vanilla Trees Remover' is now compatible (thanks TPB for fixing) (#331, #332)
- Fixed: Single-lane bunching on DLS higher than 50% (#263 #334)
- Fixed: Lane changes at toll booths (also notified CO of bug in vanilla) (#225, #355)
- Fixed: Minor issues regarding saving/loading junction restrictions (#358)
- Fixed: Changes of default junction restrictions not reflected in UI overlay (#358)
- Fixed: Resetting stuck cims unpauses the simulation (#358, #351)
- Fixed: Treat duplicate TM:PE subscriptions as mod conflicts (#333, #306, #149, #190, #400)
- Fixed: TargetInvocationException in mod compatibility checker (#386, #333)
- Fixed: Issue with Paradox login blurring compatibility checker dialog (#404)
- Updated: Game version 1.12.1-f1 compatible (#403)
- Updated: Chinese translation (thanks Emphasia) (#375, #336)
- Updated: German translation (thanks kvakvs) (#384)
- Updated: Polish translation (thanks krzychu124) (#384, #333)
- Updated: Russian translation (thanks vitalii201 & kvakvs) (#327, #328)
- Updated: Renamed 'Realistic driving speeds' to 'Individual driving styles' (#334)
- Removed: Obsolete
module (#367, #374) - Meta: Separate binaries for Stable and Labs on GitHub release pages (#360)
- Meta: Initial documentation for release process in wiki (see
page) (#360) - Meta: Added GitHub issue templates for bugs, features, translations. (#272)
- Meta: Added
file for IDE code indenting standardisation (#392, #384) - Meta: Added entire
folders to.gitignore
(#395, #382) - Meta: Updated install guide to include section for EA Origin users (#333)
- Meta: Enable latest C#
in all projects (#398)
- Bugfix: Mod options overlapping issue (#250, #266).
- Added: Japanese language (thanks mashitaro) (#258).
- Update: Chinese language (thanks Emphasia) (#285, #286).
- Update: "Vanilla Trees Remover" as incompatible mod (it breaks mod options screen) (#271, #290).
- Update: Moved "Delete" step button on timed traffic lights (#283, #285).
- Update: Mod incompatibility checker can now be disabled, or skip disabled mods (#264, #284, #286).